Myself and a few of the people I work with are throwing around an idea for running a forum and want to get another opinion.
The goal of this is to test the effect on disk speed on the performance of the forum and most directly slow queries on the DB.
The plan is to run a forum where the DB is located completely in RAM. The problem this places is that should you crash, anything that was changed in ram but not on the HD is of course lost. The solution we have come up with is to have a file that is updated every time a change is made to that database listing the exact command that is being run on the DB.
This file provides 2 things for us. The first is that is give us a way to keep the hard copy of the DB updated, the 2nd is that it gives and extremely powerful backup tool. By setting up log rotation on these updates, you can actually have a backup of every single change made to a database. Now of course taking a little more time and effort you can build monthly snapshots of the database up to that date, this provides a very fast way to rebuild a database to any instant in time.
What we are looking for are the obvious things we have missed. I am sure there is something we haven’t taken into account that will effect this experiment. Anyone have anything they can think of?