Euphoria vs Vonkaar (split from old topic)

Let's throw things at them!

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Postby Goose_Man » Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:16 pm

brinstar you are most certainly gutter trash
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Postby brinstar » Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:19 pm

man you're wrong about that :cool:
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Postby Azlana » Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:33 pm

I'm still not getting why people are talking about "the betrayal" of his posting whatever on another private thread - as though it somehow justifies copying someones work and taking it.
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Postby Brona » Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:37 pm

Okie... here's my take in things....

Vonk... yeah... ya fell asleep... whatever... that was not the point in things.. the point was at which the timing you did it was all f'ed up... You helped me with a bit of things... the avatar and crap like that when I forgot how to do that... and for that I thank you...

Silv, and Taxx... damn you guys... I don't even know you guys... but ya got on my last nerve with this thread and the ones before.... why do you even bother even responding to shit that doesn't involve you one bit...

You two call those in Euphoria losers and sad and crap like that.... Um... I hate to burst your bubble.... but isn't it more sad to not even be in the game anymore, but still commenting on people you haven't any clue about?

Back onto Vonk and the site... your coding was a bit off on things in the first place... coulda done things a bit differently.... what do you use as a html writer.... Frontpage?.... Dreamweaver..? I'm just curious on that one...

All in all... Vonk... you've updated the sites time and time again... You know just as well in this guild, there are some of the people that coulda done that as well... all they would need to do is get that site info and everything like that...

I think it was more of a precautionary measure to copy over the files first, so we don't lose any vital info of sorts. But you accuse of stealing this and that.. and intellectual properties... like Silv and Taxx are... well lemme ask you this...

Are those pictures that are posted on the front page pictures that you personally were in there to take? All ya did was added captions, and dates etc.... you had buttons and a banner... woohoo...

Ok... so you may have resized the pictures... oh wow... any 12 yr. old with a computer could do that now a days.

I read this whole thread with starting the Tiri thing...

Okie... so what if tiri is or isn't promiscuious... big f'ing deal... you all seem to get off on trying to bring others down ... And Taxx and Silv... hahah.. you guys are really funny on this.. you preach and everything with the tiri incident that she's a hoe.. this and that... yet you guys are getting married....

Wait.... wait.... it's coming to me.... where did you guys meet? It all had to start from somewhere... WOW... such a revalation...

Now I don't know most of you here... some of which I'm thankful for... but don't even start things that don't involve you what so ever... to me... that's really the pettiest thing one can do.... stick their noses into something that doesn't concern them one bit...

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Postby Martrae » Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:41 pm

Another drip that doesn't know the work that goes into making 'a banner and some buttons'. Try it sometime from scratch and then come back and comment.
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Postby Azlana » Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:41 pm

... ... .... ............ .. ... ....... ..... .. . . . . . . . .......................... . . . ........ . .......

comma's work too............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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Postby Captain Insano » Mon Jun 07, 2004 5:06 pm

i want to know how vonk is going to punish his old guild... Vengeance must be exacted for their treacherous ways!
Tossica: No, you're gay because you suck on cocks.

Get rid of the pictures of the goofy looking white guy. That opens two right there.

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Postby DangerPaul » Mon Jun 07, 2004 5:36 pm

I wonder if Bronathar would still protect his guild if I posted the screenshots of the guild leader telling me how half the guild sucks at EQ. By the way, if you read this dear, be careful, its not always Tim playing Pace and I love the screenshot button. Ask Emongmai if you think I am bullshitting, he gets several sent to him as I ponder posting them all :)
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Postby Evermore » Mon Jun 07, 2004 5:36 pm

Making a banner and some buttons and a cool looking background isn't what is hard about web development. It is comming up with a style and a cool design and making your ideas fit in and work. The bigger the site, the harder it is.
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Postby vonkaar » Mon Jun 07, 2004 6:15 pm

Evermore wrote:Making a banner and some buttons and a cool looking background isn't what is hard about web development. It is comming up with a style and a cool design and making your ideas fit in and work. The bigger the site, the harder it is.
Not to mention writing about said events without experiencing it first hand.

oh wait, I mentioned it.

Brona... I was quite aware of my sucklaster HTML skills...

They removed the content... life will go on. I'm just glad that I got to be there to help them out time and time again as they needed it. Tiriella got a fuckload of loot... increased ebay potential. All I get is an empty forum and bunch of hating ungrateful strangers.

Can *someone* PLEASE explain why the forums were deleted? I can't figure this out other than the big green ugly yellow-tooth demon named 'spite'.
Gaazy wrote:Now vonk on the other hand, is one of the most self absorbed know it alls in my memory of this site. Ive always thought so, and I still cant understand why in gods name he is here
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Postby vonkaar » Mon Jun 07, 2004 6:32 pm

This just in...

I thought... since I'm all for betraying Tiriella's TRUST and all, why not show you a bit of her reply to me? Let's ya'll know what kind of leader is leading your guild.

"Have fun talking to yourself." In response, I'm sure, to the now empty forum.



Seriously people... have fun in your new Euphoria. I'm quite glad I left when I did.
Gaazy wrote:Now vonk on the other hand, is one of the most self absorbed know it alls in my memory of this site. Ive always thought so, and I still cant understand why in gods name he is here
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Postby The Kizzy » Mon Jun 07, 2004 6:58 pm

First of all, I never said Euphoria was shit, I think it has some DAMN fine players in it, damn fine players that I had the priveledge to play with over the years. THe problem, imo, is the guild leader. I think Euphoria made a mistake, and will have to deal with the consequences later.

Secondly, Taxx and I are not getting married anytime itn he near future, rings have not been exchanged, the question has not been popped. But we are together, and who the fuck cares how I met him. Is that any concern of yours? I think not. The major difference between Tiriella and myself is that she uses sex to get what she wants, she has slept with NUMEROUS people from EQ to get what she wants and then discards them when it doesnt fit her. I met someone on an online game fell in love and plan on spending my life with him, not fucking him once and then dumping him as soon as he does not fit my need. Understand? Wait, I don't think you are smart enough to understand that.
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Harrison wrote:I'm not dead

Fucker never listens to me. That's it, I'm an atheist.
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Postby Phantomfist » Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:11 pm

A few things from an ex-Euphorian:

I'm not pissed AT Euphoria. I wasn't even pissed off at the officers. If ANYBODY had asked, I might have even HELPED them move it over. It's the lies and deceipt that pissed me off. They didn't ask. They STOLE my content. And then... they deleted the forums.

You have every right to be pissed off about this. EVERY RIGHT!!!

The board was awesome. There is no disputing that. I personally complimented you on things shortly after I joined, if you will recall. You did a lot of work and people were honestly pleased with all of the help you provided.


It was annoying as all hell that the board wasn't updated in a timely manner. People commented on it in posts but mainly did so in a tongue in cheek manner because they didn't want to offend you. But the board needed to be updated on a regular basis. Something that you simply didn't do.

That, no doubt, is the root cause of all of this. It doesn't make stealing the work you did right. It doesn't make doing it behind you back right. Nor is it right to have wiped all of the old posts. That was blatantly and patently offensive. You are owed an apology for this misdeed, among others.

One thing I did take offense to and call BS, is this:

That was my most active period... not to mention that was the time where I was arguably the most HELPFUL to the guild... with the hand-holding guides through the Plane of Time... Yet... yet... what the hell? They were looking for another host? I really don't get it.

Hand-holding guides through the Plane of Time...? I was there(in pull chat) when we finally reached tier 2. I was there when we finally reached tier 3 and tier 4. I was there when we struggled with each of the gods, trying to figure out the best strat. And I did my share of building our strats as well.

One of the last few joys I had was going into a fight without a clue what needs to be done. The not knowing was the only true exciting thing about that crappily designed zone. AND WE DID THIS EACH AND EVERYTIME WHILE I WAS A MEMBER OF EUPHORIA!

We got owned plenty of times. If we had some walk thru at our disposal, I sure didn't see it. Nor did anyone act as if they had. With the exception of Terris Thule, who basically is almost the exact same fight as the weaker Terris Thule in PoNB, we defeated each of the gods thru trial and error. And sometimes a whole hell of a lot of error.

No offense, but I was there and we learned to take down those gods the hard way. Which also happens to be the best way. I remember people getting utterly upset whenever someone started suggesting strats they had heard from friends in other guilds or from any of the class message boards. Members of Euphoria prided ourselves on doing it ourselves.

It's quite possible you emailed some strats to one of the officers. Who knows, they might even have posted them. I was a slacker when it came to reading the strat portion of the board. I preferred bugging the hell out of Derrict, among others, for info I missed due to missing a raid. But I'm telling you and the rest of the NT crew, never once did we kill any god with ease past TT. And with each attempt, we altered our strats. At no time were we killing PoTime gods ala paint by the numbers. At least not while I was a member.

Each of those kills were hard won fightss. To try to suggest that we didn't figure out our own strats, and only won because of you, is quite offensive. This is where I believe you owe the members of Euphoria, who busted our brains and our figurative asses to figure out a path to victory, an apology.
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Postby Phantomfist » Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:22 pm

I met someone on an online game fell in love and plan on spending my life with him, not fucking him once and then dumping him as soon as he does not fit my need.

Have you told Taxx about him yet?

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Postby The Kizzy » Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:46 pm

shhhhhhh dont let out my secrets!!
Zanchief wrote:
Harrison wrote:I'm not dead

Fucker never listens to me. That's it, I'm an atheist.
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Postby KumhoSpearbear » Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:43 pm

Wow Vonk, you got majorly screwed.

Thats pretty damned low. Tiriella and I are not friends, after a fun incident in EQ.
Not sure what actions you can take over it. US law is so much different to NZ law, any advice I give would be moot.
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Postby Tacks » Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:12 pm


get over it, you're my bitches
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Postby Diekan » Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:26 pm

I have a 65 Rogue / 58 SK / 16 Bard on the same account. Think I could trade said account for a blow job from a certain female Nameless guild leader? Really... think I could??
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Postby lauranthala » Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:03 am

Hmm...if I had been GL I have to say I would have done the same thing regarding the board switch. While you might have been cool about helping transfer things over Vonk, it is also possible that you might have locked all the boards and given us the big FU. Being responsible for looking out for the guilds forums, I probably would have made the decision to copy everything first and explain later, underhanded though that might seem. Fact is, I would have been at a disadvantage by being honest and completely at your mercy, which is not a great bargaining position. Regarding wiping the old boards, I would have done that too for a couple of reasons. First, information from the boards had already been copy/pasted to this board and it probably would have been given that this would happen much more after the guild transferred the website to another host. Second, we didn't need all of our strats and such being given to other guilds out of spite; not saying there was huge rocket science in there anywhere, but everything helps I guess.

Regarding the rest- sorry whatever happened happened. Always enjoyed reading your updates Vonk (sporadic though they may have been!), and it sucks you've been pushed out of the loop. At some point though you should have realized that although you were welcome around the boards as a former member of Euphoria, the actual running of the guild was in the hands of the current officers- period. If you wanted to make guild decisions, then log in and start playing again.

All in all, just another thing that's been made a big deal over, but at the end of the day it's over a game that people are supposed to be having fun playing.

And back to the trailer park with you trolls~
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Postby Diekan » Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:10 am

And back to the trailer park with you trolls~

You offering discounts tonight? I'll be right over!
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Postby Tiriella » Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:34 am

Vonk care to display the whole fucking message? Nice edit there. However I can't go and pull out that message because the pw doesnt work now? Gratz you.

That reply was in response to your email that said ....

Please forward this to Tiriella and the other officers...

Ya'll just fucking stole my website. What you did is illegal. Nobody asked me permission to use my layout, content, commentary and files. When you said you were changing webhosts, I assumed that someone would be creating a new website... like *I* did when the need presented itself. When we lost Neplak, Etana started her own website and built it from scratch. When that died, I built my website from scratch. I didn't steal Neplak's programming and writing, I started fresh. This was what I assume you would be doing. If you had ASKED... things might have been different. If you had been up front with me from the BEGINNING ( was created on 12-5-04... holy shit), things might be different.

*edited out link*

This shows that the administrative contact of is (my name) If my content is not removed from within 48 hours, I *will* pursue legal action.


I told you that YOUR other words the main page, roster, archive page, and link page would be taken down. It was. Did that stop you from being an absolute top notch dick? No. You came here spouting off about some conspiracy to do this over several months because you can't read dates.

I said if you want to sue me for the forums and dkp...have a nice time trying over freeware that anyone can get. You told me if I wanted to talk I needed to come to your beloved NT because you wouldnt handle this like a fucking adult. You need support from your kingdom. The content in those forums and the dkp belongs to Euphoria. The pictures that were posted...taken by ACTUAL PLAYING MEMBERS? Belong to Euphoria. Lmao dont get me started on pics stolen...content stolen you are the KING of betrayal and stolen thoughts and intellectual property.

You have told so many fucking half truths in all of these threads. Its unreal. I never thought Vonkaar, mr cool guy, would be that fucking low. The day I saw what was in that forum on this website was an eye opener.

Maybe its time for a some actual truths.... Mr TRUSTED SITE ADMINISTRATOR decided he didnt like an officer decision....Gets pissed off about a supposed grammar correction so he runs to NT...........

Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 2:40 am

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Euphoria is about to have some serious dirty laundry made public =p.

Basically... I think that I'm going to be 'ousted' soon. Of course that means will turn into a porno site... but... shrug, whatever.

Dirty laundry!!!


Vonkaar - Formerly of The Nameless
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam

He tells the story about what happened....

Wouldn't care to find out...
Basically, what happened is... two people in the guild fucked up... didn't listen to the orders of an officer (her, mainly) and loot (omgz!) went to the wrong person. So... she 'punished' the members. That pissed me off so I stood up for the 'offenders'. Blahblah, they shouldn't have done what they did... but... you don't fucking punish someone in a fucking game. So... things got heated and I basically told them (the officers) that they are ruining MY guild =p.

The last bit went something like,
Vonkaar: "Say the word, bitch, and I'll leave."

I guess I said the word?=p

God then decides to also talk more shit....and copies direct posts from our officer forum:

One from me .....

God copies:

haha... she finally responded with...

stupid bitch wrote:
As far as not needing you...I personally don't. Your opinion on whether or not I suck or the officers suck really doesn't matter. You can post all day long on YOUR board whatever you like. It doesn't change what I know I have done to help this guild and it doesnt make me question my loyalties or my dedication to make sure I am serving this guild to the best of my abilities.

Now as far as not appreciating what you have done for us board wise or website wise, I think I am probably one of your biggest fans. When you got behind on updates and people asked about whether you had lost interest in doing the board and maybe if we should go elsewhere, I was like no. That was out of respect for you. Thats out of appreciation for what you and your contributions have been for this guild. You seemed to enjoy it, and as long as you do enjoy it then I was not about to try to even deny you that. That would be disrespectful to you.

Without you, BB, Arsh, Smare, Spifits, Seeb, Taln, Dirth, Deemer, Dall, we wouldn't be here.... a slew of others too I know.

Pics are then linked from a site that was linked in our forums from a recent trip.

It didn't take long for rumors to hit me that this happened. Go go trash discussed in the forum that people can't keep quiet about ...I was able to get a glimpse of this to see for myself. Low and behold....Vonk. After showing officers and some of the oldest people in the guild what was in this thread (thanks those(plural ya) that helped), I was told it was time to move the site. I was kind of shocked because this decision was unamimously decided and relayed to me. I didn't edict jack. So it was done. And I was relieved.

Date registered May 12th, almost two weeks after this fight broke out. So much for your conspiracy.

The truth is Vonkaar, you seemed to get bored or busy with our updates. NT seemed to be taking your attention. We tried giving you updates. You didn't respond. Ask Bloxr. That alone was enough to possibly get another admin. But no, you had done so much for us. I couldn't even think about offending you. Then you go and do that? Fuck that. Fuck you. And Fuck anyone that thinks we should have stuck by that. Those forums aren't for one person's pleasure. That site and those forums and DKP belong to a guild.

So we started doing the backups that we had the authority to do to move it off site. Vonk figured it out. He through up the finger and locked us out. We talked in the officer forum....and I quote me:

You can present it however you want for the peanut crew on the Nameless Tavern. I have a copy of posts of that thread and can quote and be cool too.

1. You took the rants and made it personal.
2. You CUT AND PASTED info on the private boards and put it on the Nameless Tavern. You also gave out a little description of what was going on. I could care less of your own personal viewpoints on me being a Nazi dumb bitch. That's irrelevant. This was done without permission.
3. You showed pics from New Orleans that were on our private boards for Our Members Only....for the peanut galleries perusal. I don't think you asked for permission there either.

If you wanted to continue to bash me, the act, or whatever...on these boards. That would be fine! If you wanted to create a new set of forums and invited only OUR guild members to flame it, that would be fine!

The point is these forums and what is inside of it is for Euphoria's eyes only. You are the administrator of our site ....Ethics would seem to indicate this behavior was beneath you.

After learning of this, it was suggested by several people that we look into new hosting. So backups of some info was made and new space was acquired to do so. I honestly felt alot better about if you ever cut us off like yesterday, that I wouldn't be a complete wreck trying to get a site up. I was going to just let it go. Never say a word.

Then wham! Finger!

I honestly always enjoyed your updates. Not really sure how everything got to be personal for you. It really doesn't matter.

I think its time you let someone else manage the site. I appreciate you offering to let someone have the access. We will probably move the stuff off the site. The DKP and the forums. If you could PM me or email the access stuff...for mysequal and the database. We will get the guild stuff off of the site.

It would be nice to keep the old url. Let me know if thats possible.

So we ASK FOR PERMISSION. OMG HE KNOWS what we are doing.

You then say you will get with who I suggested and give him the information to access the site...(either to do updates..or to pull it off the site). You give him access. But you give him READ ONLY access. He couldnt update jack shit. However he can copy. We took this as a sign you were letting us copy and didn't want us there as a result of all this.

When you went off about stealing your shit, we were a little shocked. Considering YOU brought this on sir...YOU set it up to be this way..YOU gave us the permission to copy but not update jack.

When you sent that email this morning? We took the page down. The gift you had given us.

That's the fucking truth.

Now that's all im gonna say on this incident.

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Postby Tacks » Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:58 am

For someone who was done with this thread you sure posted a bunch. I'm not reading that.
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Postby Harrison » Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:08 am

Way too much stress involved over a game people :)
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Postby Mahue » Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:55 am

ok. I think tiriella has the moral highground here (vonk stated very clearly that if things weren't done behind his back, he wouldnt be upset - except they weren't, he just read the date US style!) but Vonkaar has the LEGAL highground here. Tiriella: anything on your new site that has any semblance to anything Vonkaar did needs to be removed or he will have grounds for suit. (Tossica et al, stop reading here)

Legal info:
"The early years of the Internet were a time of open standards and cooperation. Browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Explorer have always had commands that allow viewers to examine the source code of webpages. Many people learned hypertext markup language (HTML) in this way and the Web grew as a result. While viewing the source code does not violate the copyright, copying it and altering it for one’s own webpage does no matter how common the practice. The widespread attitude that “information should be free” kept the community from getting upset about it. This led to the misconception that everything on the Web was freely available for copying or in the public domain. This notion is completely false. Copying of source code, whether HTML, Javascript, or any other language is unlawful and violates the rights of the owner. "

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Postby brinstar » Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:46 am

ya she just swallowed a hot creamy load of drama bait huh
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