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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Jay » Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:11 pm

So I don't pretend to know politics very well short of my local stuff but it seems like Scarborough went totally off prompter with his comments on the rigged system.

Also, to my untrained eye, it seems like Sanders killed at the debate in NY but CNN keeps spinning it to look like's grasping at straws.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Harrison » Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:09 pm

Sanders absolutely handed her own ass back to her. (as objectively as I can say this, being a huge Sanders supporter in virtually every way)

Immediately after, though, CNN clowns said; "She got the better of him on guns."

I don't even see how. It's absurd.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:22 pm

there's a somewhat nuanced discussion on that topic on TYT's youtube channel

one guy is like "it's a dumb argument because if you legally buy a legal car and drive it into a crowd and kill people, nobody's going to sue ford. if you buy a hammer at a hardware store and use it to murder someone, nobody's going to sue the hardware store." his argument isn't that bernie was wrong in his response, it's that bernie hasn't found a good way to explain why he's not wrong

but the other guy is like "i think your analogy is bad because cars and hammers aren't designed to inflict bodily harm and potentially death the way guns are specifically designed to do, so you can't apply the same philosophy."

i think they both make great points but the key thing is that yeah, bernie's only real failure is that he hasn't found a good way to respond. IMO he should've pointed out that global arms sales to other countries saw a massive spike while she was SOS, and the same countries who got huge shipments also donated to the clinton foundation - THAT'S how you respond to her weak-ass attempt to run to his left on guns

everything else i thought he romped on
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Harrison » Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:49 pm

Rampant elections fraud in NY already.

Hundreds of thousands of voters being disenfranchised.
Mysterious designation changes with forged signatures.
Mysterious disappearance from registers entirely.

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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Drem » Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:21 pm

My friends here in Oregon now that registered or switched to Democrat are all receiving independent ballots. lol

I think what's most distressing about all this is that no one's doing anything. It just keeps happening
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Thu May 05, 2016 2:28 pm

Drem wrote:My friends here in Oregon now that registered or switched to Democrat are all receiving independent ballots. lol

I think what's most distressing about all this is that no one's doing anything. It just keeps happening

almost no one on the right is being affected at all, and hillbots find it really easy to not care because it's actually helping their messiah. that way when berners speak up and complain it just looks like they're whining. it's the perfect cover

and for the record, if i wanted to put on my tinfoil hat i'd say some unknown pro-corporate capitalists hired some hackers* to deliberately torpedo bernie's campaign for the simple reason that his is literally the only candidacy on either side that even remotely threatens their interests

*yes, hackers - not only is voting machine security laughable, but voter registration databases are vulnerable to entry-level SQL injection attacks. all you have to do is run a script that changes people marked as "strong sanders" from democratic to independent or something else
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Thu May 05, 2016 2:33 pm

^^^ not that that matters in open primaries, where HRC tends to have lots of difficulty winning

her campaign and its supporters are kinda letting all those closed primary victories (legitimate or otherwise) go to their heads - pretty dangerous considering the general is wide open
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Arlos » Sat May 07, 2016 11:25 am

Interesting development: http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/06/politics/ ... index.html

So, for Brin and other Bernie-only voters. What will you do if Hillary is the nominee, but picks Bernie for her VP slot? (or for that matter, someone really progressive like Elizabeth Warren, or Sherrod Brown of Ohio?)
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Harrison » Sat May 07, 2016 9:19 pm

I think my head would explode if she put either Warren or Sanders as her VP.

It won't happen, though. They are almost polar opposites to HRC. I don't even know what voodoo would have to take place for this to occur.

IF this happens...

I would vote for her.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Zanchief » Sun May 08, 2016 6:07 am

She needs to chose some like that. If she's smart, she will.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Sun May 08, 2016 9:24 am

Arlos wrote:Interesting development: http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/06/politics/ ... index.html

So, for Brin and other Bernie-only voters. What will you do if Hillary is the nominee, but picks Bernie for her VP slot? (or for that matter, someone really progressive like Elizabeth Warren, or Sherrod Brown of Ohio?)

nope fuck that

chaining up bernie or liz as VP doesn't wash the sea of blood and oil off HRC's hands; it's nothing but lip service to the progressive left she otherwise can't be bothered to give a fuck about

it's like saying "see, i'm not racist, i have a black friend!"
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Zanchief » Sun May 08, 2016 2:47 pm

Sea of blood and oil...seriously Brin?
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Sun May 08, 2016 10:21 pm

the track record is there
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Lyion » Sun May 15, 2016 7:58 am

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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Harrison » Sun May 15, 2016 3:33 pm

"Democracy" at work.

It's pretty objectively clear that there's massive illegal activity occurring at every level of the "election."

Anyone denying it is an inbred toothless slob.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Mon May 16, 2016 1:40 pm

leah and i went to a "bernie delegate training" here on saturday and it was rather contentious

some people got up and left, the county dem chair was talking down to people, the state vice chair explained to a very unhappy crowd why she was basing her superdelegate vote on the results of last week's primary (which was officially nonbinding, since we caucused 5th march). i'm trying my hardest to resist the urge to believe local/state party officials are doing their best to derail/co-opt the sanders train, but it's getting more and more difficult to reach any other conclusion

thankfully, someone at the event hopped on her phone and created a platform discussion group and invited everyone there so we could actually have constructive conversations about what we want to advocate for at the county convention this weekend. seems like a microcosm of what's going on with the progressive left as a whole - the establishment moves too slow and seems to place more importance on tradition and rules than on the values it used to fight for, so the progressive wing just rolls its eyes and decides to do all its organizing via social media

that shit in NV is craaazy. i always suspected the HRC campaign was willing to cheat if it had to, but between convention shenanigans, millions spent on paid internet trolls, the NY primary voter purge, and huge irregularities wherein exit polls are 14 points off from primary results, looks like we forced its hand. shit's rigged
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:36 am

welp, killswitch thrown. enjoy choosing between two terrible candidates.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Zanchief » Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:20 am

Can people please stop saying both candidates are terrible. They aren't in the same league. It does a disservice to reason to say Clinton and Trump are in the same category.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:27 am

they are terrible in completely different ways

terrible is a spectrum, not a binary
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Zanchief » Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:16 am

So piss and moan about Hilary and let Trump win, but don't complain about the Supreme Court for the next 20 years.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:41 am

a wholly false premise
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:59 am

look man, you've made it clear you either can't or won't understand why i find HRC a terrible candidate, and at this point i don't really give a shit which. both candidates will start stupid wars for stupid reasons, destroy the climate, further marginalize the oppressed, collude with multinational conglomerates, slash resources for the needy, fill our prisons with young brown men, and export death and destruction and imperialism. one will do it because he's a fragile thin-skinned schoolyard bully obsessed over how big people think his dong is, and the other will do it because that's all her kind knows how to do and that's the way they've always done it. neither knows a thing about the experience of the common man, neither of them will choose particularly good SCOTUS justices, and neither of them will lift a finger on the issues of campaign finance reform, prison reform, or the environment.

so no fuckin thanks. my vote is sacred, and neither of them are worthy of it.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Arlos » Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:02 pm

brinstar wrote:a wholly false premise

Not really. I think we all know that the GOP-led Senate will do something never done before, and let a Supreme Court seat sit vacant for a year because of politics. Therefore, the next President will appoint the person that gets that job. You know quite well that I'm not a fan of Hillary's, but my dislike for her is as but a candle to the hate I feel for Trump with the burning heat of a thousand suns. Yes, terrible is a spectrum. And he's way way farther along it than she is. Way, way, way, way, WAY further along it. There is zero chance that any 3rd, 4th, or 27th party candidates will win the Presidency. Therefore, the only two choices we have of candidates that might get elected are Hillary and Trump, and we just went over which one of them I dislike least. So, since we have already established that the next President will appoint that Supreme Court justice, that means when I vote it is a choice for me of whether I want the judge Hillary will appoint or the one that Trump will appoint, and I think we all know which one of those options I would prefer. So no, I don't think it's a false premise.

What I expect is that Bernie will get some of his items put into the planks of the Democratic agenda. I think that Hillary picks someone that Bernie supporters can get behind, like Sharrod Brown, Elizabeth Warren, or even Bernie himself. Sure, there's a contingent of people that would only ever vote for Bernie, but I think there's a significant fraction that will come around and vote for her, if only because they know the alternative is way way worse. So, between progressive items being put into the party planks, a progressive VP pick, and Bernie campaigning for her (or at least campaigning against Trump, and thus de facto campaigning for her), she'll get most of the Bernie voters. At least I hope that's what happens. The prospect of a Trump presidency is too horrible to contemplate.
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby brinstar » Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:16 pm

no, i mean it's a false premise that refusing to fall in line behind Dear Leader Hillary will lead to a trump presidency

in the event that she can't buy enough votes to win, i will lay her failure squarely at the feet of HRC supporters. after all, it is they who - when faced with a mountain of clear evidence that BS is the better candidate to face trump in the fall, when given unequivocal data showing that independent voters (the largest voting bloc in the nation) vastly prefer sanders, when reminded over and over and over again that their preferred candidate is just riddled with scandal (some real, some fabricated), and when shown that she is vulnerable to trump's attacks in all the ways in which bernie is not (iraq, trade agreements, corporate sponsorship) - proceeded to collectively shrug and nominate her anyway
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Re: 2016 elections.

Postby Zanchief » Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:25 pm

So it was a tactical decision to support Sanders? So if it was clear from the get go that Hillary had a better chance to beat trump you would have supported her? Of course not. Keep moving those goal posts though.

BTW, with all these pet names you've come up with, you're starting to sound like Mindia.
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