by Arlos » Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:23 pm
Snerp, obviously I wasn't still with LOS post-GoD, so I never experienced any of those raids. You know quite well I was with them through all of the stuff in PoP stuff, however. I also read the LOS boards regularly (well, the parts I can get to), and was able to pick up a at least some idea of how OMM worked.
No argument that Molten Core in WoW was rather simplistic, though the encounter concept for Majordomo was rather unique: never actually kill the main boss, just keep him busy while you deal with his guards, but be careful of what order and how. Ragnaros is also a pretty scripted encounter, though nothing compared to later ones.
Blackwing Lair introduced several more wrinkles into the mix. Even the opening encounter, Razorgore, requires a big mix of strategies, at least until you get to the point where the boss is killable. Vael is specifically designed to absolutely require tank transitions, and is immune to taunt, and requires people to pay attention for the entire fight, or risk killing everyone. Firemaw and Flamegor are pretty simple, true. Ebonroc is a bit trickier, as he puts a undispellable effect on a tank that heals the mob every time he hits the tank with the effect. Chromaggus is pretty simple too. Nefarian, once you get to him, is not too complex, but getting to him past the chain-spawns in phase 1 of the encounter while keeping everyone alive isn't that easy. Also, he has a number of effects during the fight that require people to pay attention, as he'll do things like make cleric heals actually put a huge stacking DoT on whoever they healed, etc.
Now, get into AQ 40, and they've really gone to new heights of encounter design. Twin Emperors is actually significantly easier if you have Warlocks tank portions of it, for example. Suffice it to say that if I were to list all of the stuff going on in AQ40, this would be one mothering-long post, so I'll just discuss C'Thun.
Stage 1: C'Thun's eye. Every 2 seconds, he stares at someone and shoots them with a green energy ray for about 2-4k depending on resists. No big deal. However, if there's anyone standing within 10 feet of you when you get hit, the beam jumps to them and doubles in damage. If they have someone else within 10 feet of them it jumps again and doubles damage yet again. I've seen screwups where it jumped through most of a guild and people were getting hit for 10+ million HP.
OK, now, on top of that, every so often a ring of eye tentacles spring up around him. They don't have a whole lot of HP, but they pick a target and do like 700hp every second + effectively fear them, so they can't act. (Mind Flay is the spell effect) Also, at random intervals, claw tentacles spring up from the ground, doing about 2k to anyone above them as they pop up plus flinging them a good 20 feet way, and they start meleeing people nearby, snaring them, etc. Oh, and no, there's no warning of any kind before the tentacle pops up, first indication you have of it is when you go flying across the room and see your health drop.
Now, furthermore, every 30 seconds or so, the Eye will stop random beaming, will pick a spot in the room and do a Dark Glare. What happens then, is the eye shoots out a straight red beam that does oh, about 50,000 damage if it hits you, and sweeps in a 180 degree arc around the room. It's random where he starts the beam, though he'll stare there for 2-3 seconds before the beam comes out, and random whether he'll sweep clockwise or counter-clockwise. This means that every 30 seconds, the entire raid will need to rotate around the room 180 degrees with the beam, so as to avoid getting nailed.
So, on top of dealing with all the random tentacles and the eye beams, you need to be putting out DPS on the eye itself, because you have to kill it before C'Thun himself will show up. None of the tentacle spawning stops during the Dark Glare phase either, and the tentacles springing up from underground that fling you around can quite easily knock you into a red beam, or throw you next to someone who then gets hit by a green beam, linking to you for 8k damage before resists, which is instant death if you don't resist it for 99.9% of people. (some top-geared warriors might have that much).
OK, so, you've survived all of that, and killed the Eye. Congrats, that's just phase 1. You now have about a 10 second window as C'Thun himself rises out of the floor to get re-positioned, etc. However, you don't get dropped out of combat, so you don't get to eat or drink, nor can you rez up anyone who's died, unless you use a combat rez from a druid (which are on 30 minute cooldowns). After that 10 second window, phase 2 starts, and all you've got is whoever lived through Phase 1. (and if it's not darn near everyone, forget it, you're not getting through phase 2, period)
Phase 2.
OK, C'Thun himself doesn't attack at all. He is physically present, you can hit him, but he's also near-invulnerable. All hits do is like 1-2 points of damage on him, which is nothing. Now, remember that ring of small eye tentacles that kept spawning and doing the mind flay? They are back during phase 2 as well. The small claw tentacles are not, but now you get GIANT claw tentacles, who do significantly more damage if they come up underneath someone. These generate signifcant melee damage, and MUST be tanked by real tanks. If they ever are not actively being meleed, they will submerge, heal to full, and reappear under someone. These also have a ton of HP, and cannot be burned down quickly.
Besides the giant claw tentacles, he now starts spawning Giant Eye tentacles. These have less HP, but shoot out the same green energy beam that the Eye itself did in phase 1. These need to be dropped FAST, but you can't pack melee around them to do it, in case it beams one of them.
Now, beyond all that, you have an entire other section to the encounter. At random every so often, a mouth tentacle will come up beneath someone, and swallow them down into C'Thun's stomach. You don't get to choose who goes, it's entirely random. Anyone in the stomach is effected by a dot, that stacks the longer you get in there, so by about 15-20 seconds, you're taking 1000hp/sec or so. The DoT is not dispellable or cureable while you're in the stomach, you have to leave to remove it. Being in the stomach is important, however, as there are 2 stomach tentacles in there. These do lots of melee DPS to those that get close to them, and have a fair number of HP. However, they are absolutely vital. If you manage to kill both stomach tentacles, that turns C'Thun's body vulnerable to damage, and stops him from spawning any new tentacles outside for 40 seconds. Any currently spawned tentacles stay up, however, and still need to be dealt with.
That vulnerability of time is VITAL, as it's the only time when you can actually do any real damage on C'Thun himself, and you only have that 40 second window to do it in, lessened by any time you spent dealing with currently spawned tentacles when the vulnerability started. Once it's finished, about 10 seconds after the vulnerability fades, the stomach tentacles respawn, and he starts spawning all of the outside tentacles again. Now, you can't really just off-tank any giant claw tentacles that are up when he goes vulnerable, because they have enough HP that you can't drop them fast enough in that gap between when he goes invul again and before he spawns more such tentacles. If you get behind on dealing with tentacles, you're dead. So, you need to plan on making him vulnerable several times to get enough aggregate vulnerability time to drop him down.
So, you have here an entire encounter where the closest thing you get to traditional "tanking" is vs the Giant Claw tentacles on phase 2. EVERYONE has to pay attention for the entire fight, or risk linking people for the green beam, not moving out of the way of the dark glare beam, etc. You need to be careful with your mana as it's a LONG fight, and you cannot afford to blow it all early on. You have to keep multiple different types of spawns under control during phase 2, while at the same time never knowing who is going to get sucked into the stomach, or when. (and yes, he can and will eat warriors that are currently tanking giant claw tentacles) Anyone of any class has to be able to figure out how to contribute while in the stomach, as literally anyone could find themselves in there at any point during phase 2, and how you'd have to contribute is going to differ depending on the current situation. Oh, and you have to do both stages back to back, and basically anyone in either stage who dies is gone for good, unless you have druids with rez up, and they'll only be able to rez 1 person each during the entirety of the fight.
So, that's the C'Thun encounter. Hard as hell, and the guild I'm in is still working on beating him (50% or so is our best, but we had 39 people up at that point on that one, when he bugged and went invul again 5 seconds after going vulnerable and spawned a whole new wave of claw/giant eye tentacles while we were still dealing with others.) Sorry, but in all my years of cutting edge EQ raiding, nothing we ever did is even REMOTELY close in any way to an encounter like that.