Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

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Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby Ganzo » Mon May 12, 2014 7:52 am

New leaked photo

Proof of Putin forcing people of East Ukraine to vote for independence
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Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

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Re: Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby Tuggan » Mon May 12, 2014 6:44 pm

what is your opinion on this whole ukraine debacle ganzo? aren't you originally from somewhere over there?
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Re: Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby brinstar » Mon May 12, 2014 10:33 pm

Tuggan wrote:what is your opinion on this whole ukraine debacle ganzo?

yes this

also isn't the new ukraine govt a bunch of outsider hard right fascists? IIRC the protests only got violent right around the time a militant fascist movement showed up, backed by other nations (probably including us) - all they had to do was strike a match
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Re: Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby Ganzo » Tue May 13, 2014 7:44 am

Tuggan wrote:what is your opinion on this whole ukraine debacle ganzo? aren't you originally from somewhere over there?

I'm from Kiev and still have many friends and family there with whom I talk daily.

So this is what has actually happened since US/EU news doesn't report it:

First Background - Ukraine is not all Ukrainian as media presents it here.
Modern country of Ukraine is/was made up of 6 provinces/states:
1. Western Ukraine AKA Galitchina - a pre-1939 Polish/Austria-Hungarian province added to Ukraine by Stalin during the division of Poland between Nazi Germany and USSR (Territory mostly populated by Polish/Ukrainians who speak only Polish and Ukrainian and hate everything about USSR/Russia)
2. Central Ukraine - Old Kiev's Rus, a birth-land of Russian Empire and what was known as Ukraine in Tzar's Russia (Territory mostly populated by Ukrainians /Russians/Jews everyone speaks both Russian and Ukrainian with Yiddish mixed in)
3. Crimea - Part of Russia which was taken away from Ottoman Empire in the 1700's and given to Republic of Ukraine by Khrushchev in the 60's (Territory mostly populated by Russians and Tartars with Russian as the only spoken language)
4. Odessa - a city-state built by Russia to have a port on the Black Sea and added to Republic of Ukraine in the 1920's by Lenin. (Territory mostly populated by Ukrainians/Russians/Jews everyone speaks both Russian and Ukrainian with Yiddish mixed in. A birth-place of Jewish Mafia headed by "Benny the King" who all moved to US in early 1920)
5. Eastern Ukraine Lugansk - Old heart of Russian Iron Ore mining and steel manufacturing industry. Added to Republic of Ukraine in the 1920's by Lenin. (Territory mostly populated by Russians everyone speaks Russian)
6. Eastern Ukraine Donetsk - Old heart of Russian Coal mining industry. Added to Republic of Ukraine in the 1920's by Lenin. (Territory mostly populated by Russians everyone speaks Russian)

Now events:
Fall 2013 / Winter 2014 they had peaceful protest against corrupt government (similar to Occupy movement here) and asked for resignation of parliament and president and reelections. Western Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Movements "Freedom Party" and "The Right Sector" which were banned from Ukrainian Government take this opportunity to infiltrate the mass protest tent city "Maidan" and use it to start clashes with police leading to mass battles with rocks and Molotov cocktails. US Gov sees this as an opportunity to tear away Ukraine from Russia's influence and begins sponsoring and supporting these guys hoping to control them later and knowing they would never be on the Russia's side. In February after being pressured by EU Ukraine's president meets with leaders of opposition and agrees to set re-elections early in March. US Gov represented by Victoria Nuland in a famous recorded phone conversation tells US Envoy in Ukraine "Fuck EU and their brokered peace and March re-elections." She tells the envoy who US wants to be the new President, Prime Minister etc.. in Ukraine(Exact people who are in those positions today) and to tell the Neo-Nazi's to "Escalate" the situation. Two days later the famous sniper event occurs ("Police" snipers shoot at both police and protesters killing 100 people. All the video and photo show someone dressed in outdated police uniforms using old retired weapons, both of which were previously stored in government storage in Western Ukraine, a storage which was stormed and looted by Neo-Nazis weeks prior to that), Ukraine's president denies ordering police to shoot at people, police denies being armed but crowd is so riled up by these deaths that president flees the country. Within hours Neo-Nazis force Parliament to vote Interim Government. More than half of the Parliament is absent because they were held outside by armed thugs, remaining people vote for everyone (check out photos online of current Ukraine's President voting by pushing buttons for all the empty chairs around him). As soon as new Government comes in power (2/3 of positions are filled by Neo-Nazi Movements "Freedom Party" and "The Right Sector") the very first Law they pass is banning of the Russian language.

Putin needs Crimea as his military base, which it was all the time anyway, Russia just paid rent to Ukraine for the use of it. Putin negotiates with Crimean government, they hold referendum for separation from Ukraine and join Russia. US never saw it coming and throws a fit, and Putin laughs at their sanctions.

Now the real problems start:
Odessa and both of Eastern Ukraine provinces don't want to deal with Western Ukrainian Nazi's who took over Kiev and people start protesting. US/EU/Ukraine media portrays them as "Terrorist". Ukraine sends army against them, army refuses to fire at unarmed civilians, leave their tanks and weapons and ether join them if they were from Eastern Ukraine or just desert and go home. Kiev's Nazi government forms "National Guard" made up of volunteers from "The Right Sector" militants, puts them in army uniform, equips them and sends into Eastern Ukraine where they more than happy to shoot at unarmed "Muskovites"(Western Ukrainian derogatory term for Russians). In Odessa they send a 1000 "Socker Fans"(Right Sector militants) by buses from Western Ukraine, who attack the Anti-Nazi Government protester tent city in downtown with rocks, baseball bats and Molotov cocktails. Main body of protesters were on the Anti-Government march miles away at that time, there were only about 150 people in the camp. Those people run and barricade themselves inside the Union Building to hide from the "Socker Fans". The people outside set building on fire, over 50 people burn alive, those who jump off the building are than dragged and beaten to death with baseball bats. Over all more than 100 people die including a mother with 2 kids who was just passing by on street and a pregnant cleaning lady trapped in the building. Ukraine government says that 30 people died from an accidentally starting fire inside by themselves. US media runs this story as true despite videos of Nazi's throwing Molotov cocktails at the building and shooting at the windows while yelling "burn Muskovites" and hundreds of Riot Police idly standing by watching it all.
Eastern Ukraine is a war zone where all the steel workers and coal mines now fighting to protect their cities, on Sunday they hold referendum and vote for Independence. Naturally US and EU say they do not recognize that vote, since Democracy only counts when vote is in US favor.

The way the entire event has been handled by Mainstream Media makes me terrified that everything I hear on news about everything else is just as "cooked up" as Ukraine situation is
גם זה יעבור

Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Re: Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby Ganzo » Tue May 13, 2014 1:51 pm

Well some of US interest in Ukraine was explained today. Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden, and also his senior campaign adviser Devon Archer were placed on the board of directors of Ukraine's Birisma Holdings, Ukraine's largest Natural Gas company.
גם זה יעבור

Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Re: Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby brinstar » Tue May 13, 2014 4:42 pm

Ganzo wrote:
Tuggan wrote:what is your opinion on this whole ukraine debacle ganzo? aren't you originally from somewhere over there?

I'm from Kiev and still have many friends and family there with whom I talk daily.

So this is what has actually happened since US/EU news doesn't report it:

First Background - Ukraine is not all Ukrainian as media presents it here.
Modern country of Ukraine is/was made up of 6 provinces/states:
1. Western Ukraine AKA Galitchina - a pre-1939 Polish/Austria-Hungarian province added to Ukraine by Stalin during the division of Poland between Nazi Germany and USSR (Territory mostly populated by Polish/Ukrainians who speak only Polish and Ukrainian and hate everything about USSR/Russia)
2. Central Ukraine - Old Kiev's Rus, a birth-land of Russian Empire and what was known as Ukraine in Tzar's Russia (Territory mostly populated by Ukrainians /Russians/Jews everyone speaks both Russian and Ukrainian with Yiddish mixed in)
3. Crimea - Part of Russia which was taken away from Ottoman Empire in the 1700's and given to Republic of Ukraine by Khrushchev in the 60's (Territory mostly populated by Russians and Tartars with Russian as the only spoken language)
4. Odessa - a city-state built by Russia to have a port on the Black Sea and added to Republic of Ukraine in the 1920's by Lenin. (Territory mostly populated by Ukrainians/Russians/Jews everyone speaks both Russian and Ukrainian with Yiddish mixed in. A birth-place of Jewish Mafia headed by "Benny the King" who all moved to US in early 1920)
5. Eastern Ukraine Lugansk - Old heart of Russian Iron Ore mining and steel manufacturing industry. Added to Republic of Ukraine in the 1920's by Lenin. (Territory mostly populated by Russians everyone speaks Russian)
6. Eastern Ukraine Donetsk - Old heart of Russian Coal mining industry. Added to Republic of Ukraine in the 1920's by Lenin. (Territory mostly populated by Russians everyone speaks Russian)

Now events:
Fall 2013 / Winter 2014 they had peaceful protest against corrupt government (similar to Occupy movement here) and asked for resignation of parliament and president and reelections. Western Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Movements "Freedom Party" and "The Right Sector" which were banned from Ukrainian Government take this opportunity to infiltrate the mass protest tent city "Maidan" and use it to start clashes with police leading to mass battles with rocks and Molotov cocktails. US Gov sees this as an opportunity to tear away Ukraine from Russia's influence and begins sponsoring and supporting these guys hoping to control them later and knowing they would never be on the Russia's side. In February after being pressured by EU Ukraine's president meets with leaders of opposition and agrees to set re-elections early in March. US Gov represented by Victoria Nuland in a famous recorded phone conversation tells US Envoy in Ukraine "Fuck EU and their brokered peace and March re-elections." She tells the envoy who US wants to be the new President, Prime Minister etc.. in Ukraine(Exact people who are in those positions today) and to tell the Neo-Nazi's to "Escalate" the situation. Two days later the famous sniper event occurs ("Police" snipers shoot at both police and protesters killing 100 people. All the video and photo show someone dressed in outdated police uniforms using old retired weapons, both of which were previously stored in government storage in Western Ukraine, a storage which was stormed and looted by Neo-Nazis weeks prior to that), Ukraine's president denies ordering police to shoot at people, police denies being armed but crowd is so riled up by these deaths that president flees the country. Within hours Neo-Nazis force Parliament to vote Interim Government. More than half of the Parliament is absent because they were held outside by armed thugs, remaining people vote for everyone (check out photos online of current Ukraine's President voting by pushing buttons for all the empty chairs around him). As soon as new Government comes in power (2/3 of positions are filled by Neo-Nazi Movements "Freedom Party" and "The Right Sector") the very first Law they pass is banning of the Russian language.

Putin needs Crimea as his military base, which it was all the time anyway, Russia just paid rent to Ukraine for the use of it. Putin negotiates with Crimean government, they hold referendum for separation from Ukraine and join Russia. US never saw it coming and throws a fit, and Putin laughs at their sanctions.

Now the real problems start:
Odessa and both of Eastern Ukraine provinces don't want to deal with Western Ukrainian Nazi's who took over Kiev and people start protesting. US/EU/Ukraine media portrays them as "Terrorist". Ukraine sends army against them, army refuses to fire at unarmed civilians, leave their tanks and weapons and ether join them if they were from Eastern Ukraine or just desert and go home. Kiev's Nazi government forms "National Guard" made up of volunteers from "The Right Sector" militants, puts them in army uniform, equips them and sends into Eastern Ukraine where they more than happy to shoot at unarmed "Muskovites"(Western Ukrainian derogatory term for Russians). In Odessa they send a 1000 "Socker Fans"(Right Sector militants) by buses from Western Ukraine, who attack the Anti-Nazi Government protester tent city in downtown with rocks, baseball bats and Molotov cocktails. Main body of protesters were on the Anti-Government march miles away at that time, there were only about 150 people in the camp. Those people run and barricade themselves inside the Union Building to hide from the "Socker Fans". The people outside set building on fire, over 50 people burn alive, those who jump off the building are than dragged and beaten to death with baseball bats. Over all more than 100 people die including a mother with 2 kids who was just passing by on street and a pregnant cleaning lady trapped in the building. Ukraine government says that 30 people died from an accidentally starting fire inside by themselves. US media runs this story as true despite videos of Nazi's throwing Molotov cocktails at the building and shooting at the windows while yelling "burn Muskovites" and hundreds of Riot Police idly standing by watching it all.
Eastern Ukraine is a war zone where all the steel workers and coal mines now fighting to protect their cities, on Sunday they hold referendum and vote for Independence. Naturally US and EU say they do not recognize that vote, since Democracy only counts when vote is in US favor.

The way the entire event has been handled by Mainstream Media makes me terrified that everything I hear on news about everything else is just as "cooked up" as Ukraine situation is

okay i 100% agree that 99% of US media is getting this story wrong (most likely on purpose) BUT i will say that despite that fact, i knew almost all of this stuff. only stuff i didn't know is that the police snipers were fake and that awfulness about the tent city camp + bldg fire. and i wish i could say i was surprised when i heard rumors a few months ago that USA was supporting fascists ;\

fuck putin, fuck obama, fuck fascists, fuck nazis, free ukraine
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Re: Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby Reynaldo » Wed May 14, 2014 8:24 am

You forgot to add F Bush as well. I'm sure it's also his fault somehow
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Re: Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby brinstar » Wed May 14, 2014 12:47 pm

troll detected
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Re: Putin forces Easter Ukrainians to vote

Postby Zanchief » Thu May 15, 2014 9:17 am

I don't buy some of this, Ganzo. Some may be true, but I don't see why ever faction of western media is somehow banding together to lie to the public when half would be more than happy to report something that would be inflammatory for the current government. Hell, they do that when it's not even true, you think if they had a juicy story like this one, they wouldn't do a bit of digging to find the truth? You think the media all just decided to get along for this story to lie to people so they can band together for this one agenda? Not going to happen. A lot of this seems pretty unsubstantiated, even from coming from people who are there.
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