Lets dedicate our time and energy, and tax dollars, to sluething out the steroid problem in baseball.
Couple things here:
Fuck you goverment for wasting my tax dollars on this shit. How about fixing our education system, social security, finding a fesible way to prevent gas prices from becoming almost 3.00 a gallon this summer, feeding homeless people, and creating jobs. Hey guess what, I hear models to do heroin and a couple actors do cocain, better get on those entertainment industries too since parents are fucking pathetic and use the tv to raise their child.
Parents- a big f u for trying to blame someone other than yourself for your child who abusing steroids, how about trying to take an active part in your childs life.
last of all, f u Jose for being a fucking slime and selling out other people to sell yours shitty fucking book that no one would buy if you didnt talk about other people because no one gives two shits about you; you greasy fucking cuban. F u Mark for being such a fucking cry baby about the subject and trying to play some sort of pitty card. f u you sammy for still not being able to speak a lick of english even though you have lived here on and off for over 10 years.
that being said,
Go Tar Heels, Duke sucks.