president cheato shitshow thread

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president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:28 am

the entire senior level at the state department just resigned after years of service under presidents from both parties

EPA/NASA scientists and national park service employees are going rogue and are doing their best to back up climate data offsite

the white house environment itself leaks like a colander, with executive orders being passed to press and people talking shit about how unhinged the bossman is all the time (he railed to the CIA about how everyone underestimated the size of the crowds at his inauguration and wants to track down republicans who voted against his appointments and "teach them a thing or two") and now he's off on some wild voter fraud witch hunt to prove he actually got more legitimate votes despite the fact that his senior advisor and HIS OWN DAUGHTER are both registered in two different states

the international atomic scientists just moved the doomsday clock closer to midnight than it's been since 1953

he signed a massive immigration ban that may or may not even be constitutional (the same constitution he is in breach of btw due to the emoluments clause), and his leading pick for SCOTUS believes no one has a right to sex outside of a monogamous heterosexual marriage which is an ironic pick for someone who has so flagrantly noodled around outside his own marriages

and finally also not just the potus but much of his top-level staff are still using private unencrypted phones despite whining for OVER A YEAR about democratic predecessors doing the same

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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Reynaldo » Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:48 pm

At least he has this going for him!

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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:56 pm

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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Jay » Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:23 pm

When real experts make fake social media accounts in an effort to report real news because official sources are reporting fake news. This fucking world...
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby leah » Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:12 am

brinstar wrote:dumb

for real :ugh:
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:30 am


don't you guys feel safer now

combined american deaths over the past 40 years at the hands of refugees from the 7 countries under the travel ban: 0

combined american deaths over the past 40 years at the hands of saudi arabians, a nation where president cheato has heavy investments: THOUSANDS

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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Wed Feb 01, 2017 1:47 pm

i read about someone that went to get their mom to fly her back here for medical treatment but then Mango Mussolini signed his order and then she died the next day

all the idiot Trump supporters just keep saying "IT'S NOT A BAN THO. THEY'RE JUST RUNNING BACKGROUND CHECKS. I'D RATHER BE SAFE THAN SORRY" like we didn't have the best vetting program in the world already

this is so unreal to me. i'm actually sick to my stomach when i think about all the fucked up white people that are reveling in this unmitigated disaster. and it is ONLY white people that support this shit. this country is redneck garbage now. people would rather post stupid fucking memes like Reynaldo did than actually think about what they're doing to millions of innocent people. what a fucking joke

this guy is going to get us all killed
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:17 pm

i predict someone dies at standing rock before the week is out
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Reynaldo » Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:23 pm

I just find stuff funny on a topical standpoint. I'd laugh at memes that make fun of Trump as well if they're as spot on. Just more of a logical guy than emotional guy i guess.

To me the left folks are shooting themselves in the foot. They're quickly becoming the party of whiners and tempter tantrum protesters in the public eye and basically validating everyone who voted for Trump instead of causing him any real damage (wish i had the article written by a dem that basically called Trump genius in his misdirection). I figured he was out in 4 years easy but now not so sure. The Dems really need to get their party in check by then.

Funny how fast kittens, milk and #lovetrumpshate turns to venom and sewage from the same mouths when your candidate doesn't win.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:25 pm

funny memes have their time and place, that one just wasn't funny

but as for the rest of it, you can go ahead and cram all that shit right back up your fascist-defending ass. your party spent the last 8 years going limp dead weight on every single policy the president wanted to TALK ABOUT, let alone pass - even the ones that were their idea in the first place - and literally STOLE a scotus seat. now you're calling US the whiners? what a fuckin joke
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Reynaldo » Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:49 am

Was funny to me. Your opinion (or anyone's) doesn't phase my view that it is.

I'm not saying R's didn't do the same thing as far as trying to block legislation, SCOTUS in particular. ALL politicians do the same thing. It's just the swing of the pendulum. R's got the ACA crammed down their throats but you didn't see protests out front of hospitals preventing random patients from seeing doctors like you have now with the airports. They just take in on the chin and start working on ways to mold it towards what they'd rather see.

D's are deliberately fucking with people who have no connection to what they're trying to protest. It's misguided and making them look bad instead of accomplishing anything.

I don't get worked up over this stuff. Grew up in sports so don't get too high, don't get too low, one day/game at a time mentality. Don't mind talking about it but I'm not out trying to sway anyone's opinion, nor do I value anyone else's opinions about what I think.

I like to read the stuff here though because inbetween the butthurt, there is some good info occasionally from a different standpoint than mine.

Not a Trump supporter/fan either. Voted for him because I agreed with more of his stuff than Hillary, not that I'm a big rah rah he's my guy thing.

Respect Brin more than most here since he put his money where his mouth is and actually worked on the campaign for the candidate he believed in.

The thing I dislike the most about this election is the emotional divide. All day every day on my facebook feed from my D friends, it's just constant Trump vomit. The one time anyone ever says anything at all to the contrary of what's being spewed, it immediately becomes like what Brin posted...."fascist defending" name calling, i'm unfriending you, you support making fun of handicapped kids etc etc etc. I just can't fathom how rough life would be riding on that kind of emotion constantly and being devastated by any fork in the road that doesn't go your way.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby leah » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:17 am

can you fathom how rough life would be if you weren't a cisgender hetero white dude? i'm guessing not. before you start calling everyone whiners, why not take a step back and actually listen to what they're "whining" about? try to understand the worldview of someone who wasn't afforded the same opportunities you were simply by being born with a dong, or a certain skin color, or a certain socioeconomic class.

if you can't get behind the basic tenets of equity, empathy, and human decency, then i'd say you're more a part of the problem than you realize.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:57 am

Reynaldo wrote:Was funny to me. Your opinion (or anyone's) doesn't phase my view that it is.

fair enough

Reynaldo wrote:I'm not saying R's didn't do the same thing as far as trying to block legislation, SCOTUS in particular. ALL politicians do the same thing. It's just the swing of the pendulum. R's got the ACA crammed down their throats but you didn't see protests out front of hospitals preventing random patients from seeing doctors like you have now with the airports. They just take in on the chin and start working on ways to mold it towards what they'd rather see.

this is not "the same thing" dude. first of all, there has never been a political party who straight up refused to hold a hearing for over 9 months on a scotus nominee (one that was confirmed to the appeals court by a 97-0 vote, no less). even when harry reid and the dems had the numbers to go nuclear on judicial filibusters, they stopped short of changing the scotus rules. i can guarantee the Rs will go fully nuclear to get gornuch through.

man you say they all do the same thing, but you do yourself a real disservice when you neglect to point out (or realize) that the Rs keep writing these playbooks. they are consistently innovating new ways to get the shit they want without any care for how government has operated for centuries. hell, just this week they changed the quorum rules on committee votes for cabinet nominees. just fuckin changed the rules. show me where dems do that.

oh and by the way, maybe the reasons Rs weren't out protesting hospitals after the ACA went through is because they knew the ACA was still a great deal for insurance companies? or because even though they hated obama it was kinda cool that their diabetic uncle could actually get health insurance? gimme a break

Reynaldo wrote:D's are deliberately fucking with people who have no connection to what they're trying to protest. It's misguided and making them look bad instead of accomplishing anything.

how so

Reynaldo wrote:I don't get worked up over this stuff. Grew up in sports so don't get too high, don't get too low, one day/game at a time mentality. Don't mind talking about it but I'm not out trying to sway anyone's opinion, nor do I value anyone else's opinions about what I think.

i guess good for you? maybe if people like you tried giving a shit about perspectives held by people who've spent their lives in a field rather than looking at poorly-reported news stories and jumping to underinformed conclusions, we wouldn't be in this goddamn protofascist mess

Reynaldo wrote:I like to read the stuff here though because inbetween the butthurt, there is some good info occasionally from a different standpoint than mine.


Reynaldo wrote:Not a Drumpf supporter/fan either. Voted for him because I agreed with more of his stuff than Hillary, not that I'm a big rah rah he's my guy thing.

doesn't matter whether you're a fan. you helped put him in office. the blood of those who die as a direct result of his insane policies (or more likely bannon's) are on your hands

Reynaldo wrote:Respect Brin more than most here since he put his money where his mouth is and actually worked on the campaign for the candidate he believed in.

i get shouty a lot (like right now) but i do appreciate that, so thanks

Reynaldo wrote:The thing I dislike the most about this election is the emotional divide. All day every day on my facebook feed from my D friends, it's just constant Drumpf vomit. The one time anyone ever says anything at all to the contrary of what's being spewed, it immediately becomes like what Brin posted...."fascist defending" name calling, i'm unfriending you, you support making fun of handicapped kids etc etc etc. I just can't fathom how rough life would be riding on that kind of emotion constantly and being devastated by any fork in the road that doesn't go your way.

dude. people are going to lose their health insurance and literally die. families are going to become homeless as the banks who own their homes become further deregulated. children will starve on our streets. our national parks will be carved up and sold off. funding for public schools will be funneled away into private schools that get to teach their own version of reality. we will further cook the planet beyond the survivability of future generations we may actually live to see born. we have already begun shitting on international relationships with every country (well, except the one already run by a protofascist fossil-fuel-obsessed dictator with a penchant for abusing the press).

this is not the hyperbole of an alarmist. these things have either already begun or have been promised. this is not "oh our team lost, welp we'll get 'em next time", we have just reached stage 4 cancer of the republic. if you are not emotional yet, you will be before it's all over.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:06 am

anyway, here's an update on the shitshow:

  • potus hung up on australiam PM because he got mad about not knowing the difference between immigrants and refugees
  • told mexican president that mexican troops are scared so maybe we'll send some us troops
  • authorized a covert op without proper intelligence or ground team backup, sending a seal team blind into a heavily fortified AQ compound complete with snipers and land mines, leading to the death of 1 seal and 30ish civilians (including an 8 year old american girl)
  • put iran on notice over a missile test
  • china is moving to a war footing
  • stolen scotus nominee once founded a "fascism forever" club in college
  • muslim ban is violating our own laws and at least one person has died from being illegally deported
  • american white supremacist groups have been removed from domestic terrorist watch lists

did i forget anything?
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby leah » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:21 am

brinstar wrote:anyway, here's an update on the shitshow:

  • potus hung up on australiam PM because he got mad about not knowing the difference between immigrants and refugees
  • told mexican president that mexican troops are scared so maybe we'll send some us troops
  • authorized a covert op without proper intelligence or ground team backup, sending a seal team blind into a heavily fortified AQ compound complete with snipers and land mines, leading to the death of 1 seal and 30ish civilians (including an 8 year old american girl)
  • put iran on notice over a missile test
  • china is moving to a war footing
  • stolen scotus nominee once founded a "fascism forever" club in college
  • muslim ban is violating our own laws and at least one person has died from being illegally deported
  • american white supremacist groups have been removed from domestic terrorist watch lists

did i forget anything?


i'd also like to know why people aren't up in arms about the dead seal like they were about benghazi

also, to quote wallace shawn in the princess bride:

"Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"!
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Harrison » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:59 pm

Whoa, all this unprecedented ignorance is just "your turn?"


That speaks volumes as to how you view the world.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:29 pm

This type of cognitive dissonance is going to start a war. I can't believe we're being governed by retards. I tried for a while to give him a chance, and still appreciate withdrawing from the TPP, but now I'm floored. Every day is a new train wreck. These people can stare facts in the face and tell you something else and all their supporters believe them. Trump still going on about his ratings on the apprentice and how big he won the electoral vote. I just can't believe it's real

I had no idea people like Rey were out there. You don't support him, yet you voted for him anyway. What the hell is that?

"Sean Spicer claims that Houthi rebel assault on Saudi frigate was an Iranian attack on a US warship" ... outhi.html
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Harrison » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:19 am

It's just mind boggling to me how someone can claim to be logical, but just stand by this fucking abortion of a "human."
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:09 am

- some rebel group in yemen attacked a saudi naval vessel, and spicer jumps out of his gimp box and says iran attacked a US navy vessel. like what the fuck? houthi rebels are NOT iran, and SAUDI ARABIA IS NOT AMERICA. someone corrected him on whose ship it actually was, but no one ever challenged him on whether houthi rebels in yemen are part of the iranian government (they're fucking not)

- conway just fuckin made up a massacre lmao this is absurd

- senate Rs just got rid of a rule restricting access to firearms for people with mental illness

- DJT tried to blow off another intel briefing, but his staff yelled TAKE THE DAMN BRIEFING, THIS IS WHY WE SCREWED THE POOCH IN YEMEN

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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:18 pm

It's embarrassing. I want a list from one of these clowns about what exactly Obama did wrong, because so far Trump's makin him look like a saint. I even got dudes posting memes on Facebook that are misquotes, like a Nanci Pelosi thing where they think she said "If an illegal immigrant kills an American it isn't legal" followed by some cheeky "You just went full retard" type of shit. I searched for that quote and not only does it not exist, she actually sort of reinforced Trump's stance on sanctuary cities. Like she's the only Dem that has even said something remotely nice about Mango Mussolini's stupid ideas and all the Trump supporters instead make up a false quote and make a shitty meme about it that goes viral.

I don't even know what's real anymore. When will this end

I thought for the last eight years that the whole country was becoming more empathetic and intelligent. I guess that's only in the big cities where people are normal. Not out in fucktard redneck land where people are xenophobic and paranoid and admittedly don't give a shit about anything but themselves
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:49 pm

hang on friday's not over yet

- cheato encouraged senate actions to gut/repeal dodd-frank financial regulation (which was already pretty weak) because "I have so many people, friends of mine, who have nice businesses who can’t borrow money, they just can’t get any money because the banks just won’t let them borrow" which is an actual goddamn quote from the leader of the free world

- 100,000 visas have been cancelled

- announced plans to scrap the johnson amendment which prohibits religious institutions from political activity such as endorsing candidates

in 1995, that motherfuckin badass Carl Sagan wrote:I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:34 pm

Wow, what a quote
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:43 pm

There's still good in all this chaos ... spartandhp
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:47 pm

-secretary of education with zero experience in public schools either as a student, a teacher, or a parent, and can't answer basic questions about education that any first-year teaching student could answer? CONFIRMED BY UNPRECEDENTED 51-50 SENATE VOTE.

-attorney general who doesn't believe in voting rights? PROBABLY.

-labor secretary who doesn't believe in a minimum wage? SURE GO AHEAD.

-epa administrator who sued the epa over a dozen times and wants the entire department scuttled? WHY THE FUCK NOT.

this is a goddamn race to the bottom
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:58 pm

oh i forgot

-legislation introduced to abolish the EPA

-legislation introduced to abolish the department of education

-approval of the dakota access pipeline by a president with investments in it
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