Messianic Judaism 101

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Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Narrock » Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:15 am

Here's a "feel good" read about this movement for anybody who is interested:
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Tikker » Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:24 am

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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Narrock » Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:46 pm

No, it's Jews who believe Christ is the Messiah, yet they still maintain their Jewish customs, traditions, and practices.
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Ganzo » Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:20 pm


It is Christianity and Mindia just being an a-hole
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Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Tikker » Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:01 pm

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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby brinstar » Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:33 pm

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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Narrock » Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:15 pm

Ganzo, you're the only who has been an A-hole for several days now. Just pointing out the obvious.
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Narrock » Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:18 pm

Jewish, to the core.





Hmm... I've belonged to 4 churches in my life. I've never seen Christians who worship or dress in traditional Jewish garb, study Hebrew, read from the Torah and Tanakh, practice Jewish beliefs, customs, and traditions (however the 7th-day Adventist church did some of it). I guess you could be ignorant and say "they're just Christians dressed as Jews, blah blah" but the obvious answer to that is... a Christian who practices Judaism, is a Christian Jew. Period. You cannot say it doesn't exist, because I offer REAL proof that it does exist. It would be cool if they offered a trek to Israel and prayed at the west wall too.
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Ganzo » Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:19 am

I'm bored and it's been quiet on these boards for a while so I'm resurrecting this gem:

Narrock wrote:the obvious answer to that is... a Christian who practices Judaism, is a Christian Jew. Period.

So Mindia based on your quote from above:

A Christian who practices Islam is called __________________ ?
A Christian who practices Buddhism is called __________________ ?
A Christian who practices (fill in religion of choice) is called __________________ ?

Also, I have a question for you, is your belief that Jesus was a Messiah based on blind faith or on knowledge of facts(I mean Bible facts). I'm just curious
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Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Narrock » Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:28 pm

Ganzo wrote:I'm bored and it's been quiet on these boards for a while so I'm resurrecting this gem:

Narrock wrote:the obvious answer to that is... a Christian who practices Judaism, is a Christian Jew. Period.

So Mindia based on your quote from above:

A Christian who practices Islam is called __________________ ?
A Christian who practices Buddhism is called __________________ ?
A Christian who practices (fill in religion of choice) is called __________________ ?

Also, I have a question for you, is your belief that Jesus was a Messiah based on blind faith or on knowledge of facts(I mean Bible facts). I'm just curious

lol you must be bored... we've already been down this road. Jesus is Messiah because He fulfilled ALL the Messianic requirements as written in the old and new testament, like 47 times or something. I really don't feel like debating this with you though. We all get it... YOU don't believe Jesus is the Messiah. Okay.

Oh, and "A Christian who practices Islam/Buddhism/religion of your choice is called________________?" is a ridiculous parallel to attempt to bring up. What was Jesus? That's right... a JEW. What are Jews who believed Jesus is the Messiah? That's right! Messianic Jews. A Christian who practices Judaism is a Christian Jew. Islamists/Buddhism/<insert other religion here> will never admit that Jesus is the Messiah, so your questions are bewildering to say the least. Sounds to me that maybe you've been doing some homework or consulting with some of your Jewish friends, and now you're getting nervous about something... :dunno:
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Tikker » Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:42 pm

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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Ganzo » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:14 am

Narrock wrote:
Ganzo wrote:I'm bored and it's been quiet on these boards for a while so I'm resurrecting this gem:

Narrock wrote:the obvious answer to that is... a Christian who practices Judaism, is a Christian Jew. Period.

So Mindia based on your quote from above:

A Christian who practices Islam is called __________________ ?
A Christian who practices Buddhism is called __________________ ?
A Christian who practices (fill in religion of choice) is called __________________ ?

Also, I have a question for you, is your belief that Jesus was a Messiah based on blind faith or on knowledge of facts(I mean Bible facts). I'm just curious

lol you must be bored... we've already been down this road. Jesus is Messiah because He fulfilled ALL the Messianic requirements as written in the old and new testament, like 47 times or something. I really don't feel like debating this with you though. We all get it... YOU don't believe Jesus is the Messiah. Okay.

Oh, and "A Christian who practices Islam/Buddhism/religion of your choice is called________________?" is a ridiculous parallel to attempt to bring up. What was Jesus? That's right... a JEW. What are Jews who believed Jesus is the Messiah? That's right! Messianic Jews. A Christian who practices Judaism is a Christian Jew. Islamists/Buddhism/<insert other religion here> will never admit that Jesus is the Messiah, so your questions are bewildering to say the least. Sounds to me that maybe you've been doing some homework or consulting with some of your Jewish friends, and now you're getting nervous about something... :dunno:

Ok so you've answered both of my questions:

1. You can't respond without losing your argument so you offer up some circular logic and think it counts as an argument. I got a newsflash for you - all Jews believe in the coming of Mashiah, it is one of the 10 pillars of faith of Rambam - a cornerstone of Judaism. So all Jews are Messianic by definition, except from the christian group that hijacked the name, they are no better than that group of blacks in NY that claim they are the real Jews and rest of us are Khazarim. We dont belive that your guy was the Machiah since he did not fulfil any of the required prophecies: for example the last I looked there was no temple, the world did not all turn to worshiping the One G"D, there was no peace on earth, the Machiah was not on the throne as the Jewish king (unless you think Nataniyahu is the Messiah), lions and wolves are not vegeterians also.

2. You do not belive based n knowlege but on a blind faith otherwise you would know at lease how many prophecies your guy was suposed to fulfil (hint you guys claim it is between 200 and 300 not 47). In this case I can't realy have a discussion with you because you don't know what and why you belive.

Also I got a fascinating discovery about mesianic prophecies from a famous Rabbi for you:

My name is Moshe and I am a Chassidic Jew who has, from my youth, learned the words of our Holy Prophets, and has been puzzled by their meaning. Then, on the day before Yom Kippur, I contemplated the solemnity of the day and was made aware of the amazing meaning of G-d’s words. I recognized the fulfillment of 42 Messianic prophecies of the Tenach, and they changed my life forever.

Early in the morning I went to get my rooster to fulfill the ancient custom. There in the light I looked into his eyes and saw fulfilled the words, ‘I am the rooster[1] who has seen affliction.’[2] I took him and swung him around my head as the verse says, ‘And he circled his head[3].’[4] I moved my hands as I swirled him, as it says, ‘Only against me did he turn his hand.’[5]

With this he leaped from my hand and started to run. As it says, ‘They have run away without seeing good.’[6] I cried a short pray to HaShem as it says, ‘My words I say out of the bitterness of my soul.’[7] He ran from me, fulfilling the verse, ‘To me they showed their back and not their face.’[8]

As he ran, I borrowed a cane from a man near me so as to catch him with the rounded edge, as the verse says, ‘And Moshe took the stick.’[9] I tried to catch him with the hook, but only the blows of the cane hit his back as it says, ‘Afflicted by the rod of his anger.’[10] and it also says, ‘I struck you with the blows of an enemy.’[11] He turned to me and I got him right on the cheek fulfilling the verse, ‘I have offered my cheek to the one who strikes me.’[12]

He ran from me into a dark corner and I followed after him, as the verse says, ‘He has led me and driven me into the darkness and not light.’[13] I had him there in the corner as it says; ‘All her pursuers overtook her in the small place.’[14] He stood there, silent, in fulfillment of the words of the prophet, ‘He was persecuted and afflicted, but he did not open his mouth.’[15] In that corner there was nowhere for him to hide from me as the verse says, ‘Can a person hide in a concealed place, and I should not see him?’[16] He was now trapped as the verse says, ‘He has walled me in so I cannot escape.’[17] In his eyes I could see him praying silently to HaShem, ‘My G-d my G-d why have you forsaken me?’ [18]Clearly it was fulfilled for him, ‘The mighty ones of Bashan encircle me.’[19]

I grabbed him and he started to call out to HaShem. As the verse says, ‘My G-d, I call to you by day and you do not answer and by night and there is no respite.’[20] But there was no answer as it says, ‘Though I would scream out and plead he shut out my prayer.’[21] It was clearly the end. I grabbed him and took my place in the line waiting to give my rooster to the shochet (ritual slaughterer.) He was silent, ‘Like a sheep being led to the slaughter or a ewe to her sharers he did not open his mouth.’[22]

The shochet took him by the neck as it says; ‘He grasped me by the neck.’[23] With that he screamed out, ‘Be not far from me because distress is near and there is none to help me.’[24] He also said, ‘Save my soul from the sword.’[25] The shochet slaughtered him fulfilling ‘He was removed from the living land.’[26] He let the blood fall on the floor, as it says, ‘I am poured out like water.’[27]

I took the dead chicken and gazed at it as the prophet says, ‘They have looked upon me whom they have pierced.’[28] I took it to be made kosher. We separated it into pieces snapping it’s bones as the verses say, ‘All my bones became disjointed.’[29] ‘He has broken my bones.’[30]

Then I took him home to cook. My wife removed the skin as it says, ‘He has worn away my flesh and skin.’[31] She placed him in a pot with water, as it says, ‘For the waters have reached unto my soul.’[32] She added many spices as it says, ‘And she gave …many spices.’[33] She covered up the pot so it could cook as it says; ‘He has placed me in darkness.’[34] The smell of it filled the room as it says, ‘That the spices may flow out.’[35]

After that it was served on the table and we gazed upon it as the verse says, ‘I count my bones and they gaze and look upon me.’[36] He was divided among the members of my family, as it says, ‘Therefore I will divide him among the many.’[37] We rejoiced and sang as we ate him, as it says, ‘I have become a thing of laughter for my people, they sing all day long.’[38] ‘In him our hearts were joyful.’[39] After which we were full and praised G-d as it says, ‘You shall eat and be satisfied and praise HaShem your G-d.’[40] We truly saw the goodness of G-d as it say, ‘You should taste and see that HaShem is good.’[41] There were many more messianic prophecies that I could have added that applied to my messianic rooster. Many more he will fulfill when he comes back in glory.

[1] In Hebrew the word ‘gever’ means both ‘man’ and ‘rooster’
[2] Lam. 3:1
[3] In Hebrew the word is resh aleph shin, which can be read as ‘rosh’ head’
[4] Lam 3:5
[5] Lam 3:3
[6] Job 9:25
[7] Job 10:1
[8] Jer. 32:33
[9] Ex. 4:20, Num 20:8
[10] Lam. 3:1
[11] Jer. 30:12
[12] Lam. 3:30
[13] Lam. 3:2
[14] Lam. 1:3
[15] Is. 53:7
[16] Jer. 23:25
[17] Lam. 3:7
[18] Psalm 22:1
[19] Psalm 22:13
[20] Psalm 22:3
[21] Lam. 3:8
[22] Is. 53:7
[23] Job 16:12
[24] Psalm 22:12
[25] Psalm 22:21
[26] Is. 53:8
[27] Psalm 22:15
[28] Zech 12:10
[29] Psalm 22:15
[30] Lam. 3:4
[31] Lam. 3:4
[32] Psalm 69:2
[33] 1 Kings 10:10
[34] Lam 3:6
[35] Song 4:16
[36] Psalm 22:18
[37] Is. 53:12
[38] Lam. 3:14
[39] Psalm 33:21
[40] Deut. 6:11,8:10,11:15
[41] Psalm 34:9
[42] Deut. 32:28)
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Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Gypsiyee » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:53 am

didn't read past wikipedia being referenced as a feel good read
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby brinstar » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:08 pm

HEY wikipedia is only useful for when you want to pretend there's a such thing as a christian jew or to look up words in hebrew!

when someone uses it to point out majority support for legal weed and/or marriage equality, though, then it's just silly propaganda

what a sad old toothless troll
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Narrock » Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:48 pm

brinstar wrote:HEY wikipedia is only useful for when you want to pretend there's a such thing as a christian jew or to look up words in hebrew!

when someone uses it to point out majority support for legal weed and/or marriage equality, though, then it's just silly propaganda

what a sad old toothless troll

You peddle in delusionality :nuts:
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby brinstar » Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:32 pm

mindia: good gumjob, bad anal
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Re: Messianic Judaism 101

Postby Kramer » Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:27 pm


a faint hint of the old angst....
Mindia is seriously the greatest troll that has ever lived.
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