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Shining Force - on the ipad

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:56 pm
by Kitao
Paid a dollar for it.

Relived some old times - I played SF2 first back in the day and then played SF. In my head, SF2 was superior.

Things I didn't remember:
- lots of characters in SF, lots and lots of Knights
- lots and lots of RNG randomness (+6 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 Speed, +6 HP... then a level with a +1 Defense)
- straight play through, couldn't revisit things missed as it progresses you through acts
- terrain in battles was terrible and monsters were often halfway, 3/4 thru the battlefield for the first encounter
- exp counter resets at 0 for each level-up

I liked the variance allowable with character you can play - I ended up using all the Birds and Dragons and Mechanical beings I could to offset the terrain miseries; also used all the Mages.

I only ever played this one and SF2 that were like this (turn based strategy) - did they make more? (should I just google it?)

It seemed more epic when I was a kid. Then again, I think most things do.

I liked it. Well worth a dollar and a few weekends while watching football. Go Bills.

Re: Shining Force - on the ipad

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:28 pm
by Zanchief
I played it through a few years ago again. Loads of fun. The squid was my power player. That's all I remember really.

Re: Shining Force - on the ipad

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:20 pm
by Durothil Skyreaver
I always used the crappy knight that eventually learned magic and became a complete badass. I think it was Arthur.