This even further deepens the hatred they have for the US government. (note that on an individual level, most of the average Iranians like americans as a people, while they hate the american government
Now, I know reading comprehension isn't your forte, and admitting your mistakes is verboten, but gee, you claim my argument is that Iranians hate the US populace, and right there I say they hate the US GOVERNMENT but like americans as people.... Funny, *I* see a dichotomy there...
You are obviously a big fan of the Shah. I've seen plenty of evidence from multiple places that he was a murdering bastard on par with Saddamn, who DID torture people and disappear dissidents, and no, it's not been from CNN or any iranian website. (I know how much you like to wave the CNN flag in the air as if it were some holy relic, so I wanted to dispel that notion right away) Funny, I also remember the Iranians demand when they took the embassy hostage was to return the Shah to them for trial, and Carter's refusal to extradite him was why they kept holding them.
And are you denying that we supported Saddam while he was in the process of nerve gassing and mustard gassing Iran? I think the history books might disagree with you there. Gee, I am sure no one in Iran bears ANY ill will towards the US government's role there, honest. That's what you're claiming, right?
And again, I ask: You believe that simple US sabre rattling or military posturing on their borders is going to instigate a popular revolution that will overthrow the mullahs and bring about a new state there that's a close friend to the US and the rest of the west? That's what you're claiming? Cause that's what Finawin was claiming, and what I was laughing at....