by Diekan » Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:00 pm
I understand what he [Arlos] is trying to say. He expects that the government will be able to provide a greater degree of stability with more of a guarantee that our money will still be there when we retire. And, IF our government was responsible with money and IF they hadn’t already brought social security to the verge of bankruptcy, I’d agree with him.
The facts are though that our government can’t and shouldn’t be trusted with our private retirements. He gets a dig in that I’m being too paranoid, but he forgot the recent bailout bill that was passed by BOTH Democrats (with a majority) and Republicans. I think this is an important point to reference because the bailout bill ended up including close to 108 billion dollars of extra pork. Both parties have become spend thrifts with our money and neither have manned up to take responsibility.
I am basing my distrust of our government on past experience and observation. For me it’s analogous to a football game. If your place kicker has a record of 1- 19 are you going to trust him to make the game winning field goal, or are you going to risk the 4th and inches and head to overtime if necessary?
About the age limit. I am sure they’ll strive to include it just as sure as I am sitting here. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the bill have a stipulation that we won’t be allowed to activate our retirement payments until we reach a certain age. They’ve already done so with social security and it is the social security administration that’s supposedly going to manage this new program. There are just too many benefits for them not to. For one, as I said before, by imposing an age limit they can be assured to gain that much more income tax from you in the long term. Secondly, the older you are, the closer to death you ultimately are. Sure, that sounds a bit out there, but if you start collecting at 65 as opposed to 55, that’s that much less money they’ll have to pay out (when you die, they'll get to keep the balance). Third, by forcing you to wait to a certain age before declaring retirement, they’ll have that much more time to “invest” your money in their agenda with the promise to “pay it back” when the time comes. The same BS they fed us with social security – and it didn’t work.
They offer a promise of a 3% return per year. That’s shit. A good CD can earn more than that. The markets in the long term result in well over 10%, ultimately. With that low of a return you’ll have to, again, work that much longer to accumulate enough “wealth” to retire.
I keep screaming about fixing the problem rather than simply smoothing it over with another incentive, law or “proactive initiative.” There is nothing wrong, nothing broken, with the current 401k / IRA programs. The problems have arisen from the lack of oversight and a failure to enforce existing laws that would have prevented Wall Street's wolves from getting away with what they did. It was a failure of the SEC, the Justice Department and both political parties. The solution is actually very simple. Fix Wall Street by enforcing laws and oversight. Hold CEO’s accountable for their actions. Eliminate short selling. Etc and etc.
Besides it never fails... we hear cries that sky is falling every time we're in a bear market. The markets are cyclic, always have been, always will be. FIX the corruption on Wall Street and you'll be very surprised how quickly things will turn around...
But you see, that’ll never happen because the idea of getting their hands on billions and billions of dollars is just too tempting.
Last edited by
Diekan on Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.