Some gems:
In Mississippi:
Q22 Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a
Muslim, or are you not sure?
Christian.......................................................... 12%
Muslim ............................................................ 52%
Not sure .......................................................... 36%
Q23 Do you believe in evolution, or not?
Believe in evolution......................................... 22%
Do not ............................................................. 66%
Not sure .......................................................... 11%
Q24 Do you think that interracial marriage should be
legal or illegal?
Legal............................................................... 54%
Illegal .............................................................. 29%
Not sure .......................................................... 17%
And now in Alabama:
Q22 Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a
Muslim, or are you not sure?
Christian.......................................................... 14%
Muslim ............................................................ 45%
Not sure .......................................................... 41%
Q23 Do you believe in evolution, or not?
Believe in evolution......................................... 26%
Do not ............................................................. 60%
Not sure .......................................................... 13%
Q24 Do you think that interracial marriage should be
legal or illegal?
Legal............................................................... 67%
Illegal .............................................................. 21%
Not sure .......................................................... 12%
That's right, boys and girls. In Mississippi, only HALF the people think interracial marriages should be legal. Not talking about same sex marriages, here, but banned in the 60s black/white or white/asian, etc. Half.
Only 22 and 26%, respectively, are aware of science, apparently.
Oh, and only 12% and 14% pay actual attention to reality enough to know that Obama is a christian....
And these people's votes count just as much as people who aren't complete morons.
Why were we AGAINST the south seceding, again? Can someone remind me?