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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Drem » Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:58 pm

lol.... you play video games all your life. you turn out socially retarded, get yourself beat up by a gaggle of black dudes and frame the definition of "perfect" to give to the first girl that gave you the time of day. not to mention you fail to commit to anything you ever talk about doing except being an arrogant faggot and running your mouth constantly behind the protection of your monitor

i cater the president of the university of oregon, phil knight, the luxury suites for the ducks games (haha @ new mexico), people like bonnie raitt and sarah palin and conan o'brien and jerry seinfeld and lay down a bangin chick every night of the week

i have to admit people are better than i am on a daily basis or i'd lose my job. i have to keep it real like that. there's always room for improvement, someone's always better than you, etc. i definitely don't need some nerd telling me how he thinks i'm acting when my work loves me, my clients love me, and, yunno, life loves me and treats me well thru karma for how i treat the people around me (not you or tikker, you guys are stupid fuckers as far as i'm concerned). and i'm definitely not afraid to call bullshit on people that are bullshit artists that try to stroke their egos with abstract one-liners

i fail to see how i have any shortcomings compared to some bitch like you

oh dear, are you going to reply with something about how i'm raging???? rage!!!!!!! fuckin retard
Last edited by Drem on Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:32 pm

Lol whatever helps you sleep at night, remember who RAGED?

Yeah, it was you. You have serious issues.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Drem » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:46 pm

dude you can't even come up with insults on your own, you just lift tikker's. you are nothing but a bitch. always have been, always will be

i have 0 issues. i go to sleep at night beautifully. every night. you're the delusional one thinking i'm "mad" or something about some insignificant shithead like you
Last edited by Drem on Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Jay » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:48 pm

It's unreal how much of an insecure twat you are dude lol. Harrison always says he's better at games than everybody. Nothing's changed. I fail to understand how that could have bruised your fragile psyche and forced you to validate your own worth by boasting about how you walked food over to some big shots who likely have no idea who you are.

If the high points of your life involve serving food to people who are better at life than you are then lemme do you a solid bro. I'm available for dinner anytime =)
leah wrote:i am forever grateful to my gym teacher for drilling that skill into me during drivers' ed

leah wrote:isn't the only difference the length? i feel like it would take too long to smoke something that long, ha.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Drem » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:59 pm

weren't you the one talking about how NT will never work unless people talk about every-day shit? well there you go. that's my every-day life. being involved with the hugest events in the city and living a great life and watching this company turn from a restaurant losing money to a multi-million dollar company catering everything in the area and owning four restaurants in two cities.

you would think it's just walking food to people that don't care, but that's because you're judgemental and ignorant. we were with conan the entire day. we're with the suites from before to after the games. we run every event in the lane county events center since we took over the contract from the county. we run the cafe in the courthouse. we run the cafe in the hospital

this company is amazing and constantly growing. sorry you can't just be happy for me and you ahve to be a jealous little bitch but i could seriously care less

you guys are the ones with fragile egos. always have to point your fat fuckin fingers at people that you think you're better than or write off entire ideas and miss the entire point of posts because you focus on one little thing that you think is important

these posts take me about ~2 minutes to blurt out. i basically post it and forget til i read your lame ass replies a week later because you guys take everything as serious as cancer like a bunch of douchebags
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:03 pm

No-life assumptions and e-rage, check

Calling people fat who are probably in better shape than you ever have been, check.

Bragging about shit no one cares about(because of the way you just used it) in an effort to BE an insult, check.

All over this comment: "I didn't realize people still thought "unlike u i haev a lif3" was a valid retort to anything to do with videogames lol"

You have serious issues.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Drem » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:07 pm

keep stroking your dick dude. i'll keep living a dope life

and if you look like your profile picture, then no, wrong. still gonna try to cycle across the country? lol
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:21 pm

I ride 10 miles a day every-single-day that I am working, absolute minimum. I don't drive to work that often really, only if it's raining heavily.

The other day for fun I rode 15 miles to North Attleboro and back. (GPS on my phone tracked it.)

I train quasi-daily for a race I am running in October for fun, too. http://www.ruggedmaniac.com

I am going to try to place in the top 3 for men, but not too worried about it since it's a fun event and not a "real" race. I have entered several other races for early spring that I am taking more seriously.

I would bet my balls, my life, and everything I own on the fact that I could out-do you in everything there is to do with endurance, strength, and physical fitness in general.

That picture of me in my avatar was taken, shit...new year's eve 2004? Fuck if I know.

Anything else little-man? Keep living your "dope life" and raging whenever someone even remotely ventures close to that fragile pussy-ego of yours.
Last edited by Harrison on Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:22 pm

P.S. my dick is bigger than yours. :rofl:
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Jay » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:28 pm

Drem wrote:weren't you the one talking about how NT will never work unless people talk about every-day shit? well there you go. that's my every-day life. being involved with the hugest events in the city and living a great life and watching this company turn from a restaurant losing money to a multi-million dollar company catering everything in the area and owning four restaurants in two cities.

you would think it's just walking food to people that don't care, but that's because you're judgemental and ignorant. we were with conan the entire day. we're with the suites from before to after the games. we run every event in the lane county events center since we took over the contract from the county. we run the cafe in the courthouse. we run the cafe in the hospital

this company is amazing and constantly growing. sorry you can't just be happy for me and you ahve to be a jealous little bitch but i could seriously care less

you guys are the ones with fragile egos. always have to point your fat fuckin fingers at people that you think you're better than or write off entire ideas and miss the entire point of posts because you focus on one little thing that you think is important

these posts take me about ~2 minutes to blurt out. i basically post it and forget til i read your lame ass replies a week later because you guys take everything as serious as cancer like a bunch of douchebags

I don't have an issue with anyone talking about their day to day stuff nor do I have a problem with your life's choices and what you do for a living. I'm not poking fun at your job per say, but more so at the context at how you introduced us to your line of work. You say EQ Next will suck for reasons A, B, C and D. Harrison says the only reason you say that is because you suck at the game and that he's better than you, like he ALWAYS DOES whether or not it's true. You raise your chin and gloat about how you are the food bitch of university presidents and celebrities. You know, because that's totally related to the topic of conversation.

Now, had you just said, "Hey, I served Conan O' Brien some food at my job" and were to just share that just cuz, then I probably would have said something like "Grats, that's pretty cool". Of course, you're saying it more along the lines of, "Hey, I served Conan O' Brien some food at my job while you sit around and play games with your life you arrogant faggot." All that does is tell me that you're using this giant monument of mediocrity to further your desperate need for self validation because you are an insecure, attention starved, PRETENTIOUS twat.

Now, am I egotistical? Guilty. Am I arrogant and self absorbed? Guilty and guilty. Do I feel the need to list every single life accomplishment of my own to argue why I level slower and make less platinum pieces in EQ than Harrison? Nope. Do you? Obviously.
leah wrote:i am forever grateful to my gym teacher for drilling that skill into me during drivers' ed

leah wrote:isn't the only difference the length? i feel like it would take too long to smoke something that long, ha.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Drem » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:29 pm

it's hard to believe you when you're such a known liar/flake and oh my god look how fucking arrogant you are, but i'll respond assuming you're actually telling the truth:

little-man? pffft. endurance definitely because i smoke. strength i'm not so sure tho. i'm 6'5'' @ 230. i lift every day. i train gymnastics and upper body for breakdancing like handstand pushups and hollowbacks etc and i train parkour for plyometric and stride things. i'd probably knock your fuckin ass out in one punch

obviously training cardio is sorta unproductive for me til i quit smoking

and PS hell yea it's over that comment. i can't believe you still don't see how retarded it/you is
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:39 pm

Lol did you just bring "I can knock you out." into it? Really?

Straight fucking e-thuggin' it yo. :9mm:

Really, get some help. You flew off the handle from one almost entirely innocuous statement, started bragging about shit like you're in high school still (even bringing in the "I have sex with <x> BRO" type shit lol), and are still raging hard while trying to play it off like you're completely apathetic.

I wrote one sentence. You wrote a hate-filled diatribe, paragraphs long, full of vitriol over nothing.

Edit: Jay's comment about how you presented your life is totally accurate. Had you posted it separately and not in an attempt to insult someone, everyone here would have congratulated you including me. Yet, you are trying to lord it over people like you're a fucking walking God on Earth. It's sad, really.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Drem » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:53 pm

what do i need to get help for? my life is great. why are you just belligerent and stupid/stubborn as fuckin hell?

PS: i've already posted about conan. neither one of you had anything to say, actually, not that i'm surprised that you'd fabricate more crap to further your current argument. you're a sheisty dude like that

you think i need validation like i think you're a bitch. and that'll probably never change. just know that i get plenty of validation and my life and position are all evidence of that. and i'm gonna lord it over you starting today until NT dies because i think you're a half-assed piece of shit that can't commit to or succeed at anything that isn't installed on your computer. "desperately seeking validation" on the internet from strangers (where are they? no one ever agrees with you except tikker and jay :(

i'm going back to my awesome life now that's so much better than yours because you're just simply a loser. i'll talk to you next weekend buddy! maybe by then you'll realise i do this to you and tikker because you're both hilarious and always recede into a "you're raging!!!!!!!!!!!!! e-rage!!!!!!!!" defense because everything you say lacks substance
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:02 pm

Tikker doesn't even like me, and on a good day, Jay tolerates my existence...

I don't know what world you're living in, but it must be pretty dark down there in Shitty McDelusionsville.

The reason we didn't see that thread is it likely got lost in the long periods of posts none of us saw from being busy. I came here to post that I saw Fefn on P99 the other night, and saw your faggoty whine. I didn't even look anywhere else because the posts are all so old.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:11 pm

Had to do this before I went out tonight...

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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Drem » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:18 pm

you don't have to defend yourself with horrible art skills i just wanted to point out that you're full of shit as usual. right off the bat from your bogus original comment straight outta this Shitty McDelusionsville place you're talking about

i made the post back in April, i don't expect you to care harrison. pretty much like i obviously don't because i kept it on the DL to use it as ammo for a zesty diss. i mean, to lord it over you like God of the Earth or whatever the fuck you called me this time because you guys love making huge broad sweeping statements based off of one incident that's actually specifically directed at you the way it is just to piss you off. which i've obviously succeeded with. later yo
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:25 pm

Downgraded to: "I was just trollin' yo."

Lol you're a joke, man.

You're obviously lacking a lot more in life than you're willing to admit even to yourself if you're going to get your BP raised over that small of a comment.

Shouldn't you be busy having coke snorted off your 12" cock by supermodels, on your yacht, serving dinner and wine to President Obama, while burning hundred dollar bills for fun? Or whatever it is you think validates you, I forgot.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Tikker » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:50 pm

Drem is the new ixnay
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby 10sun » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:57 am

On the EQ Next topic:
SK Gamma & Cleric Delta join group and everybody else leaves.
Your quest: try to leave the group without them realizing.

Other topics:

Harrison, what bike are you riding? 10 miles a day is fairly easy; I've been doing that for fun for the past year and change even through the winter so long as there isn't slush/ice on the ground. My daily max is just over 40 miles before my saddle starts hurting too much.
I am riding a 1981 Puch chromoly frame (roughly 25 lbs) for distance and my commuter is a 1976 Schwinn Speedster (pushes 50 pounds loaded... the thing is a solid steel tank).

Drem: haven't been on IM lately, we should play some games even if it is backgammon online.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby brinstar » Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:30 am

it's a good thing atensen changed the subject, i was about to threadbomb this whole :gayfight: with about six dozen images of cats
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:32 am

Ironhorse Maverick, cheap(ish) bike but solid and great reviews. Free repairs, tuneups, and anything else imaginable for 2 years.

I would ride more if I wasn't running to get ready for that race. :dunno:
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby 10sun » Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:37 am

Have you ever done a full blown triathlon? My friend keeps trying to drag me to these sprint triathlons to compete with her (I don't think I could go the entire marathon portion without a cig and that would probably get me in trouble right?). I know Mop used to compete in them or something as a testament to his manliness before he got his balls lopped off.

Have you tried riding a 29er cyclocross bike? I've heard nothing but good things about them. I almost picked up a Motobecane Outcast 29er (hardtail, no front suspension, front V-brake routed BMX style through the stem quill) for $200 last week just to try it out, but as it turned out it was a 15" frame which meant I had to have like 20" of seatpost to make it rideable.

Also, do you feel comfortable riding the stock wheelset on your Ironhorse? I know you are about the same size as myself (6'2" 200#) and I pringled a 36 spoke bike wheel last year. Now I'm opting for heavier gauge 40 spoke rears & 36 spoke fronts with double butted rims. I'm tempted to get either a disc wheel or aero spoke before long if I can't find a low cost 700c mag type wheel.

Additionally, Harrison. When did you become a Masshole again? I thought you were still up in upstate NY with Juggie and her Juggalo or something?
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby Harrison » Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:55 pm

Nah, I'm on the border of Rhode Island(close) in Rehoboth. I love it here. The people are fucking amazing, the area has local events all the time, farming community type stuff, etc. etc.

My neighbors converse with me which is unfuckingheard of in New Bedford. Wave hello, good morning, etc.

I have stock wheels and tires on my bike. It's a 17" frame, and like you said I extend the seat up but I like the smaller frames over larger 20-21" frames. (medium sized, really...)

I'm thinking of maybe getting new tires to swap out when I'm not hitting trails but, it's not a huge priority for me yet. I want to dump a couple hundred more and splurge for an awesome road bike but, I don't want to "waste" that kind of money right now at the same time. I see these guys blow right by me effortlessly and it's somewhat discouraging to know it's because they have $800-2k bikes designed for roads :\

As for the triathlon, I've actually contemplated it but I want to work my way up to them because that is absolute insanity. I'll run a few 5-10ks and see what my body can take by spring.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby 10sun » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:24 pm

You don't need to spend a whole lot on a road bike and be able to blow past people like that.
I want to say that I spent $40 on my Puch and I can hit 30mph while sprinting... of course that is also probably the reason why my bottom bracket is trashed yet again.
For a good bike, you just need to look and be willing to hoof it a bit to get it.
Flip & chop the handlebars to bullhorns, ditch the rear brake & you are set. If you are feeling really on top of your game, go single speed. If you feel like you want to wear girl jeans and sport an emo haircut, go fixed gear.

http://providence.craigslist.org/bik/1936551553.html $100 and that frame should be pretty decent.
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Re: Everquest Next

Postby brinstar » Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:46 am

dude if you buy a fixie i will drive there and dump old style upon your head
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