Punch Nazis

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Punch Nazis

Postby Jay » Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:23 pm

So I have a pretty unpopular opinion on this among my circle and wanted to know how you all felt. First off, I couldn't care less about a Nazi's rights. I don't care about them being allowed to say what they have to say and I don't care to open a dialog with them and try to have a discourse with them. That being said, I don't think the "Punch Nazis" message is good. While im not all that concerned with a Nazi's well being, ie if they were all trapped in a burning building i wouldn't care, I think inciting civilians to violence is bad. My bullets are:

-i don't want ppl hurt from Nazi retaliation
-i don't want some 15 yo to think oh cool, punching this Nazi cuz internet said so then getting shot
-i don't want ppl to mislabel ppl as Nazi's and punch them cuz they think punching Nazi's is ok
-most of my Washingtonian liberal friends have probably never been in an actual fist fight but have no issue with telling everyone else to punch ppl even though they wouldn't lift a finger in the rare moment they might encounter a Nazi.

My opinion is extremely unpopular here. Am I crazy?
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Re: Punch Nazis

Postby Harrison » Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:09 pm

You're not crazy and those are all logical bullet points.

I still end up at the, "It's perfectly okay to punch Nazis." conclusion myself.

The obvious unsaid part of that to me is, "Not everyone is a Nazi on the right, so don't just go fucking punching everyone."
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