Dear NT,
I play on a PvP server, I play for the challenge of facing people in a way you cannot on PvE.
A moment ago in SM, I observed a 60 Paladin chase after a few low 30's and chase them into the Armory.
I spat out something like 'that was rude' sort of jokingly. He responded,
"when you see allaince YOU ATTACK"
I could hear the tone of his voice, it just bothered me so. Is this what he really thinks?
I dont know.. it seems wrong for me, to stalk down someone fourty levels below you because hes on the oposite faction. I play for the challenge. I was about to tell him he should probably go to an RP server, when he said the same thing to me.
Am I just wrong? Does PvP mean being a dick in my eyes?