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Postby Mop » Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:52 pm

My philosophies are based on treating the body in the gym, like you would in the real world. Muscles and joints moving together- flexibility, posture, muscle strength are all very important for us to get through our hectic lives. What use is a 500 lb bench press if it hurts to get groceries out of the car?

This week I am going to give some full body movements- these are an excellent way to get the body warmed up for a weight work out. Most off all make your entire body work in an entirely new way.
next weeks movements will be lower back and mid back related, strong spine leads to a strong core, and a better life.

Beginer: Squat while holding bar over head.

This move is tougher than it looks, forcing your core and body to work at once and test the limits of your flexability.

* Holding the arms above the head, squat down to a depth that you can control with good alignment through the kinetic chain, squat back up.
* Watch for compensations at the foot (pronation, external rotation), knee (internal rotation, adduction), hip (frontal plane stability), lumbar spine (increased lumbar lordosis), upper extremity (increased flexion), and cervical spine (increased cervical lordosis).
* A proper stretching and strengthening protocol should be initiated if any dysfunctions exist.

Image Image

*The keys to the squat:
Weight back on your heals, you should be able to wiggle your toes while in the squat. Stick your butt out, it will keep your weight in line with your legs.
Last edited by Mop on Sun Jan 23, 2005 8:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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Postby Mop » Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:58 pm

The deadlift!

Like the squat, the weight in the front of your body. This will work your legs, lower back, abs, forearms, shoulders and hips. Do this in front of a mirror if at all possible, making sure back stays strait. Just like the squat, weight on heels, should be able to see and wiggle the toes, stick your butt out, women like your " hovering over a public toilet"

Preparation :

* Stand tall, retract scapulas and draw in navel towards spine whilst squeezing glutes.
* Important that the hip, knee and toes are tracking in line.
* Core must remain activated throughout deadlift-watch for compensation in your client. Don't let misalignment of legs or flexion of the lower lumbar occur.

Movement :

* Keep arms staight at all times.
* Lower the weights down as deep as neutral spine angles can be maintained.
* Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades retracted and depressed.
* Ensure no compensations of the knee ankle or hip.
* Return to the starting position, pushing through the glutes (to keep pressure off the lower back) and keeping the head & chest up, this will ensure that pressure is not placed solely on the lower back.
* Breathing in on the way down & breathing out on the way up
* Don’t rush through the exercise.
* Keep transverse activated at all times.

Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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Postby Mop » Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:02 pm

I know this looks stupid, but is a great movement, takes some time to master. You want to do this is a controlled fasihion over the distance of 30 -40 feet. if you dont have 10 -20 yards to do this in , do room length and back about 5 times np.

This works just about everything, pilates and yoga people may find this easy.

Preparation :

* This exercise involves dynamic Lumbo Pelvic Hip Stabilization, therefore it is essential that the client exhibits EXCELLENT technique during the movement and have a high level of core stability.
* Maintain drawing in and pelvic floor contraction during the entire exercise for spinal support.

Movement :

* Start by leaning over at the waist, and place the palms of the hands on the floor (as shown).
* Ensure that there is a soft bend in the knees for proper load transfer through the pelvis.
* Maintain stiffness in the core (with drawing in) and walk your hands away from the feet one at a time.
* Continue hand movement until the shoulders are in full flexion (arms are over the head) or until the point of no compensation.
* Hold the hands over the head, palms on the floor and slowly start walking the feet towards the hands one at a time (like a CENTIPEDE!)

Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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Postby Mop » Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:04 pm

Downward facing dog, Hi Yoga.

Preparation :

* Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly underneath your shoulders.
* Be sure the fingers are facing straight ahead.

Movement :

* Keeping your hands firmly in place, lift the knees off the floor.
* Drive the hips high into the air, extending the legs.
* Try to keep the heels on the floor (This is not imperative).
* Try to keep a straight line running from the arms, through the spine and through the tail bone.
* Straighten the legs as much as possible without letting the lower back round.
* It is acceptable to allow the heels to come off the floor as well as slightly bend the knees to keep the back in a straight line.
* Hold this position for 3 to 5 deep breaths.

Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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