Selling the following:
Frostreaver's Embroidered Cloak 22k (SOLD)
Lodizal Shell Shield 8k (SOLD)
Compass of Khati Sha 11k (SOLD)
Grimling Earbone 13.5k <------------------------ (Please buy me)
Blessed Full Mithril Gear:
Legs 8k (SOLD)
Bracers x2 3k (SOLD)
Boots 3k (SOLD)
Helm of Raldukan 6k (SOLD)
ADD - Obulus Death Shroud 10k (SOLD)
Accepting offers.
Please either post here or send tell in game
30 cleric
Well my wife got quite upset that I was spending so much time on-line that she kind of gave me an ultimatum. As for the Frostreavers cloak, I would be willing to part with it for 20,001pp. I was only trying to make up for other items that have depreciated in value. Sorry Racel ;p