by Martrae » Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:46 am
The news about Station Exchange is bound to be controversial. I'm not going to try to sell you on the idea or promote the service; most players in this genre already have an opinion on the subject, and there is little point in one side trying to win over the other.
What I do want to do, however, is make sure posters can respond to the facts of this service rather than base their reactions on emotion alone. So please keep the following things in mind before you praise or denounce Station Exchange:
* Station Exchange will be launched on new servers. Think of them as special rules servers, and if you decide you don't want to play under those rules then you simply don't need to play there.
* These servers allow player-to-player transactions only. SOE does not create virtual goods that we will be selling ourselves; we are only facilitating a secure transaction between players.
* The EverQuest II team and our customer service staff will continue to enforce our licensing agreement and rules of conduct. Station Exchange is not a means to break the rules in order to farm cash or items. We will keep on banning farmers who break the rules on all our servers, including those with Station Exchange enabled.
* Subscribers get free character transfers to a Station Exchange server if they choose to use it. Characters, items, and coin cannot be transferred from a Station Exchange server to a non-Station Exchange server.
* If demand is high enough to convert an existing server into a Station Exchange server, players would be given free moves to another server. No one will ever be forced to play on a Station Exchange server who doesn't want to.
* SOE is charging a nominal, nonrefundable listing fee, plus a percentage of the final sale.
* Prices will be determined by the market. SOE will not be enforcing any kind of pricing guidelines.
* SOE is establishing this service on its own, not in partnership with anyone else.
* Ultimately, this is about giving our player base options. This wouldn't have been considered if it wasn't something that was so commonplace in online gaming. What we're doing is giving the players who want to engage in this activity a place to do it.
* This service will be offered only to US players at this time. SOE will be looking to expand Station Exchange to the rest of the world in the future.
You can read some more specific details on the service at its official website. Please check out the FAQ section.
I realize this is a controversial subject, and there will be a lot of emotional reaction to it. I'm not going to argue with people who don't agree with this service, as disliking it is just as valid as wanting to take part in it. But please remember that this is entirely optional system. If you choose not to play on a Station Exchange server, you don't have to.
Message Edited by Moorgard on 04-19-2005 05:37 PM
EverQuest II Community Guy
Inside each person lives two wolves. One is loyal, kind, respectful, humble and open to the mystery of life. The other is greedy, jealous, hateful, afraid and blind to the wonders of life. They are in battle for your spirit. The one who wins is the one you feed.