So I've been running on a VGA connection at 720x1080 on my 27" widescreen at a 16:9 aspect ratio for the last two years. Last week I finally decided to order a DVI cable because they are so cheap on amazon.
Anyways, I plugged it in and I noticed my entire screen wasn't fitting. I changed the Aspect ratio to 1:1 and it looks GREAT. The colors look more vibrant and the text is far easier to read. I always thought that there was no difference between DVI or VGA, but this has clearly shown me otherwise.
And just to test I tried plugging in my VGA cable again and setting it to 1:1 aspect ratio and it did not fit everything on the screen. Not sure what this means, but in any case DVI is far superior.
Oh and ps my graphics card only outputs DVI which I had a converter for the VGA cable. The VGA cable plugged into the VGA port on the monitor.