president cheato shitshow thread

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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:15 pm

-they fucked up the raid in yemen so bad that yemen has revoked US antiterrorist ground operation authorization within its borders, and the moron wasn't even in the situation room for it

-he also let it slip that he didn't really read the executive order he signed placing bannon on the national security team

jesus christ how does anyone not see that this is not simply a regular run-of-the-mill politician with whom a huge cross section of america just happens to have ideological difference with? no, this is a fuckin arthritic walrus trying to lead a dog sled team. he has NO idea what the fuck he's doing, and bannon and miller are calling all the shots - meanwhile, as the executive branch convulses and shudders, the legislative branch is working at breakneck speed to drive a stake through the heart of every last shred of the New Deal

this is some black beans ya'll, it's gonna be a long time before we bounce back from this, if ever
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Spazz » Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:51 am

I gotta say Brinstar I am horrified by the things I am seeing but cant seem to find the energy to be mad at republicans for republicaning. No matter what fuckery trump is guilty of im not mad at him for it same as you dont blame a retard for doing as they do but each day I hate the DNC and the CLintons more and I believe that that is who is responsible for all of it.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:34 am

it's possible to be mad at both my dude

we can absolutely blame spineless dems in the DNC for not understanding that a huge chunk of the nation was so sick of the political establishment that they'd vote for anyone they see as outside it. it was the ultimate display of party loyalty - nevermind the millions of new democrats that joined the party or the millions of dollars in small donations they brought, we must stand behind our mascot. so short-sighted. and in spite of the anti-establishment fervor clearly on display on every streetcorner, the dems pinned their hopes on someone who couldn't be more establishment if she tried. only difference is unlike the dems, the reps didn't have enough counterinsurgency measures in place to keep their partycrasher out.

i still maintain that sanders would've destroyed that clown by a 250-vote electoral college margin, because SO MANY of the republicans and the conservatives that i know have told me in no uncertain terms that they would've voted sanders given the option. they hated cheato, but they hated hillary more - it was an impossible choice between two terrible people so they picked the one they thought was least worst.

now in the aftermath, a lot of those trump voters feel deep regret for what they've done. there are even a sizable amount of people who broke for clinton in the primary now willing to admit they should have listened to the youth (sanders got more primary votes in the 18-35 range than trump and clinton COMBINED). but, predictably, there are a big core of old-school dems who are hopping mad at sanders and his followers for "damaging our candidate in the primary". fuck that. if you can't get through a primary against THE NICEST GUY IN WASHINGTON and come out on the other side able to beat a mentally-handicapped baboon person, you had no goddamn business running. good luck telling them that though - now we have a chance to put keith ellison at the wheel of the DNC and get some real reform from a real non-jackass, but they got shitbirds like rahm emanuel (sp) backing the establishment guy saying "slow down, chill out" and it's fuckin bullshit. with the exception of two presidential elections, all dems have done in the past decade is lose lose lose. over a thousand state legislature seats, over a dozen governorships, dozens of seats in the house, and control of the senate. no rahm, we tried your plan, and we got our asses handed to us over and over again by a party less popular than nickelback. fuck out the way.

all that being said, i absolutely have plenty of viscous bile to spew at the republican party. they just collaborated with russians to steal a supreme court seat and stage a bloodless coup in order to install a protofascist intent on ripping down the last of the rotting fence between government power and corporate power. but their clock is ticking, because now the people are finally rising up - grannies in my neighborhood are starting bimonthly organizing luncheons, GOP congresscreatures are literally fleeing townhall meetings, congressional offices get thousands of calls a day, and we've been packing state legislature committee hearings. the ACLU got SIX TIMES their average yearly donations in the span of a single weekend. this shit has just begun.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:40 pm

Everything is so messed up right now. I don't even hear the Trump supporters going off on Facebook any more. Or they unfriended me, I dunno. Lowest approval rating for a new president since they began tracking that statistic. People with dual citizenship that voted for Trump bowing out like


I wish I had half the conviction you do to be active in the political scene. I just sit around wondering "why?"
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:58 am

eh honestly i always feel like i get way more credit than i deserve in that regard

mostly i just try to do at least one thing each day - whether it's calling my asshole senators on a cabinet nominee, testifying on a bill in our state legislature hearings, firing off a round of letters or postcards, showing up at a rally for reproductive rights, or putting together a letter to the editor on climate change (which remains my #1 issue). small bites every day seem more manageable, and over time add up to a lot for just one dude

i also designed a legislative bill tracker for stuff going on in our state senate, so i know what kind of bill is getting a hearing and how/when to put out a call to like-minded people or allied special interest groups to submit comments or call their senators or testify or whatever
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:00 pm

-nat'l security director resigned after only three weeks once news broke that he'd discussed easing sanctions on russia before 45 took office (and then proceeded to lie to vpotus about it)

-turns out 45 knew about this since january and didn't think it was a big deal

-latest breaking news suggests a whole bunch of people at the top of 45's campaign structure had repeated contact with russian intelligence officials in the year leading up to the election including former campaign manager manafort

-meanwhile the entire white house is using unsecured private email servers and unsecured smartphones despite having spent the last 18 months building a narrative around the former secretary of state having a secured server in her home

jesus christ how deep does this shit go
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby leah » Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:04 pm

how deep does it go and how long are his supporters willing to ignore it?
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:49 pm

intelligence officials are now deliberately withholding sensitive intel from 45 because they don't trust him not to leak it

russia deployed a ballistic missile in violation of arms treaties

house GOP must've been too worn out from the dozen+ failed benghazi committees to even bother with this very obvious pro-russia collusion, though the senate GOP seems to still have a few vertebrae shared among them

labor secretary withdrew his nom after it became clear up to 7 different republicans couldn't stomach him (yet somehow devos made it through)

this is spiraling out of control; i predict some sort of large-scale terror "attack" in the near future to justify actual martial law

edit: OH YEAH and today congressional republicans decided it was okay to let the mentally ill buy guns again, which is stupid for a bunch of reasons but especially this one - when there's a mass shooting and everyone wants to blame guns, they always say "it's not the guns it's the mental illness" well guess fuckin what you goddamn morons
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:03 pm

and all he does is deflect. from his twitter:

"The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!"

"Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia"

"This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign."

"The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred. @MSNBC & @CNN are unwatchable. @foxandfriends is great!"


it's unreal. i don't even
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:16 am

yea "don't worry about what the leaks revealed, you should be angry that there were leaks in the first place" never convinces anyone that doesn't already want to be convinced

see also: DNC 2016 :ugh:
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby leah » Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:04 pm

i went on a date last night with a guy who was a berner but when the DNC chose hillary he chose to vote for trump just to keep her out

needless to say there will not be a second date

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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:39 pm

fuckin groooooooss lmao

i mean i can see the argument in voting stein or even johnson, but jesus christ if you vote T out of spite you literally have learned nothing from sanders
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Jay » Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:24 pm

leah wrote:i went on a date last night with a guy who was a berner but when the DNC chose hillary he chose to vote for trump just to keep her out

needless to say there will not be a second date


Oh so he was a bad lay?
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby leah » Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:40 pm

brinstar wrote:fuckin groooooooss lmao

i mean i can see the argument in voting stein or even johnson, but jesus christ if you vote T out of spite you literally have learned nothing from sanders

that's basically exactly what i said -- "you could've written in bernie, voted green, or even abstained from voting at all if you wanted to take a stand. voting for trump is basically the exact opposite of bernie and everything he stands for."

i just don't even know. i'd also like to know why we matched on tinder anyway because i specifically said i was NOT looking for trump supporters. turd.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby leah » Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:40 pm

Jay wrote:
leah wrote:i went on a date last night with a guy who was a berner but when the DNC chose hillary he chose to vote for trump just to keep her out

needless to say there will not be a second date


Oh so he was a bad lay?

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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby ClakarEQ » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:03 am

The fuckstick couldn't even wait to kill the EPA in 2018, he's shredding it already: ... 20201.html

I fear for our society that we the people would put such an absolute blatant narcissist to lead the free world.

Where hasn't this guy royally fucked up?
Please someone, tell me a good thing he's done for us, the people he's supposed to be helping, the folks he is suppose to care about?
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:42 pm

He withdrew from the TPP. That was good at least. Probably the only good thing he'll ever do
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:15 am

so jeff sessions lied under oath

DJT administration using a private email server

VP used a private email server while gov of indiana

edit: still no multi-year special committee on the botched yemen raid that DJT didn't bother waking up for

no one has a goddamn conscience anymore
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:38 pm

haven't updated for 3 months because keeping up on the shitshow is basically a fulltime job

but the comey testimony today was pretty amazing i gotta say

and i'm worried about mccain, he seems foggier than usual. hope he decides to retire
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:46 pm

people on trump's side going on and on about how Trump is officially not under investigation?

then the normal people are all asking for him to release the tapes or admit they don't exist

i didn't watch the hearing. was anything actually accomplished? doesn't feel like this means anything
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby brinstar » Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:35 am

well we established that a seasoned professional who served under three different presidents from both parties said under oath five different times (and sometimes very bluntly) that 45 is a liar

we established that investigations into possible collusion with russia are very much ongoing, certainly w/r/t 45's cabinet and closest advisers but now also possibly including 45 himself

we established that there is also an investigation underway on 45 specifically regarding whether he attempted to obstruct justice, an impeachable offense

we established that mccain needs to be put out to pasture (he seemed confused about the idea that the FBI can investigate two different people at two different times for two different reasons and reach two different conclusions)

and above all else we established that the GOP congress doesn't give a single fuck about corruption as long as they can still ram their shit through

idk what's going to happen next but i wish we knew what went down in the closed afternoon hearing - i predict more high-profile resignations from 45's cabinet/staff before summer's over, i predict the special investigator finds probable cause for obstruction, and i predict the GOP congress does nothing about it

fuck this fuckin mobster slimeball piece of shit and fuck all the morons that voted for him
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:47 pm

i used to call him Mango Mussolini but i think Agent Orange is better. fuck him. what's the opposite of a humanitarian? because that's what he is. i mean dear god six people just left the presidential AIDS council because he literally "doesn't seem to care"

he's an ego stroke for all the immoral pieces of shit in the country. sadly, we found out there are far more selfish people here than we ever thought. they eat this moron's words up like warm buttered muffins. it's actually gotten to a point where i can't even read the news anymore except what hits /r/all and even that is more unsettling than it should be. i feel so sorry for our country right now
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Harrison » Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:06 pm

What bothers me is the total and complete disconnect from reality that his supporters maintain.

It's frightening to me that after all of these occurrences, they still believe they made the right choice and Trump is infallible.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby leah » Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:33 am

here's something my friend scott just posted on FB. he moved from NYC to atlanta last summer and is moving back to NYC soon.

Scott C. Reynolds
48 mins ·

Long post alert!

Here's what I can tell you about Georgia's 6th, and specifically, the campaign the Republicans ran to win it.

In the last six months, I saw hundreds of campaign commercials. On the democrat side, Jon Ossoff/the Democrats appealed to people on issues like women's health, economic strength, working across the aisle to do what's good for Georgia, etc. When the attack ads from the GOP got worse, Jon would ask people to go to his website and read about his extensive plans and stance on issues ranging from ISIS to budgets.

Before the first part of the runoff I saw I think one commercial that directly took on Trump and it was again, kind of a soft-shoe appeal to decency and intellect - a "surely, now, any rational person can see that we're going down a dangerous path" message.

I think I saw one "attack" ad about Karen Handel, and it was that she bought expensive office chairs during a budget crisis and owns an expensive car that maybe? she got the money for in shady ways but it didn't really commit to that message.

Meanwhile, on the GOP side, if I hadn't have been paying attention, I'd have never known who was running, because to them, the right candidate was "not Jon Ossoff".

The ads from the republican camp, and there were MANY, made me physically ill to watch. Direct, hard-line attacks on Ossoff. There's one ad that essentially says he's PRO ISIS, complete with a really effective and scary graphics package of scenes of terrorism and war with random pictures of him superimposed.

Most of the ads featured old rich white people from the rich Atlanta suburbs with a message of "I think he's a liar" and "he's not one of us", both of which work really well in insular communities like rich white suburbs who are super afraid of losing their rich white power to someone who's "not one of them". Doesn't matter that Ossoff looks like he could be the son of any one of these fucks, fresh home from Dartmouth, he's not "one of us”. Xenophobia isn’t always about people from faraway lands, and it's the bread and butter of the GOP playbook. Always good for solid yards.
There's one ad that is literally a parody of a democrat-style ad, and the message is that a vote for Jon Ossoff is a vote to make San Francisco proud, and it shows all these hipstery/liberal-y “San Franciscans" talking about how great Jon Ossoff is. Again, focusing on the "not one of us" angle, but also, if you've spent any time in the south, or in rural america, you know that "San Francisco" is code for “gay” and “hippie" in the same way that "New York" is code for "Jewish". The message was very clear. If you vote for Democrats you’re voting for hippies and homos and by association Hollywood and not real America.

Then there were the brazen "We need someone who will push through Trump's agenda and that person could be anyone as long as it's not Jon Ossoff" ads. They’re not trying to distance themselves from Trump. Not here.

Even Karen Handel's own ads were focused primarily on how she's not a Pelosi-loving democrat. I couldn't tell you a single one of her positions or opinions apart from "I'm not Jon Ossoff, vote for me"

This is the Republican strategy. Play on the fears of their base. Full-out attack on the left. It doesn't even matter who their candidate is because they've transcended the need to actually run a candidate - they need only run against one. Very little of the messaging was even all that specific to Atlanta or Georgia on the whole. While Ossoff was making specific points about his plan to strengthen the growing tech sector in Atlanta, the Republicans were just firing back with “he’s not one of us and look he was kind of a little fruity in this YouTube video from when he was younger.”

While the left rips itself apart from within, arguing over who is more unassailable on this nuanced issue or that, Republicans are more than happy to flourish under a platform of “just don’t let the liberals take our country” and leave to the imaginations of their constituents what the horrible outcome might be if they do. Everyone gets to have their personal reason for hating liberals and the party ensures they have the votes to push their legislation.

It’s 100% a numbers game. Republicans have figured this out. It’s better to have a person in your party with an imperfect ideology match than to risk the other side getting a foothold. For as much as hardline Republicans might want to make you believe that John McCain is about the closest thing they have to a liberal softie, look at his voting record. It’s as red as the Russia that Sarah Palin thinks she can see from her front porch.

In this sense, I’m afraid that Republicans might have perfected American Political Strategy in the current climate. While our side cares about the issues that are SO OBVIOUSLY important and right and morally correct, their side is just doing a seat grab at any cost. To borrow a phrase I hate, it’s like we’re playing chess and they’re playing Risk.

The thing you have to know about the people in Georgia’s 6th that voted against Ossoff is that they aren’t on Twitter all day. They aren’t reading thinkpieces. They aren’t super interested in issues that don’t directly affect them day to day, or the nuances of why they should be. They don’t care about the Paris Accord because they’re going to heaven anyway and this isn’t their real home. They’re self-selecting out of being exposed to the kind of information that makes us say “SURELY YOU CAN SEE THAT TRUMP WAS A BAD IDEA AND WE NEED TO FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY”. They don’t see that because they don’t hear the bad news, or if they do hear it, they hear it from Fox News. They’re afraid of ISIS and immigrants and things that challenge their worldview and they’re not looking to step out of that bubble.

I’m not sure there is any way to get to them. I hear people say they want to move to Red States to start the groundswell of liberalism but I’m here to tell you it’s just not gonna happen like that because in the year that I’ve lived in Georgia I’ve seen more assault rifles and handguns in my Kroger than I have in 39 previous years of life and they fucking LOVE that they can walk into a grocery store with a military-grade weapon and piss off some liberal snowflakes. And I can tell that they love it because one time they were doing an Insta story about it and laughing and laughing at how they were making people uncomfortable.

And even though Atlanta is a diverse as fuck city with a lot of art and culture, it’s not a big enough city to overtake the VERY red nature of the state as a whole. Even if it were 100% blue, which it is definitely not, there just aren’t enough here to make the switch. It’s the same in Austin and Miami and any number of liberal cities trapped in proudly red states. And my boots-on-the-ground report is that it fucking SUCKS to be a liberal in one of these places in a time like this. It’s demoralizing. I’ve made dozens of calls to my Republican Senators, but they aren’t listening. How do i know that? Because one of them did a “Not Jon Ossoff” commercial where he just looked at the camera and basically said “Trump is doing great and we need to support him by not electing a liberal”.

I don’t know what to do about this. I hate to be all doom and gloom but our best options might be to just call it a day, see if we can secede the big cities and leave the rest to rot, or hunker down until all the baby boomers die out or get too old to make it to the polling station. Barring that, we’re gonna have to make a pretty hard tactics change, I think, because we can’t keep pretending that voters act on intellect after collecting and analyzing facts.

Watching this campaign unfold and knowing how it was going to end has been a whole new level of the unending depression that kicked off last November, because I think their strategy is better than ours. Flat out. In the two recent elections that were supposed “Trump referenda”, one went to the guy that literally, physically assaulted freedom of the press, and the other went to “the one that’s not Jon Ossoff”, and I think this is a clear indication that we can’t go into 2018 with the attitude that Trump backlash will carry the day, because these people may not love him, but they hate liberals even more.
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Re: president cheato shitshow thread

Postby Drem » Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:58 pm

That's frightening. Just the way I felt about it. From the people I know that support Trump, I can tell they don't care about policy or the world in general. It's just Red VS Blue. That's it. That's all they care about. Like a sports game. They just want to win at all costs. What do they do after they win? Talk shit and ruin the country. It really is like we're playing Chess and they're playing Risk. It's sad
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