darkest dungeon

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darkest dungeon

Postby brinstar » Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:03 am

speaking of hard games, dang

okay you go to the little burg near your spooky ancestral home and you can hire adventurers of various classes (cool ones too: grave robber, arbalist, hellion, etc) and take up to four at a time on fairly conventional dungeon crawls

but you are kinda set up to fail/lose from time to time, through two major mechanics:

1. for the most part, you can only heal during battle. period.

2. stress management. the longer your toons spend in the shit (and the wack-er things they see) they will accumulate stress. sometimes this can lead them to develop negative character quirks, such as masochism, paranoia, loot greed, etc that can aggravate other party members' stress. there are a few ways to reduce stress, but for the most part you have to either a) finish what you're doing before the crazy overtakes your party, or b) abandon the mission and retreat back to town. once you get back to town there are ways to reduce members' stress, but it'll take them out of the game for a mission or two so you'll have to swap in other members.

it's 2D, which means there's really only one axis to worry about in fights. each class has a "preferred" place in the order, so basic RPG logic will help you out here - crusaders, hellions, and men-at-arms in front to soak up melee damage, squishies in the back. some moves only work on certain enemy positions, and some moves only work FROM certain team positions (your crusader can't do shit in the back since all he has is melee). graphics are very well done and gritty in their stylization. available on steam for windows or mac, and on PS4 i guess

here's a screencap i found online:


4. vestal, one of only two classes with decent heals
3. grave robber, agile mix of melee and range
2. highwayman, lots of bleed effects on melee and a gun for rear-guard artillery
1. i think this is a leper? i haven't managed to find one yet, but definitely some kind of tank

1. melee
2. high-hp melee
3. caster (these are nasty, they have a weak attack that causes a shitload of stress)
4. crossbow dickwad, they usually go after the squishies in back.

top of screen is the torch meter - as you consume torches to keep everything bright, you are safer and suffer less stress (and can sometimes surprise enemies allowing first strike). as the light dwindles, you suffer more stress and there's more danger (but loot is better - some players do "dark runs" to get the best loot).

bottom left shows the selected character's available actions and gear. bottom right can toggle between inventory and map.

i'm only a half dozen missions into the game. i won one, had to retreat from the second, won the next three, and then all my guys died of heart attacks from too much stress lol

idk what the PS4 price is but with a moderate steam sale i got it for under 12 bucks. recommended, brinstar seal of approval.
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby Zanchief » Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:05 pm

It looks really cool. I'll keep an eye out for it.
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby Jay » Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:49 pm

I was at the panel for this at PAX. Great looking game but I haven't had time to check it out more.
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby 10sun » Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:33 pm

It is on my wishlist; I wasn't home all weekend so I wasn't able to pick it up while on sale though :(
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby Lyion » Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:23 am

I picked this up a while back and played it hard for a few weeks. The mechanics are fun at first, but it does get a bit tedious after a while and the replay value despite the variety of illnesses is very limiting.

Definitely worth 10 bucks and amusing.

Must read for this game:

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =386706480
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby brinstar » Mon Oct 19, 2015 5:19 pm

still enjoying it. it's deeper than it looks too - once you claw your way up the steepest part of the learning curve you can start tinkering with the individual skill sets of each class. your toons have like 8 abilities but you can only bring 4 to a dungeon at any one time, which means that you can customize your group to have really good synergy (or you can totally fuck it up and get y0wned)

for example i kept getting hammered by casters in the enemy's #3 and #4 positions, until i realized that a few different classes have "pull" moves that can yank squishies to within range of the heavy hitters up front

stun moves are also very important as like i said you can only heal during battle - stunlocking the last enemy for a couple of rounds so your vestal can pump some HP is pretty critical sometimes
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby Lyion » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:15 pm

A few things I determined:

Different classes are better at different dungeons. Crusaders are good everywhere.

Stress lowering classes are always needed past the beginner dungeons. People dying is easier to deal with then 4 adventurers with 150 stress.

You can change abilities on the fly. If someone can heal and tank, it's good to rotate them if they get hurt.

Healing in this game by and large sucks. I only heal when I'm down to 1 or 2 low damage guys. DPS is king.

Dots stack and are generally the key to bosses.

Busy playing my Warhammer game, but I might have to fire this up again. It's amusing. I almost wish it was an Ipad game. they should port it. It's not like it requires much resource wise.
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby brinstar » Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:43 pm

the initial learning curve ate up too much of my money, so i ended up with a roster full of L3 toons without enough cash to upgrade their skills and gear. that left me stuck in a bad place - my L3 toons refused to run L1 dungeons, but they were too undergeared/underskilled to finish L3 dungeons. i was limping along by making new recruits farm L1 dungeons for gold, but it was virtually impossible to catch up - plus stress treatments from all the failures/retreats hoovered up most of my winnings.

so i started over. now i make sure i sit on a nest egg of about 14k so that anyone who levels up can get upgrades right away. also i have more crusaders now. they are pretty great.
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby brinstar » Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:38 pm

okay i can't tell exactly how the game calculates the difficulty of the monsters but i have lost two full parties of L6 champions recently and i'm kinda pissed about it. it's like the game goes "oh what's that? he's bringing four L6 toons to a L5 dungeon? beef everything up to L8 without telling him, this will be great lolol"

also i think endgame vestal healing doesn't really scale like it should - even with a couple of very rare doodads equipped she's only throwing around 9hp heals and that won't do shit against trolls swinging tree branches around or jousting pig centaurs. the alternative is what, occultist? yeah your heal might be a 24hp crit or it might be fucking 0 and cause a bleed. otherwise you're stuck with a hodgepodge of self-heals and shitty heals like the plague doctor doing 3hp at a time, or you are gimping your crusader's dps by making him throw around 8hp heals all day

the remedy of course is to blow shit up before you NEED any heals, but that's not always feasible. like when you get two size2 ghouls with 110 hp and 50% prot each and they're throwing around 30dmg crits. no amount of dps can outpace that level of hurt

i've only got like 7 bosses left before the darkest dungeon opens up and i'm kinda hitting a wall. need a breakthrough soon or i might wander off
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby Drem » Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:26 pm

picked this up during the summer sale. really liking it, but i guess i'm not too far yet. my guys are all lvl 2. got two parties of 4 that i rotate every other dungeon and so far it's working pretty well. just hard to earn money. or i'm wasting a lot of my money on food and bandages etc, not sure

you still playing?
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby brinstar » Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:10 pm

nah i kinda wandered off, been way too busy lately with all the party stuff and vacations and such. will probably start over once that all calms down this fall. need to get back to DS before i get too rusty.

best advice is to try and rotate 2-3 of each major type (tank, support, heal) in and out so you always have at least one backup, preferably two. also, you can totally learn which items are best to use on which curios (keys on cabinets, antidote on meat, etc), v useful
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Re: darkest dungeon

Postby brinstar » Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:06 pm


they ported this over to switch so i bought it again lol

i'm really far in on this attempt and have now killed all of the bosses and i can afford to upgrade all my people whenever i need to. almost every building is fully upgraded as well, including the caravan, which means i can get a fairly steady stream of L3 and L4 recruits if i lose a few toons. which still happens, btw - not much you can do about a toon bleeding out immediately after a treetrunk crit.

i finally took my first swing at the final dungeon last night, sent in my A-team of crusader, hellion, grave robber, and vestal. had no idea what to expect so i took in the usual loadout of some shovels and keys, a couple antidotes, a holy water, etc. got absolutely smoked. totally unprepared for the amount of bleed/blight; had to use my one campfire way too early. stupid-ass crusader didn't even make it to the boss. the remaining three toons limped onward just so i could see what the boss was like, and... yeah. boss gacked my vestal almost immediately. managed to escape the fight next round, but when retreating from the dungeon the hellion had to "stay behind" as a sacrifice, so only the grave robber made it out (with 150 stress, two new negative quirks, and a nasty disease). back to the drawing board i guess, gotta rebuild a new A-team and bring WAY more supplies.

got about six weeks to finish this shit before DS1 comes to switch with the DLC and updated hi-def graphics :D
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