Let's compare some numbers.
Average wages versus year:
1992 - $22,935.42
1996 - $25,913.90
2000 - $32,154.82
By doing the math you will find that from the time Clinton took office until the end of his last term the average wage in the United States rose by roughly
Now, let's take a look at more recent numbers.
2002 - $33,252.09
2005 - $37,870.00
Using the average from 2000 you'll find that the average wage in the United States has only risen some
Under Clinton we saw a nice jump of 28% in our wages... Under Bush we've seen just 15%.
Why does this matter? Here's why...
Using the calculator
http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl which is sponsored by the DOL.
$10,000 in 1996 would have the same buying power as $10975.14 in 2000 - ok this IS important because that is a difference of 8.85%.
To break it down...
If you were making $10,000 in 1996 you would have had to make $10975.14 in 2000 in order to maintain your lifestyle and to continue buying what you normally bought. You'll notice that the average wage in 2000 was $32,154.82, which was UP from 25,913.90 from 1996. That's a difference of 19.4%.
This means that you would still be in the BLACK by
Now, let's take at a look at what's happened under Dubya's watch.
From the time Dubya took office to 2005 we saw a national increase in wages of 15.1%.
That might not sound too bad... however when you take a look at what that increase can buy you - you'll see a completely different story.
$10,000 in 2000 has the same buying power of $11134.46 in 2005, which translates into 10.2% increase.
Keeping in mind that wages only rose 15.1% - after the deduction you're left with 4.9% of your income.
What this all means is that while Clinton was in office you had 10.6% of YOUR money left over after living to invest, save, spend, do whatever.
Under Bush's watch you only 4.9% of YOUR money left to invest, save, spend, do whatever.
To sum this all up...
Under the Clinton administration we saw a 28.7% increase in wages across the board, and at the end of the day you were left with 10.6% of your money.
Under Bush we've seen a 15.1% increase in wages and at the end of the day you're only left with 4.6% of your money.
This proves, in my mind, that the GOP is not looking after YOUR [the individual] best interest.