I went to my parents house this past weekend and weighed 174.5(I'm 5'9"). Which is way more than I've ever weighed. I don't think I look fat, but the seeds are there in that I can't make out my stomach muscles. I don't care so much about the number as I do about the layer of fat that has started around my midsection. I have had a pretty high metabolism for most of my life so this gain was a shock to me. I guess drinking three or so regular beers right before bed is catching up to me
So I started running two days ago. I'm in horrible shape so that run lasted a quality ten minutes haha. I took my second run yesterday and actually felt really great and ran for about 20 minutes and did some push-ups and sit-ups afterwards.
Getting my endurance back will be nice, but I'd like to reap some 'visual' rewards from working out. Mainly upper body. Only problem is I don't have any exercise equipment nor the money to buy a club membership at the moment.
Is there an exercise regime that can be done in the house/outside etc that can fortify the upper body? I have stairs etc and don't have any limitations health wise as to what exercises I can do.
Also, if you have a high metabolism, do you need to watch your diet that much to burn fat/create muscle? I like everyone else love to eat, but if I burn enough normally, would I have to make diet sacrifices in order to shed pounds? Single living is hard to get good/conscientious meals in (at least for me).
Would appreciate any programs or advice.