Whats wrong with this picture ?

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Whats wrong with this picture ?

Postby Spazz » Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:48 am

http://www.opensecrets.org/pfds/CIDsumm ... &year=2010
http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/ ... cycle=2012 this ones even better.

Look up any one of these dudes and try explain to me why all of these people are so rich. The net worth of these lords is what OwS is about, why our political process and economy are so jacked up , the reason why I have become so jaded on voting ( sometimes I feel dieken levels of rage) and why the whole republican democrat debate is so retarded. Its also the reason why all the people raging at obama are a bunch of re res. Its the same shit its been for years and its going to be the same shit in 2012. One of us on the nt could get electred president and it would still be the same shit cuz the president is a jerk off who does what hes told or else. Do you really think all these people with a billion dollars spent on education and able to scheme up methods of getting stupid rich are so retarded as to get busted doing the shit they do? Some of em are for sure :) I think others of them get set up for rocking the boat. Making you go away on your own is so much more civilized than killing someone dont you think. Think about like weiner and spitzer. What kind of shit were these guys up to and why did they have to go ? What fuckin old geez in his right mind isnt going to totally go for some young thing they perceive paying attention to them ? I think they do the shit to gay republicans too to get them out of there cuz being gay is yucky. Im telling you guys this shit is crazy. I dont even want to think about how long this game has been being played like this man it will make your head spin. My friends tell me I am in the black helicopters crowd but im telling you if you think about it for a second it seems highly plausible.

Anyway thats my last late night ive had a long day rant im going to lay on you guys. I dont even know what led me to that shit in the first place.
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