Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Narrock » Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:41 am

Tossica wrote:
Narrock wrote:
Tossica wrote:Obama has left the tax breaks in place plus proposed many new ones for companies that create jobs in the US instead of outsourcing. The president does not control the price of gas. Gas spiked to over $4 a gallon under Bush' watch. Where was your outrage then? Taxes will be LOWER for you under Obama. FACT. The fact that ANYONE expected a complete economic turn around in less than 4yrs is fucking RIDICULOUS.

Obama let me down on some policies but taxes and the economy is not one of them. I think he's done as well as ANYONE could have done and another 4 years of the current economic policies will continue to grow the economy.

He left them in place because he HAD TO. It was the law. Hey, obummer was the one who promised to fix everything in 2008. I love your amnesia.

They were set to expire this year, DUMBASS.

No shit Sherlock. Like I said he HAD to. They didn't expire til this year... thats the whole point DUMBASS.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Narrock » Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:44 am

Tossica wrote:If he said it, POST IT!

Are you that fucking brain dead? You didn't watch it. I'll post his comments about how he said he's gonna fix the economy, create jobs, and all his other empty promises.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Tossica » Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:46 am

Narrock wrote:
Tossica wrote:If he said it, POST IT!

Are you that fucking brain dead? You didn't watch it. I'll post his comments about how he said he's gonna fix the economy, create jobs, and all his other empty promises.

His policies ARE creating jobs, the economy IS getting better. Is everything fixed? Nope. Did he say it would all be fixed in 4 years? Nope.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Narrock » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:12 pm ... ata_player. It was torture listening to this nauseating screed, but yes he says several times "if you elect me, here's what we're gonna do...". Like I said, he welched on ALL of it except the health care reform nightmare that he created. See, you obummer cool aid drinkers are mad because he welched... but you're willing to give stalin jr another shot at ramming his socialist/communist bullshit down our throats and trying to transform America into a socialist nation. The rest of us are happy that he welched because now he can't run on a platform of achievement... because thank God he didn't damage America beyond repair (yet) with his empty promises. And thats why he's gonna get thrown out in November. If you don't like a capitalistic free-market enterprise country then GTFO. Move to Canada or France.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Zanchief » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:36 pm

The economy was in the toilet when he took office cool guy. I knew this would happen the minute he was inaugurated. Sniveling sycophantic morons like you would be burying him for something completely out of his control. He's had to put almost everything he planned to do on the backburner because he inherited a disaster from a man you elected twice.

You know what he did to get out of the recession? The same thing a conservative government would have. The same thing every government did. You need to spend out of a recession to stimulate the economy. Our Conservative Government here in Canada did the same damn thing, and since we weren't affected as bad as the US their praised for it. You guys got the short end of the stick because of issues that have nothing to do with the Federal government, and it's lynch the blacky time.

Wake the fuck up, Mindia. Nevermind. Don't. Just keep digging your whole of ignorance. Just be quick about it because I can't way for the cave-in.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Tossica » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:50 pm

It's blatantly obvious his policies reversed the tailspin your boy Bush put us in to. We aren't back to where we were before GWB took office and completely fucked our country BUT we're making progress. Nearly ALL facts agree. To deny it is to say "I'm an ignorant fuck who doesn't bother with things like FACTS and reality". Even Lyion can agree on some level that things are going about as well as could be expected considering the situation we were in when he took office.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Tikker » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:58 pm

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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Arlos » Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:04 pm

Narrock wrote:Arlos, tax cuts for business (small, medium, and large) are what we need right now to stimulate growth. The more you tax businesses, the less solvent and profitable they become, and the aftermath of that is less hiring, more firing, more layoffs, less raises, less promotions, etc. America needs jobs. You can't create jobs if you tax business to death. And to your comment about obama having done a fine job so far... WTF? The National Debt increased 5 trillion under obama. Gas prices went from a national average of $1.85/gal when obummer took office, and now the national avg is hovering at $3.86/gal. Unemployment is still sky high, the housing crisis is still there. How the hell are we better now than 3.5 years ago??? We're not, period. And for obummer to ask for another 4 years to finish his "hope and change" bullshit is completely laughable. No fucking way. We'd be insane to keep him around longer. Oh yeah, and obummercare is going to be paid for by the middle class by way of increased taxes. Sorry, I'm not for wealth redistribution. Yes, Romney is exactly what we need right now. With Romney, you're going to see: 1. A decreased unemployment rate. 2. A huge reduction in the national debt. 3. Lower gas prices due to allowing more offshore drilling and a Canada-to-America pipeline thus making us less dependent on foreign sources. 4. A balanced budget. You will get NONE of that with obummer at the helm. The choice is 100% clear to me.

Except that businesses, especially large business, have been making RECORD profits. Many of them are sitting on record levels of cash right now. Just look at energy company profits, especially, but even tech firms are turning in record profits. Samsung had something like a 6 BILLION profit last quarter. Apple's profit in Q2 of 2012 was 88 percent higher than in 2011, nearly double. Even the bailed-out Auto industry is doing quite well. Hell, look at what the Dow Jones average has done since Obama took office. When he entered, it was at 7,949.09. Now, today? 13306.64. That's what, at 60% increase?

Anyway, that is why cutting business taxes will do nothing to spur hiring: because they are ALREADY making record profits, and yet STILL aren't hiring. The issue is that there is a DEMAND problem. People on welfare or unemployment have very little disposable income, so they aren't buying much. That's the entire point of the Stimulus. Put a bunch of money out there, and put people to work for projects it funds, including infrastructure, etc. Those people will then have more money, which they will use to buy things, thus increasing demand. So, when companies see demand rising, they will increase output to meet the demand, which necessitates hiring more people. Since those people now have permanent jobs, they spend more, and it becomes a feedback cycle. Even if corporate tax rates were cut to ZERO, why would that make them hire more people, when there's no demand out there for them to produce more? They'd just pocket the increased profits.

As for what Romney will do, his numbers for BOTH cutting taxes AND vastly reducing the national debt simply don't add up, at all. Especially if he really does want to add more to the defense budget than even the Joint Chiefs want. Like Clinton said, brilliantly, in his speech: "It's arithmetic. Theirs doesn't add up." As for point 3, did you know that under Obama, we have the lowest level of imported oil since the 70s? We ARE more energy independent under his administration than we have been in decades. Also, you know that Canada to US pipeline? That won't change anything in how much oil we get from them, because all that oil *ALREADY* comes to the US. Also, are you forgetting that article about US oil being sold on the world market that you read and commented on a couple months back? Just because it's DRILLED here doesn't mean it will change the price of gas one tiny bit, since it gets sold on the world market. Actually, not having the XL pipeline REDUCES our prices for oil, as it is cheaper for them to sell it to refineries in the upper midwest than pay shipping costs to get it to the coasts and on tankers right now, so we get it at a discount. Pipeline goes in, that stops happening.

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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Zanchief » Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:13 pm

Tikker wrote:you guys suck at not feeding the troll :(

I tried for a while. One man can only stand so much.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby brinstar » Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:39 pm

so many gems.

Narrock wrote:Arlos, tax cuts for business (small, medium, and large) are what we need right now to stimulate growth. The more you tax businesses, the less solvent and profitable they become, and the aftermath of that is less hiring, more firing, more layoffs, less raises, less promotions, etc. America needs jobs. You can't create jobs if you tax business to death.

ETR on america's biggest businesses are so low right now that they are actually making money off the IRS. your insistence on ignoring this fact does not make it any less true. these same corporations are pulling down record profits and record bonuses. ryan-romney and your party of insane terrorists want to cut their ETR further. if you do not understand why this is wrong, LEARN SOME MATH.

Narrock wrote:The National Debt increased 5 trillion under Obama. Gas prices went from a national average of $1.85/gal when [Obama] took office, and now the national avg is hovering at $3.86/gal.

first of all, if your president hadn't pissed away the surplus he inherited and passed on a $2-trillion deficit, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

second of all, your gas price claim is ridiculous. look at gas prices over the last 30 years. they peaked at around $4/gal in 2007-2008 (hmm, who was president?), and then when your party's policies crashed the economy, *gasp* prices went along for the ride. why'd they go back up? i dunno, go ask the oil companies who take massive subsidies, pay no taxes, and still post 10- and 11-digit profits each quarter. and then watch this, asshole:

oh my! that's right, it's your own cultish echo chamber Fox News SCREAMING about people blaming bush for high gas prices! YOUR FREE MARKET DID THIS. even Billo the Clown was pretty clear about how politicians are powerless over gas prices! suck on some of your own medicine, bitch. mmmm, tastes good, doesn't it?

Narrock wrote:How the hell are we better now than 3.5 years ago???

hmmm let's see. bin laden dead, auto industry alive and profitable, 40 million more americans (about to be) covered by health insurance, deficit is actually shrinking, and HOW many consecutive months of positive job growth (gosh i've lost count). pls use facts to disprove any of those (hint: don't bother, you can't)

Narrock wrote:Yes, Romney is exactly what we need right now. With Romney, you're going to see: 1. A decreased unemployment rate. 2. A huge reduction in the national debt. 3. Lower gas prices due to allowing more offshore drilling and a Canada-to-America pipeline thus making us less dependent on foreign sources. 4. A balanced budget. You will get NONE of that with obummer at the helm. The choice is 100% clear to me.

if by "we" you include yourself among those americans who make more than $500,000 a year, then yes. romney is who you "need" right now. somehow i don't think you belong to that bracket. but whatever, let's look at your grade-school argument

1. more jobs? lol yeah - in india and china maybe. seriously though, are you not aware that unemployment is less than half a percent away from pre-obama levels right now? does that simple fact somehow escape you? look at the graph again. what, do you think the spike from Q3 of 08 to Q2 of 09 flattened out and started coming down because of magical fairy dust and moonbeams? no, bitch, it's called stimulus.

ryan-romney like to say the economy will grow by 12 million jobs if they are elected!!!!!!! but guess what, independent analysts say the economy will do that no matter who is in the white house. so fuck them, and fuck you.

2. all independent analysis concludes the ryan-romney plan would increase the deficit and thus the debt. granted, their analysis was necessarily incomplete, since team ryan-romney refuses to release specifics on some areas of their plan. caveat emptor; no thanks!

3. are you high? canada IS a foreign source. and now that i'm momentarily done laughing at your inferior brain, i would like to point out that the pipeline you're referring to is designed to carry oil to saudi-owned refineries located in international tax havens on the gulf coast for export to the world market. that oil is not for us. in fact, gas prices will actually go up (in the midwest, at least) because part of the pipeline's purpose is to relieve the bottleneck of crude at Cushing, OK. btw, they are already starting to build that leg of the pipeline since it does not cross an international border and thus does not require approval from the state dept or the POTUS. thanks, assholes! oh and one more time for good measure - scroll up and watch YOUR FAIR AND BALANCED NEWS CLOWNS say over and over that politicians cannot affect gas prices. which is it?

4. this one isn't even worth addressing, but i'm enjoying my wanton destruction of your balsa-wood argument so i'ma keep rolling. fact: the last republican to balance the budget was Eisenhower in 56-57, and he did so with democrats in full control of the house and senate (i point this out as a nod to lyion). fact: LBJ, a democrat, balanced the budget in 1969 with democrats in full control of both house and senate. the only president to balance the budget since then has been Bill Clinton (D) in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001, though he did so with republicans in control of both houses. [fact by extrapolation: R white house + R congress = deficit.] one more fact: the budget for the first year of a new president's first term is actually set by the outgoing president. that's right - the budget for 2009 came courtesy of GWB!

PS, final nail in your argument's coffin:
yep, O44's line is actually going DOWN.

fact check me all you want, bucko. shit's solid.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Tossica » Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:07 pm

Mindia hates niggers. Posting facts won't make him hate the fact that a black man is the POTUS any less.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Jay » Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:40 pm

Tikker wrote:you guys suck at not feeding the troll :(
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby brinstar » Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:21 pm

i know ;\
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Tossica » Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:05 am

Whether Mindia is a troll or not, the fact is, almost 50% of the US population think like he does. I live in a country half full of retards and they all get to vote. :(
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Narrock » Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:58 am

Tossica wrote:Whether Mindia is a troll or not, the fact is, almost 50% of the US population think like he does. I live in a country half full of retards and they all get to vote. :(

Toss, you're not a very smart man... that's been abundantly clear since day one. But I'm not making fun of you. I just wish you had the ability to realize that you are completely brainwashed and you are in desperate need of re-education. The only retards are you sheep and lemmings who voted for obummer and who plan on voting for him again. It's absolutely disgusting. Zanchief and Brinstar and the rest of you brainwashed fucks keep spinning and distorting the facts, and blaming all our problems on Bush... I don't care. Your ignorance is very sad, and you and your ilk are like a cancer on America. We are not a socialist nation. Most Americans don't want a socialist nation... Only the underachievers and weak-minded fools want that... A nanny state to take care of them and give them handouts. Fuck that.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Spazz » Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:20 pm

No one takes you or your retard politics seriously. You scream about things like a nanny state while cheering for the govt to regulate any behavior you dont like. The whole core of your argument is based off of emotion and bullshit and lacking any type of facts what so ever to hold it up.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Durothil Skyreaver » Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:18 pm

Entertaining posts like this are the only reason I still come here.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Tossica » Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:26 pm

Narrock wrote:
Tossica wrote:Whether Mindia is a troll or not, the fact is, almost 50% of the US population think like he does. I live in a country half full of retards and they all get to vote. :(

Toss, you're not a very smart man... that's been abundantly clear since day one. But I'm not making fun of you. I just wish you had the ability to realize that you are completely brainwashed and you are in desperate need of re-education. The only retards are you sheep and lemmings who voted for obummer and who plan on voting for him again. It's absolutely disgusting. Zanchief and Brinstar and the rest of you brainwashed fucks keep spinning and distorting the facts, and blaming all our problems on Bush... I don't care. Your ignorance is very sad, and you and your ilk are like a cancer on America. We are not a socialist nation. Most Americans don't want a socialist nation... Only the underachievers and weak-minded fools want that... A nanny state to take care of them and give them handouts. Fuck that.

The fact that I am more successful than you on every level and have not relied on any kind of government "handout" in my entire adult life must really burn you. I've never even applied for unemployment or any kind of school grants yet I support those programs because I think they benefit society as a whole. I've been gainfully employed since I was 14 years old and built a successful career (2 of them actually) without ANY obvious help from a "nanny state" or even my parents yet I support programs that help people build careers and find gainful employment. Once I was 16, I was completely on my own, permanently but I understand the need for some people to remain at home and/or on their parents health insurance policies until much later because things just aren't the same today as they were when I was growing up. I have my own health insurance through my employer but I understand that millions of Americans do not and the costs of treating these people after they are sick and need emergency care are FAR higher than the costs of providing them with preventative care and regular Dr visits. There are MANY people just like me that don't want or need anything from the government beyond infrastructure, military, police, fire, etc but understand that there may be people who require help.

You on the other hand are a total fucking hypocrite and selfish piece of shit. Take your faux Christian morals and bigotry and shove them up your ignorant ass.


Fuck you.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Narrock » Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:58 pm

Tossica wrote:
Narrock wrote:
Tossica wrote:Whether Mindia is a troll or not, the fact is, almost 50% of the US population think like he does. I live in a country half full of retards and they all get to vote. :(

Toss, you're not a very smart man... that's been abundantly clear since day one. But I'm not making fun of you. I just wish you had the ability to realize that you are completely brainwashed and you are in desperate need of re-education. The only retards are you sheep and lemmings who voted for obummer and who plan on voting for him again. It's absolutely disgusting. Zanchief and Brinstar and the rest of you brainwashed fucks keep spinning and distorting the facts, and blaming all our problems on Bush... I don't care. Your ignorance is very sad, and you and your ilk are like a cancer on America. We are not a socialist nation. Most Americans don't want a socialist nation... Only the underachievers and weak-minded fools want that... A nanny state to take care of them and give them handouts. Fuck that.

The fact that I am more successful than you on every level and have not relied on any kind of government "handout" in my entire adult life must really burn you. I've never even applied for unemployment or any kind of school grants yet I support those programs because I think they benefit society as a whole. I've been gainfully employed since I was 14 years old and built a successful career (2 of them actually) without ANY obvious help from a "nanny state" or even my parents yet I support programs that help people build careers and find gainful employment. Once I was 16, I was completely on my own, permanently but I understand the need for some people to remain at home and/or on their parents health insurance policies until much later because things just aren't the same today as they were when I was growing up. I have my own health insurance through my employer but I understand that millions of Americans do not and the costs of treating these people after they are sick and need emergency care are FAR higher than the costs of providing them with preventative care and regular Dr visits. There are MANY people just like me that don't want or need anything from the government beyond infrastructure, military, police, fire, etc but understand that there may be people who require help.

You on the other hand are a total fucking hypocrite and selfish piece of shit. Take your faux Christian morals and bigotry and shove them up your ignorant ass.


Fuck you.

You're more successful than me? HA HAHAHA HAHA HAHAHAHA You sir, are delusional. I make more money than you, have a larger net worth than you, I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, of stronger moral compass than you, healthier than you. Should I go on? Fuck you and your socialism.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Narrock » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:14 pm

brinstar wrote:so many gems.

Narrock wrote:Arlos, tax cuts for business (small, medium, and large) are what we need right now to stimulate growth. The more you tax businesses, the less solvent and profitable they become, and the aftermath of that is less hiring, more firing, more layoffs, less raises, less promotions, etc. America needs jobs. You can't create jobs if you tax business to death.

ETR on america's biggest businesses are so low right now that they are actually making money off the IRS. your insistence on ignoring this fact does not make it any less true. these same corporations are pulling down record profits and record bonuses. ryan-romney and your party of insane terrorists want to cut their ETR further. if you do not understand why this is wrong, LEARN SOME MATH.

Narrock wrote:The National Debt increased 5 trillion under Obama. Gas prices went from a national average of $1.85/gal when [Obama] took office, and now the national avg is hovering at $3.86/gal.

first of all, if your president hadn't pissed away the surplus he inherited and passed on a $2-trillion deficit, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

second of all, your gas price claim is ridiculous. look at gas prices over the last 30 years. they peaked at around $4/gal in 2007-2008 (hmm, who was president?), and then when your party's policies crashed the economy, *gasp* prices went along for the ride. why'd they go back up? i dunno, go ask the oil companies who take massive subsidies, pay no taxes, and still post 10- and 11-digit profits each quarter. and then watch this, asshole:

oh my! that's right, it's your own cultish echo chamber Fox News SCREAMING about people blaming bush for high gas prices! YOUR FREE MARKET DID THIS. even Billo the Clown was pretty clear about how politicians are powerless over gas prices! suck on some of your own medicine, bitch. mmmm, tastes good, doesn't it?

Narrock wrote:How the hell are we better now than 3.5 years ago???

hmmm let's see. bin laden dead, auto industry alive and profitable, 40 million more americans (about to be) covered by health insurance, deficit is actually shrinking, and HOW many consecutive months of positive job growth (gosh i've lost count). pls use facts to disprove any of those (hint: don't bother, you can't)

Narrock wrote:Yes, Romney is exactly what we need right now. With Romney, you're going to see: 1. A decreased unemployment rate. 2. A huge reduction in the national debt. 3. Lower gas prices due to allowing more offshore drilling and a Canada-to-America pipeline thus making us less dependent on foreign sources. 4. A balanced budget. You will get NONE of that with obummer at the helm. The choice is 100% clear to me.

if by "we" you include yourself among those americans who make more than $500,000 a year, then yes. romney is who you "need" right now. somehow i don't think you belong to that bracket. but whatever, let's look at your grade-school argument

1. more jobs? lol yeah - in india and china maybe. seriously though, are you not aware that unemployment is less than half a percent away from pre-obama levels right now? does that simple fact somehow escape you? look at the graph again. what, do you think the spike from Q3 of 08 to Q2 of 09 flattened out and started coming down because of magical fairy dust and moonbeams? no, bitch, it's called stimulus.

ryan-romney like to say the economy will grow by 12 million jobs if they are elected!!!!!!! but guess what, independent analysts say the economy will do that no matter who is in the white house. so fuck them, and fuck you.

2. all independent analysis concludes the ryan-romney plan would increase the deficit and thus the debt. granted, their analysis was necessarily incomplete, since team ryan-romney refuses to release specifics on some areas of their plan. caveat emptor; no thanks!

3. are you high? canada IS a foreign source. and now that i'm momentarily done laughing at your inferior brain, i would like to point out that the pipeline you're referring to is designed to carry oil to saudi-owned refineries located in international tax havens on the gulf coast for export to the world market. that oil is not for us. in fact, gas prices will actually go up (in the midwest, at least) because part of the pipeline's purpose is to relieve the bottleneck of crude at Cushing, OK. btw, they are already starting to build that leg of the pipeline since it does not cross an international border and thus does not require approval from the state dept or the POTUS. thanks, assholes! oh and one more time for good measure - scroll up and watch YOUR FAIR AND BALANCED NEWS CLOWNS say over and over that politicians cannot affect gas prices. which is it?

4. this one isn't even worth addressing, but i'm enjoying my wanton destruction of your balsa-wood argument so i'ma keep rolling. fact: the last republican to balance the budget was Eisenhower in 56-57, and he did so with democrats in full control of the house and senate (i point this out as a nod to lyion). fact: LBJ, a democrat, balanced the budget in 1969 with democrats in full control of both house and senate. the only president to balance the budget since then has been Bill Clinton (D) in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001, though he did so with republicans in control of both houses. [fact by extrapolation: R white house + R congress = deficit.] one more fact: the budget for the first year of a new president's first term is actually set by the outgoing president. that's right - the budget for 2009 came courtesy of GWB!

PS, final nail in your argument's coffin:
yep, O44's line is actually going DOWN.

fact check me all you want, bucko. shit's solid.

95% of what you posted doesn't amount to a pinch of mule shit. Here, read this... ASSHOLE:

CNN Fact Check: The last president to balance the budget
Posted by
CNN's Jim Dexter

(CNN) - President Obama declared on Wednesday that Democrats can be trusted on the budget because, "the last time the budget was balanced was under a Democratic president."

Fact Check: Who was president the last time the budget was balanced?

– The U.S. government suffered budget deficits every year from 1970 through 1997.
– Democrat Bill Clinton was president in 1998, when the government finally recorded a surplus.
– There also were budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and in 2001. 2001 was the last year the Clinton administration proposed the budget.
– Republican George W. Bush succeeded Clinton in 2001. The United States had a budget deficit in 2002, and it has recorded budget deficits every year since. The deficit is projected to increase substantially this year under President Barack Obama.
Republicans should get at least some of the credit for the balanced budgets during the Clinton administration, because Republican majorities controlled both the House and Senate.

And as far as claiming the killing of Bin Laden as a success for obama, is completely laughable. Leon Panetta gave the order because OBUMMER hesitated 5 times when we were ready to go in. Read this, ASSHOLE: ... 05-03.html
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Narrock » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:15 pm

Bottom line is: Republicans are better for Americans, America, America's future, the world view of America, Business and a prosperous society, and on and on. Fuck democrats, really.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Tossica » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:34 pm

Mindia lives in a fantasy world where truck drivers make more money than network engineers, Republicans care about the average American and he's not stupid, ugly mother fucker.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby brinstar » Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:58 pm

Narrock wrote:CNN fact check

news flash, retard: this article was written in early 2010, when the deficit was in fact NOT shrinking the way it is now. you also tried to use a PROJECTION as PROOF. nice try shitbird.

the hilarious part is that the rest of your paste (lololol especially the bolded part) simply verifies exactly what i've already said about balancing budgets, including the part where Clinton balanced the budget with both houses of congress under republican control. did i misrepresent that in any way? let me scroll up and check. hmm, nope!

Narrock wrote:And as far as claiming the killing of Bin Laden as a success for obama, is completely laughable. Leon Panetta gave the order because [Obama] hesitated 5 times when we were ready to go in. Read this, ASSHOLE: ... 05-03.html

i read it. not sure you did, though. can you point out where it says Obama hesitated five times? in fact it seems Panetta went out of his way several times to give props to Obama for making the call.

by the way, that's yet another thing that cracks me up about you retards who say Obama doesn't deserve credit because he didn't pull the trigger. if that's the logic you want to use, then tell me: why were we after bin laden in the first place? DID HE FLY THE PLANES?

you are outgunned, outflanked, and outclassed in this thread. please stop embarrassing yourself.
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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Trielelvan » Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:38 am


Dude, seriously... it's old. I am fiercely independent, and logically I cannot dispute one simple fact: Even if Obama isn't the answer, Mittens and his cronies are NOT here to help America, and will fuck this country sideways. Williard utters nothing but regurgitated post-noted verbal diarrhea like a good little teapublican marionette.

Erik, you are as deluded as a shit sandwich in a steakhouse.

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Re: Anyone who's voting for Mittens, refute this. Please.

Postby Trielelvan » Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:55 am

Oh yeah, also...

HyPhY GhEtTo MaMi wrote:GeT ofF mAh OvaRiEz
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