Targeting and Assisting-
EQ2 targeting is still a bit confusing to me, especially playing a rogue...
I have been told there is an implied assist...
Assisting the puller is a pretty big deal so I can land my various backstab combat abilities in order to deliver the maximum damage...
Actually assisting during large pulls is tough... Here's why:
If I click on the puller's name in the upper left hand corner, I will change targets, and my character will shift in the direction of the puller's target. The problem is that all the mobs will be highlighted with their targeting circles.
Currently I have to actually watch the animation to see which of the mobs I should be attacking... If I am not PERFECTLY positioned I can't execute the backstab.
What makes this even more difficult is the weird circular movement present when I am engaged in combat.
1. Anyone got any ideas how to more easily assist on the pulls and actually pick out the correct target?
2. If I create an /assist macro do you find this to still be useful?
Combat Abilities and Heroic Opportunities-
1. Can someone explain the difference in the apprentice/adept/master upgrades? do you find them to be worth the money?
I do not understand Heroic Opportunities. Currently I execute "Lucky Strike" or whatever the initial move is called and I have about 4 options to execute the second portion of the HO... When I finally execute the 3rd portion I have two options to use.
Here are the questions: Does the combination or the different combinations determine the final outcome of the HO? So far I get two HO's off, one is called Ringing Blow, and the other is Swindler's Luck, which sucks. Is there a way to get Ringing Blow to go off every time?
The biggest thing I don't understand is the ability for any scout class to shift HO's to other group members...
Why would I want to do this? Can you give any practical examples of why I should shift HO's, and how should I coordinate with other scouts the shifting of HO's to them or me?
I really don't understand HO's.
Thanks for the infoz.