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White terrorists in my home city.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:26 am
by Tossica

Re: White terrorists in my home city.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:52 am
by brinstar
i was just coming to post about that

armed white supremacists wearing ski masks and bulletproof vests open fire into a crowd of black protesters, and despite the presence of dozens of pigs, they "slip away"

ambulance takes 15 mins to arrive

pigs spray the crowds in the meantime


Re: White terrorists in my home city.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:52 am
by brinstar
PS it's not terror if they're white men, you know that :2m16:

Re: White terrorists in my home city.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:13 pm
by Drem
What the fuck. All of these stories make me feel so embarrassed to be an American. Yet it also feels so distant, like it has nothing to do with me. This country would do so much better as a bunch of smaller countries. Then there could be a little tiny white supremacist shithole somewhere and no one else would have to be ashamed

Re: White terrorists in my home city.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:12 pm
by brinstar
i've said that before actually

break the US up into 6 smaller countries - that way the deep south and the dark red shitholes in the middle can have their shitty mindia-style jesusocracies with no tax and no labor laws and then in ten years scratch their heads wondering why their economies cratered and their life expectancy dropped to 50 while the great Union of Californian Socialist Republics can finally be rid of paying for bridges in mississippi and solve cancer instead

then when they all try to flee 3rd world appalachian destitution all the blue micronations can be all like "fuck off outta here, we spent 200 years trying to help your stupid asses - you wanna try this again, we'll do it OUR way"

Re: White terrorists in my home city.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:02 pm
by Arlos
Naw, the blue statelets will build walls around the red ones to prevent illegal immigration from there to the more affluent ones, and we'll make the red statelets pay for it. We'll also turn away any refugees, telling them that they're lazy and just want handouts, and we're worried they might sponsor economic terrorism, so we couldn't possibly take them.....

Re: White terrorists in my home city.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:11 pm
by Harrison
So disgusted with my country this past couple weeks.

Re: White terrorists in my home city.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:04 am
by brinstar
Arlos wrote:Naw, the blue statelets will build walls around the red ones to prevent illegal immigration from there to the more affluent ones, and we'll make the red statelets pay for it. We'll also turn away any refugees, telling them that they're lazy and just want handouts, and we're worried they might sponsor economic terrorism, so we couldn't possibly take them.....

walls? how quaint

unsaddled from helping the Deep South build every single infrastructure project and untethered from forking over tax dollars to help them destroy their own local populations and economies, we will use that money to create barriers of solid light that will only let through people without any psychoses or deep-seated bigotry or any other ulterior motives

you wanna come to America 2.0 but you're a racist who thinks blacks are creating their own problems? sorry, you literally/physically may not enter. this will also prevent 100% of foreign terrorism too - although that's moot, since USA2 will be so peaceful and beneficial to all of humankind that no one will want to bomb us anyway