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Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:39 pm
by Drem
they're probly from Brazil

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:49 pm
by Harrison
No, there's not that many Brazilians in the area. Mostly Cape Verdeans...

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:31 am
by Diekan
Harrison wrote:So I'm out of my short slump of being sick and depressed, and so I'm going to dedicate myself entirely to training even harder.

I put some serious thought into MMA and I'm going to my first class with a friend Monday. (Grappling) He goes to

I feel like a whole new person again and it feels good. My birthday set me back a bit emotionally too but, I think I'm going to be fine this time around. She's hurt me twice but, it isn't ever going to happen again.

I'm warming up and cleaning my room up and then I'm going to go test the waters with a quick run to see where I'm at. I haven't done much of shit but lift a little bit in my room here and there since my milestone run a bit back. I'm probably going to suck horribly but I've been ridiculously sick and I expect that.

I know, blah blah blah. F you lol

MMA is actually an excellent all around workout - the training aspect of it anyway. I study Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and I have to say the training is much tougher than my other workout programs. Flexibility, strength, power, speed - all benefits of it.

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:15 am
by vonkaar
Harrison wrote:I figure since my brain is slacking in comparison to my body that it was time to do something about it other than read fiction.

So I'm downloading Rosetta Stone and I'm going to pick a language at random and attempt to learn it.

P.S. they charge $500 for this program, laff


I totally did that last year... one torrent with every language Rosetta Stone offers... craziness...

I basically learned how to say, "your mother" (the ultimate comeback) in 30 languages and then called it quits. At least I'm ready for a throw down in Tonga (Lo Keena!) or Taiwan (Nee da mama!).

on second thought, I might not want to say that to a Tongan...

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:00 am
by leah
update: still going balls to the wall with exercise, only now with some pain; please advise:

i've written about my feet going numb before, and nothing i tried really did anything about that, so i just stopped trying to incorporate a running routine into my fitness regimen. but now there's pain that skates up and down my left leg between my knee and my ankle, on the inside of the leg. what's that about? also, that same region (inside left leg, though only from midcalf to ankle) is always ALWAYS tender to the touch. it's not swollen or anything, as far as i can tell, but anytime any pressure is put on it, it is very very tender.

help? am i falling apart?

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:15 am
by Harrison
Is it near to the shin? Your calf muscle might be overlapping your shin and when it contracts it rubs over it painfully causing it to become slightly damaged. ... plints.htm

As it says, it's a general term, but I had this in high school running track. I've somehow not had it since... It blows, but you can do a number of things to stop it, depending on the cause.

I simply had to tape up my calves semi-tightly while doing any medium distance running. Sprints never caused me much pain because it was more quads than calves.

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:24 am
by Harrison
Oh, P.S.

I've not been slacking on my workouts per se, but I've cut back a bit. I don't go every day or every other day but closer to every 3 days or so now.

I've been doing more lifting than cardio of late because it's beginning to get cold out, and running in the cold is murder for me.

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:25 am
by Harrison
LOL triple post, but here's an example of what I used to do for the pain.


Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:10 am
by Martrae
leah wrote:update: still going balls to the wall with exercise, only now with some pain; please advise:

i've written about my feet going numb before, and nothing i tried really did anything about that, so i just stopped trying to incorporate a running routine into my fitness regimen. but now there's pain that skates up and down my left leg between my knee and my ankle, on the inside of the leg. what's that about? also, that same region (inside left leg, though only from midcalf to ankle) is always ALWAYS tender to the touch. it's not swollen or anything, as far as i can tell, but anytime any pressure is put on it, it is very very tender.

help? am i falling apart?

Leah, it sounds like really need to see a specialist in sports medicine. I know you said you saw a doc before but apparently he just wasn't good enough to figure out what ails you.

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:19 am
by leah
yeah, that's the problem--i *did* see a sports medicine specialist, resulting in a $300 bill for an epic fail. i just don't have that kind of money to throw around, only to be told "yeah you probably just shouldn't run anymore i guess"

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:53 am
by Martrae
Did you ever check out that exercise program link thingy I sent you?

And I said you needed to find a GOOD sports med doc. ;)

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:19 pm
by brinstar
ask aunt jennine about shin splints, joel used to get them all the time.

harrison's article says there are a number of causes, but below is the one i experienced

as i understand it, when an untrained runner (like most everyone in the world lawl) runs in a certain way, s/he lands on the heel and the ball of the foot lands a split second later (or to look at it another way, the toes are pointing too far up). this sudden stretch causes a micro-overextension of the front shin muscles, and they immediately snap back to a more natural position. the body is durable, sure, but after running for a while, this repeated stretch/snapback action causes the shin muscles to get really really tender.

i had them pretty bad for a while too. what worked for me is changing how my foot strikes the ground from heel-first to ball-first (or, try to keep your toes pointed downward). it feels weird when you first try it (like you're kinda trying to run backwards and forwards at the same time), but after a while i noticed the difference. YMMV

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:05 am
by Drem
if it's just shin splints then you gotta work through it like physical therapy style... i used to have them as a fat kid in junior high and stuff and as i got more in shape they just disappeared eventually

yours sounds really crazy, tho, if it's just in one leg and it's tender to the touch after you're done working out. i only experienced pain from shin splints while i was running and directly after...

but ya, get some insoles for your shoes and try running different like alex said. anything like that can help, because if it's just shin splints then there isn't really any quick fix

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:17 am
by Tikker
try a different running technique

there's one going around now, I can't think of what it's officially called, but technically it's controlled falling!

rather than heel > toe running, it's toe toe

hard to explain

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:05 pm
by leah
guys guys i don't really run at all anymore! half-mile at a time, tops, during cardio classes. i don't really think this is running related.

i think maybe i will try some new shoes and/or insoles and see if that helps. the knee-to-ankle pain is gone (it was mostly just monday night/tuesday morning after a particularly intense cardio session), but the tenderness i mentioned is still (and always) there.

and mart, re: ttops, i checked out the site and watched the video clip (omg that lady is weird hehe) but couldn't really get into it. i get what she's saying/demonstrating, but i just like my workouts to be a little more active than that, you know?

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:27 pm
by Martrae
That was just the demo...the actual workouts are very active.

And she's a bit freaky and I HATE her website but her exercises work wonders for alignment issues or other skelo-muscular stuff. I tore the rotator cuff in my shoulder 2 years ago and the exercises I learned from her really helped build back my mobility after I healed.

The part I wish I could show you is where she talks about the proper way to align your feet when you walk or run and how to step properly. It really made a difference with me.

Re: New training journal thread thingamajiggy

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:51 pm
by Drem
leah wrote:i think maybe i will try some new shoes and/or insoles and see if that helps. the knee-to-ankle pain is gone (it was mostly just monday night/tuesday morning after a particularly intense cardio session), but the tenderness i mentioned is still (and always) there.

do you jump up and down a lot in cardio? running isn't the only thing that'll do it. apparently ballerinas fracture their shins because of the constant jarring of the bones from hopping all over the place. sounds like all you can really do is change how you're doing things. which is advice that i don't think you can get on a message board