Interesting article on TV advertising

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Interesting article on TV advertising

Postby Ganzo » Sat Jun 04, 2005 1:19 pm

Why do broadcasters continue to offer alcohol-related, sexual, and violent programming, given the overwhelming data testifying to the damage done by such fare? Our question stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of television’s clientele. As a writer for the Journal of the American Medical Association observed:

Cable aside, the television industry is not in the business of selling programs to audiences. It is in the business of selling audiences to advertisers. Issues of "quality" and "social responsibility" are entirely peripheral to the issue of maximizing audience size within a competitive market.

Television does not exist to entertain us; it exists to sell to us. Colman McCarthy, professor at Georgetown University and the University of Maryland, explains, "It is a commercial arrangement, with the TV set a salesman permanently assigned to one house, and often two or three salesmen working different rooms." Dr. John Condry, professor of human development and family studies at Cornell University, writes, "The task of those who program television is to capture the public’s attention and to hold it long enough to advertise a product."

While this amazes some parents, it is reality that everyone in the television industry thoroughly understands. Doug Herzog, while serving as president of Fox Entertainment, thus justified the level of alcohol, sex, and violence on his network, saying, "This is all happening because society is evolving and changing, but the bottom line is people seem to be buying it." Gene DeWitt, chairman of one of the leading firms selling television advertising time, similarly admitted, "There’s no point in moralizing whether this is a good or bad thing. Television is a business whose purpose is gathering audience."

Indeed, children see one hour of commercials for every five hours of programs they watch on commercial television. This means that during calendar year 1997, when the average U.S. child watched television 25 hours a week, he spend 260 full hours (or the equivalent of 6.5 weeks of forty-hour-per-week shifts) just watching commercials.

This is significant when we consider that the most essential product of the advertising industry is hunger. That is, commercials are intended to create a feeling of lack in the viewer, a deep ache that can only be assuaged by purchasing the product. As Dr. Neil Postman, chairman of the Department of Communications Arts at New York University, points out, "What the advertiser needs to know is not what is right about the product but what is wrong about the buyer." So we hand our children over to Madison Avenue to be told, hundreds of hours a year, how hungry, bored, ugly, and unpopular they are and will continue to be until they spend (or persuade their parents to spend) a few more dollars. And then we wonder why our children feel so hungry, bored, ugly, and unpopular, and why they are so needy.
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Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Postby Ganzo » Sat Jun 04, 2005 1:27 pm

found more gems there:

"There's no point in moralizing whether this is a good or a bad thing. Television is a business whose purpose is gathering audience."

- Gene DeWitt
(Chairman of one of the leading firms selling television advertising time)

"The most important assets are brands.
Buildings age and become dilapidated.
Machines wear out.
Cars rust.
People die.
But what lives on are the brands."

Hector Liang
Chairman, United Biscuits

"If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it"

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ... We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ... In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons ... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."

Edward Bernays

"The average person in the US watches about four hours of television each day. Over the course of a year, we see roughly twenty five thousand commercials, many of them produced by the world's highest-paid cognitive psychologists. And these heavily produced advertisements are not merely for products, but for a lifestyle based on a consumer mind-set. What they're doing, day in and day out, twenty-five thousand times a year, is hypnotizing us into seeing ourselves as consumers who want to be entertained rather than as citizens who want to be informed and engaged..."

Duane Elgin on Simplicity and Humanity's Future, IONS, Noetic Sciences Review

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." - Henry David Thoreau
גם זה יעבור

Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Postby Ganzo » Sat Jun 04, 2005 1:41 pm

and some fun pics to go with it:

<img src="">

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גם זה יעבור

Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Postby mappatazee » Sat Jun 04, 2005 1:45 pm

jesus, 25 hours? i watch maybe 5-10 hours in any given year.
are torrent posts allowed<a href="" target=blank>?</a>

<a href="" target=blank>film website</a>
3 hours, the end is a little wank/liberal, but it's pretty interesting.
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Postby araby » Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:22 am

Interesting. If Americans watch an average of four hours of television each day, it's no wonder things are the way that they are. And by that, I mean the obsession with material things/brand names. Our objective is to make money always always always.

I'd be curious to know if the average person who watches four hours of television a day has any interests, or hobbies. Or talents.

nice post thanks for the links

I made somewhat of the same post in tech support...quality of product/customer service is lower than it's ever been. Everything is a piece of shit, and noone that sold you or profited from your purchase cares if it's a piece of shit. The objection is to make money. That's the world we live in as Americans and it's why 72% of the people that make under $7/hr are over 20, and 10% are single moms.

They don't want to make you more money, or sell you anything that works. That doesn't make money.
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