have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

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have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Sun May 21, 2017 9:47 am

ok have you ever wondered what would happen if castlevania and dark souls had a baby and the dialogue was actually good?

go get "Salt and Sanctuary" on steam/PS4 and you'll see exactly what that baby would look like

  • killing bad guys earns you salt (souls) and gold
  • salt is a currency that can buy you level-ups and along with rare finds can be exchanged for weapon/armor upgrades
  • if you die due to falling or traps, your salt becomes a creature that you can kill to regain your salt - and if an enemy kills you, you have to slay it to get your salt back. if you die again before reclaiming your salt, it's gone forever.
  • it's fuckin hard and sometimes makes me wanna snap my controller in half (oh yeah, def play with a controller)
  • inventory - several armor slots, some rings, and a hotkey belt
  • combat - you can sword-and-board or go 2h and trade speed for power, but either way you're better off not getting hit than trying to block everything
  • well-timed parries open up enemies to powerful counterattack
  • weight - lower equipment-to-max ratio means faster running/rolling
  • massive map with unlockable shortcuts to make travel easier
  • items - bell of return (homeward bone), consumables that add poison/fire/holy to your weapon
  • enormous bosses
  • plenty of moments like this:
  • health flasks (idk if they can be upgraded, but you can definitely increase your supply
  • bronze knights (black knights) that are tough kills and drop sweet gear and do not respawn
  • you can change faiths mid-game and receive brands on your body to unlock abilities (covenants)
  • leave/receive messages in a "jurney bottle" (orange soapstone) for other players, see other players' phantoms reenact their deaths

  • fuckin platforms everywhere
  • you can explore as far as you want if you have the tools and/or fighting skills
  • everything's creepy as shit
  • secret passageways up the yin yang
  • flying critters can really ruin your day if you're doing a lot of tight platform travel
  • lots of backtracking as you get new abilities

  • there's a skill map kinda like path of exile or FFX. each level up gets you one black pearl (and they can be found rarely in the wild) and unlocking a stat point boost (str/end/dex/wis/mag) typically costs one BP. other nodes that unlock the ability to equip certain types/levels of weapons/armor typically cost more than 1 BP, but you do get a decent stat boost along with it.
  • although the level design and the monster design (especially the bosses, holy shit) are super creepy, the design of living characters is mildly cartoony. i don't mind this, but some might.
  • at each sanctuary, you can make up to four different offerings of little statuettes that you collect here and there. these will summon NPCs to live in the sanctuary and provide useful interactions. so far i've found merchant, leader (turn in enemy tokens for special unlocks), sellsword (allows couch co-op!), cleric (teaches prayers), mage (???), guide (facilitates travel between sanctuaries), and blacksmith (sell/upgrade weapons and armor). however as stated you can only have up to four different villagers at each sanctuary
  • some sanctuaries are vacant and you can claim them for your faith (healing lady, justice triumvirate, or atheistic iron worship). other sanctuaries are already claimed for other faiths you can't select at the beginning (so far i've found the woodwraiths). you can't make offerings to summon villagers to a sanctuary of a different faith, but you can still save there, level up, and refill your flasks. you can also renounce your faith and take an oath at preoccupied sanctuaries - that will allow you to make offerings, but idk how that will affect sanctuaries you already claimed for your previous faith. i didn't have the guts to take the woodwraiths oath.

now, purists might read about all these DS similarities and get all butthurt about it, but while i can't deny there's some direct appropriation going on i think it's faithfully and respectfully executed and captures the intense feeling of "i am definitely somewhere i'm not supposed to be" that i felt so strongly with DS. it's fairly affordable too - i think it's still on sale for $10 but even regular price is like $15 or maybe $20. you'll get your money's worth too; i've played about 8-10 hours so far and according to the wiki page i've only visited 4 of the 22 different areas

enough jibba jabba though. here, have a trailer:

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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby 10sun » Sun May 21, 2017 1:50 pm

Purchased. This seems like what I was hoping Chasm would eventually become.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby Harrison » Sun May 21, 2017 4:35 pm

I love the Metroidvania/DS crossover stuff.

I still play Symphony of the Night often.

I've yet to play S&S, but it's on my to-do list.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Sun May 21, 2017 9:07 pm

and that's exactly it my dude

i'd been craving a solid SOTN-fest for a few months now, and this totally scratches that itch
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby Jay » Mon May 22, 2017 10:25 am

leah wrote:i am forever grateful to my gym teacher for drilling that skill into me during drivers' ed

leah wrote:isn't the only difference the length? i feel like it would take too long to smoke something that long, ha.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby Jay » Mon May 22, 2017 10:35 am

Watched the trailer. I hate how the character heads look. Kinda amiibo'ish. Other than that looks like a fun game that I might try out after Breath of the Wild.
leah wrote:i am forever grateful to my gym teacher for drilling that skill into me during drivers' ed

leah wrote:isn't the only difference the length? i feel like it would take too long to smoke something that long, ha.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Mon May 22, 2017 4:33 pm

brinstar wrote:
  • although the level design and the monster design (especially the bosses, holy shit) are super creepy, the design of living characters is mildly cartoony. i don't mind this, but some might.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Mon May 22, 2017 4:34 pm

Jay wrote:WHAT IS A MAN?!

*throws wine glass*
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby 10sun » Mon May 22, 2017 9:23 pm

7 hours in, just finished Castle of the Storms. Grinding bronze knights(they respawn here) & salt(about 5k per bronze knight circuit).
Solid game. Great find. Thank you.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Tue May 23, 2017 9:51 am

we're probably at about the same place then

the kraeken wyrm was oddly one of the easier bosses i've faced thus far. only took me 3 tries (i whacked the false jester in one attempt) though i'm sure a large part of that is because i found the phoenix shield that makes you immune from fire.

i got my second brand (wall jump!) and am trying to gather the courage to step into the hall of cages
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Tue May 23, 2017 9:56 am

sry double post

10sun wrote:Grinding bronze knights

do you mean those fuckers that are like as tall as the screen? those aren't bronze knights, they're "armor guardians"

also now that i know someone else is playing, what kind of experience have you had with the "leader"? i find that i have a whole shitload of kill trophies (ears, jawbones, fangs, whatever) and the leader only wants a few of them. i know stuff like that is also involved in transmuting weapons (i really want to try a tachi) but i wonder why tooltips on boss trophies say they can be turned in to leaders. like, do i have to clear the first round of bounties first and then start on another round...? confusing
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby 10sun » Tue May 23, 2017 3:32 pm

No, there is a bronze knight that respawns in the lightning trap dead-end (I don't know how to explain it better).
The armor guardians are easy as pie. Swat twice on the way down, roll through, and swat one last time to finish them with the 2h greathammer & jester's garb.
I too found the kraeken wyrm to be easy (3 tries, swapping between 2h greathammer & sword/board), but the boss in the hall of cages was even easier for me (2 tries).
Jester took me a bit, I'd say the queen of smiles was my easiest to beat... blocking & smacking during openings (2 tries). The cyclops was brutal though... I lost count.
I haven't bothered much with the leaders... I swing by and turn in a bunch when I visit Sanctuaries that I put them in, but for the most part, I just avoid even putting them in because it is a waste of space.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby Harrison » Tue May 23, 2017 4:02 pm

http://store.steampowered.com/app/42855 ... Moonlight/

You guys would like this I think.

It's fun and I haven't put much time into it, but it's good.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Tue May 23, 2017 8:43 pm

10sun wrote:No, there is a bronze knight that respawns in the lightning trap dead-end (I don't know how to explain it better).
The armor guardians are easy as pie. Swat twice on the way down, roll through, and swat one last time to finish them with the 2h greathammer & jester's garb.
I too found the kraeken wyrm to be easy (3 tries, swapping between 2h greathammer & sword/board), but the boss in the hall of cages was even easier for me (2 tries).
Jester took me a bit, I'd say the queen of smiles was my easiest to beat... blocking & smacking during openings (2 tries). The cyclops was brutal though... I lost count.
I haven't bothered much with the leaders... I swing by and turn in a bunch when I visit Sanctuaries that I put them in, but for the most part, I just avoid even putting them in because it is a waste of space.

oh yeah i did notice that guy comes back

my damage output and/or technique must be garbage, because those armor guardians are a huge PITA. i probably picked some shitty skills on the skillmap and thought it would be a lot easier to respec at some point. probably try either a hunter/marksman next time through, or perhaps a pure caster
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Wed May 24, 2017 8:21 am

beat hall of cages last night after taking a wrong turn and bailing the fuck out of the dome and temple because NOPE

i liked sunken keep and the forest a lot because they both remind me of castlevania & wizards and warriors respectively, but so far i think hall of cages is the most fun level to play because it's just a mad bloodbath the whole way and you get to really hack and slash like crazy

tree of men took me maybe 10 tries or so because i have absolutely fuckall for range abilities and that made it hard to hit his head in phase 2 (plus getting knocked off the boss area is kinda bullshit) but once i figured out that i can wear fire protect gear and bait his attacks from the flamethrower platforms i was able to smack his face with my greatsword a couple times per jump

also with the huge salt piles you rack up from churning through hall of cages a couple times i was able to pour on another 10-15 levels and make some big gear upgrades (most of my shit is IV now and i haven't found any lord's orders to get it to V)

spent a few minutes in the hager's cave before bed and damn i might turn back around and grind the hall of cages a bit longer, those skellies + armor crab men soak up a LOT of damage

PS i totally saw another player when i was at sanctuary, another cool feature cribbed from DS
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Wed May 24, 2017 9:56 am

OH YEAH and w/r/t stone leaders, i finally broke down and peeped at a wiki

turns out raising your devotion level by turning in bounties means the vendors and such sell better items. like right now i can buy locks of hair for gold (not salt!), which is super nice when i get a new piece and want to see how it scales with improvement

...plus i lose enough gold to dying as it is, might as well use it for something :rofl:

other thing i learned was that the kinds of bounties the leaders want is specific to each faith - so like the iron atheist leaders want different stuff than the Three leaders. explains why so many different trophies say "turn this in to the leader"
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby 10sun » Wed May 24, 2017 4:06 pm

Makes sense for the stone leaders... I played a while last night and finished the Dome of the Forgotten.
I also figured out the transmutation thing. Running around with the Obsidian Pillar as my primary weapon. 144 attack now.
Ran into a snag with the chimera boss of the Dome of the Forgotten; he is strike resistant & my big weapon does strike damage.
So I had to spend an hour grinding salt (I buy lots of Bells of Return to make circuits faster now) and ground out on Axe Bronze Knights, Invisible Fuckers (I don't know their name, but they are all over the place in the Dome of the Forgotten), and the Invisible Casting Fuckers, managed to get almost a full set of Kraeken armor in the process (still missing the legs).
Then I transmuted a greatsword into the Black Widow and proceeded to beat the Chimera looking dude's ass.

I am about to break down and look at a spoiler for progression because I really don't know where to go now. I think it is the Ziggurat of Dust, but I can't figure out what to do in there to progress.

BTW, watch out for the mimic chest in the Dome of Forgotten; it almost killed me (it is on the ground floor right near the West entrance).
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Thu May 25, 2017 11:12 am

10sun wrote:Makes sense for the stone leaders... I played a while last night and finished the Dome of the Forgotten.
I also figured out the transmutation thing. Running around with the Obsidian Pillar as my primary weapon. 144 attack now.
Ran into a snag with the chimera boss of the Dome of the Forgotten; he is strike resistant & my big weapon does strike damage.
So I had to spend an hour grinding salt (I buy lots of Bells of Return to make circuits faster now) and ground out on Axe Bronze Knights, Invisible Fuckers (I don't know their name, but they are all over the place in the Dome of the Forgotten), and the Invisible Casting Fuckers, managed to get almost a full set of Kraeken armor in the process (still missing the legs).
Then I transmuted a greatsword into the Black Widow and proceeded to beat the Chimera looking dude's ass.

I am about to break down and look at a spoiler for progression because I really don't know where to go now. I think it is the Ziggurat of Dust, but I can't figure out what to do in there to progress.

BTW, watch out for the mimic chest in the Dome of Forgotten; it almost killed me (it is on the ground floor right near the West entrance).

hah yeah i found that mimic chest the hard way but managed to kill it with zero flasks remaining. between that asshole and the invisible fuckers (i think there is a potion you can drink so you can see them?) i decided hell to the nope i'm going somewhere else

have you done hager's cavern yet? it's p challenging - as i said above it's stacked with armor crabmen and high-defense skellingtons. managed to beat it yesterday with only a few unnecessary deaths, but it was very slow going (unlike cages, which you can just buzzsaw your way through). i think my only path forward now is the dome, though i am getting a distinct feeling that i've either just missed or am about to acquire a new brand, because i keep seeing platform-shaped clouds that i expect i'll soon be able to jump on

and i haven't actually transmuted anything yet because i still prefer sword-and-board combat - and the only thing i can transmute my 1h swords into is other 1h swords i already have, so i'm still using my tachi iv because it's fast as hell. it may only do 15-20 dmg per slice (plus some charm lightning dmg) but i can usually land a half dozen of them before i have to roll/block anything
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby 10sun » Thu May 25, 2017 3:47 pm

Hager's Cavern - Go West to the Swamp... watch for lots of poison & swing down traps.
Then there is a small outpost west of there. I only really saw a Sanctuary there.
Take the boatman to the Far Beach.
Then keep heading west to the Dome of the Forgotten (or just use the Sanctuary at the Cages); my first venture there, I didn't realize you could climb the platforms; I assumed they required a brand.
Then the Ziggurat of Dust. Then Ruined Temple. Now I think the Pitch Wood?
Don't do what I did and fuck everything up and find a secret passage through the Cages to some rando boss (Ronin Cran?) and then the Ruined Temple main boss and wonder why the hell things just seem backwards.

With that being said, bosses seem to be getting easier and easier for me as my damage keeps scaling up and I get better.
Just lots of trying to figure out where to go to next.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby 10sun » Thu May 25, 2017 3:48 pm

Also, I've taken to just running around naked with just my weapon typically because it is faster and that is my main problem.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Thu May 25, 2017 4:29 pm

chest and boots are heavy armor, but i use rogue gloves to keep weight down so my rolls aren't garbage

i used to wear jester's crown for the same purpose but i got a split helm from the ratty old ninjas and it doesn't weigh much for being heavy armor plus it looks cool

was all set to move on past the cavern last night but my kitty started gurking up every five minutes for over an hour so it was a late night at the 24hr vet's office (she's fine now, just a bad reaction to her yearly shots)
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Fri May 26, 2017 7:53 am

found Alde Griggs and laughed my ass off. found the Mire boss and got smoked

put on as much poison resist as i could find and ezmode. found redshift brand, which is just an awesome concept for an unlockable ability, dang

crept further west and found a knight on a bridge (while carrying four levels' worth of salt eeeee), had to use all my red slivers and juiceboxes but i barely squeaked out a victory with like 10% health left. explored further VERY CAREFULLY and finally lucked into a sanctuary. phewwwww.

hmm what's to the left? nope nope nope nope and a shortcut to nope

progression guide says dome should be next so i'll probably warp back to the woods and try the front entrance
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby 10sun » Fri May 26, 2017 4:12 pm

Fuck Spindlebeasts. You'll know why when you get to them. Almost rage quit... persevered.
Level 90ish or thereabouts... I'm routinely carrying 30-50k salt and losing it.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby 10sun » Sat May 27, 2017 7:15 pm

Rage quit on the Witch of the Lake two session in a row. I'm just not winning this one and it is pissing me off.
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Re: have you ever wondered...? [DS/S&S]

Postby brinstar » Sat May 27, 2017 11:06 pm

haha yes spindlebeasts, i now understand why you almost ragequit

i was close too until i realized they have very low HP and can't charge their way through my Jaws of Life strong-move (snipsnip beotch)

witch gave me a lot of trouble too until i solved the pattern:

-jump over the tiny ball heatseeker things that come out in a semicircle
-try to jump over the streaky red things if possible
-do not even get hit with her forward-cone bullet-hell blast
-it's okay to eat a blade slice or two but be real quick with your juicebox

probably took me 20 tries but by the time i killed her she barely hit me at all

oh plus it helped to wear arcane resist ring and stack up the triple threat of poison charm, poison scimitar, and pessmud application. once you get a good stack of poison applied you can just play defense and dodge the whole time; as long as you get a whack in every ~10 seconds or so you can keep the poison going. by the time i won i'd say probably between 1/3 and 1/2 of the total damage came from just poison counters ticking away
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