by Iccarra » Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:52 pm
Well, yes, I was serious actually which is why I asked. I wanted to know where the information came from and to see some actual statistics. Yes, there are bad day care facilities unfortunately and yes, children are more likely to contract illnesses by going to them. As far as getting sick, well....that will happen plenty if not now, then when they enter grade school.
My questions are, and they are rhetorical for the most part, are the parents who have so many problems with their children's behavior actively involved in how their kids are taken care of in their absence? Do they have a partnership with that caregiver or center's employees in making sure those caregivers are following their wishes? Do they discipline their children at home even though they may feel guilty for sending them off to day care so they can make a decent wage?
Children misbehave, they get wound up, and if the adults in their lives cannot accept these things and want their children complacent all the time...sure, put them on Ritalin or what-not. I'm not saying that there aren't children out there that really do have ADHD or ADD but the number of true cases are not nearly as many as there are children on the medication for it.
Personally, if I could stay home to take care of my children I would. No one can do a better job raising your children than you, in most cases. However, I'm a single mom so there is no choice in the matter.
...bah...sorry for the thread hijack and the novel~going back to work now...