Tossica wrote:Araby wrote: I don't think I saw your question yesterday about Demint. Go to this link and spend about twenty seconds reading this...and you'll understand my disgust. This man was elected as our Senator. There is no way women didn't vote for him, or he wouldn't have won. It makes me sick.
Why do smart people live in stupid fucking places like S Carolina? Look at the electoral map. All the smart people live in the blue areas. The red areas are reserved for the fucking retards and inbred jesus freaks. If you are not a retard or an inbred jesus freak (ie Bush supporter) GET THE FUCK OUT! Come to where the sane people live in the blue areas. At least we outnumber the C.H.U.D. here.
Ahh yes, the attack of the mad liberal extremist against that which does not agree with him. I don't know what's more disgusting, your insane, irrational ability to hate, or the fact that you do it with such stupidity.
Want to know why OUR country didn't vote for Kerry? Because people like you, the left-wing extreme, the F9/11-MoveOn.Org Maniacs have taken control of the democratic party.
You remember liberalism yes?
Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Harry S. Truman, these were democrats and centrist liberals. They didn't sit on the fringe, spewing hate and diatribes of drivel. Instead, they tended toward the center, strongly defended capitolism, and defended the countries interests, both militarily and rhetorically. And they promoted values of family, honesty and integrity.
Why did Kerry lose?
Because he spent too much time listening to John Bon Jovi and Eminem, and not enough to the Security Moms. Because he never once took the advice the Clinton (Another Centrist Democrat) and fighting for the "morale agenda". Because he never MOVED into the Center. Because a lot of what the Swift Vets had to say struck home. Because he once betrayed his "Band of Brothers" Because, in all ways, he swung towards the extreme left, the OPPOSITE way this nation is heading.
Despite your rampant hatred for it, people in this country DO go to church on Sundays. They DO work in corporate america from 8-5, they DO raise families in small suburban homes, and they do hold those things ( marriage, family and happiness) dearer to them than all others.
The Republican party clean-swept the democrats Tuesday. In huge ways. They won the Electoral vote. They got the single largest popular vote for a president in election history with 59.1+ million votes. They were 3.6+ million votes over their challenger. They won 4 seats in the Senate and defeated the Minority Leader (Daschle). They won 2 seats in the House. And the "Banning Gay Marriage" agenda was won, in huge numbers all across the states where it was on the ballot. By margins, that HAD to include the liberal center. Because the numbers were too high to support any other outcome. And there was no rampant fraud, as many, many feared. If anything, the biggest fraud was conducted by the MoveOn.Org crowd with its incessant parking & barking near polling houses.
Despite your hatred for all the America Toss, the fact is, the rest of the Nation does not sit anywhere near your garden of weeds, and your opinion and viewpoint is dieing of decay. Because it promotes nothing good.
Learn or be spiteful for the rest of your life,