3rd debate

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Re: 3rd debate

Postby brinstar » Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:38 am

compost the rich
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Re: 3rd debate

Postby Tossica » Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:00 pm

Gas down about $1.05 here. Thanks Obama!
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Re: 3rd debate

Postby Jay » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:07 am

Zanchief wrote:
brinstar wrote:this kind of cognitive dissonance is the main hallmark of the modern GOP, which apparently no longer feels any sort of compulsion to square its political platform with actual demonstrable facts (cf Todd Akin's brilliant statements about the female body). it's total fucking garbage, that, coupled with the party's ever-intensifying reliance on affluent old white men in a country steadily growing poorer and less white, will lead to its demise within the next 20 years. need proof? look at the "Ron Paul Revolution" - or better yet, RP's ballsier contemporary, Gary Johnson. GOP voters with brains are jumping over to the Good Ship Libertarian, where sanity and actual fiscal responsibility can coexist peacefully. soon, the GOP will be nothing but a small roving pack of Mindias, howling gibberish in the wilderness of electoral irrelevance.

This is the problem right here. A rightwing candidate can't be elected without those bible-humping, God fearing morons.

Here's my TV analogy. Obama is like The Big Bang Theory. Only really stupid people love that show, but it has a broad appeal and they keep the jokes simple so tons of people watch it. If they made intelligent jokes, people would get angry that it's pretentious. Romney is Criminal Minds. It's dumb as hell and only old white people watch it. It doesn't offend anyone and most educated people don't get the appeal, but plenty of people watch it. Game Of Thrones, Louis, Homeland, those shows will never be top rated. People are just too stupid. Elections are the same way. You think Obama really wants to be this centrist? He just has to act dumb as hell. Otherwise no one would vote for him. Imagine a conservative who didn't give a shit about meaningless issues like God, or abortions, or drugs? Never happen. No one would watch it. I hear NCIS might have a new spinoff though. Dancing With the Stars is just around the corner. These are the voters...

While I understand your analogy and that I agree with the basic idea behind it, your use of the television programs within your analogy are wrong. Game of Thrones, Louis, and Homeland will never be top rated because they are on cable channels. 2 of the 3 named are on premium cable channels with separate subscriptions from basic cable. That accessibility alone is why those shows will never be rated above BBT or CM. They do amazingly if you stack them against other Cable programs, but against network television there's no way they'll ever beat the ratings of "free TV".

That error aside, yes I agree with your analogy. Hell, maybe you opened up a dialog as to how accessible programming is dumbed down for the masses while intellectual content is kept behind a pay wall :dunno: .
leah wrote:i am forever grateful to my gym teacher for drilling that skill into me during drivers' ed

leah wrote:isn't the only difference the length? i feel like it would take too long to smoke something that long, ha.
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