1) Part time raiding as a member of GRP: 3 times a week on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday starting at 7pm CST. Including PoP Progression, DoN Progression, and Epic 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 Progression. Attendance is NOT mandatory, but requested if you are online.
2) ORGANIZATION to help people with epic fights, gear upgrades, etc.
3) A fun place for the mature crowd in the game and also the children of our members to have a safe haven from some of the bad things in the game.
4) A casual environment, where people can log in, chat, get groups together, and just generally have fun.
5) Level requirement of 35. I am tired of the common thought that "You must be level 70 with 150AA to be a good EQ player", people have got to start somewhere.
If you are interested, email me at tauk@eproinc.com, visit the website at http://www.maestircenel.com/groupraid catch me on IM Aim=taukolaut, Yahoo=taulolaut ICQ 3289695 or shoot me a tell in game