Exercises of the week: The chest

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Exercises of the week: The chest

Postby Mop » Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:56 am

Oh for the menz out there, how do you get the chest so big, oh how do you do it? Well in simple terms you train and train and train some more... For the rest of the world your chest is very vital in one major thing, your posture...which bad posture will lead to headaches - back pain - knee pain - hip pain and many other problems... so lets Strengthen the chest so that your body helps pull those shoulders back and kep them up high to help prevent headaches.
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Beginner: Incline barbell

Postby Mop » Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:58 am

You can do this on a bench, on a ball doesn't matter as long as your at about a 45 degree angle.



Preparation :

* Lay with back flat on incline bench, feet flat on the floor and toes pointing straight ahead.
* Grasp the bar with the hands slightly wider than shoulder apart.

Movement :

* Draw your belly button inward.
* Slowly lower the bar towards chest by flexing elbows and retracting and depressing shoulder blades.
* Avoid letting the back arch and/or head jutting forward.
* Do not allow the elbows to rotate inward or outward.
* Press the bar beck up extending your arms and contracting chest until elbows are fully extended.
* Keep feet straight ahead and flat on floor throughout the entire exercise.
Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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Intermediate : Push up, with some balance~

Postby Mop » Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:03 am


Preparation :

* Place body in push up position on the floor, activate core by pulling navel to spine and squeeze glutes.
* Place both feet on Swiss ball.

Movement :

* Starting with your body in the plank position, lower the chest towards the floor.
* Upon reaching the floor press your body back up to the starting position.
* Be aware not to let the core release as this will cause hyperextension of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.
* Cease performing the exercise as soon as any compensation is notic

Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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Advanced: balance and strength!

Postby Mop » Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:05 am


* for the less advanced, same movement with both feet on the floor

Movement :

* SLOWLY lower single dumbbell down towards chest with wrist over elbow.
* Maintaining pelvic stability, return the weight to the starting position.
* Perform SLOW controlled repetitions and then repeat movement with opposite side.
* It is important NOT to let your back arch at any time during the movement.
* Maintain a level pelvis throughout the entire exercise.
* Maintain glute activity throughout the entire exercise.
* To increase glute activity, lift toes up.

Benefits :

* Great exercise to teach co-contraction of the core/hip/shoulder girdle musculature, to push while stabilizing in the transverse plane of motion.
* Integrated movement for functional and practical pushing strength.

Progression Considerations :

* Client will follow previous instructions.
* Before starting to press the weight; making sure the core is activated, lift one leg just off the floor.
* When client feels stable, pressing can commence.
* At any time that compensations appear-leg dropping , hips shifting side to side etc, stop the exercise.
Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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