Hard to stomach the truth eh? lol That's why I can't stand MORONS like the "rev" jesse jackson, al sharptongue, etc. They are preaching that the "the man" is holding them down, and that democrats are fighting for them. ROFL. Ghetto folk should look up to REAL heroes like Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, and even Bill Cosby... all men with integrity who teach their people they can rise up and do something with their lives... that they CAN get off of assistance if they APPLIED themselves.
actually it's the middle and lower middle class folks who are patriotic and think that equals being republican is what shocks me....
WTF has the past 8 years done for the middle and lower middle class??????
You are a Pub Fanboi and are too immature to see that it is ALL BS and that there isn't a single group of politicians that are for anyone when it comes down to it... they are for the people that have power and money, BLACK, WHITE, RED, BROWN, PURPLE, whatever....
the sad thing is that you still think that the pubs haven't FUCKED a LARGE portion of the population, like all of the people Funding the Body Count for the "war on terror" --- they are by a huge majority middle and lower middle class families AND everyone NOT getting 700 Billion dollars, which is 99% of the population....
so yeah, the black ghetto deomcrats who trust their politicians are really the stupid ones here.... as opposed to simple-minded revolving door poor whites who trust their politicans
and if you think poor WHITE people don't take their handouts you are EVEN MORE foolish than you seem to be when you post.