Moderator: Dictators in Training
And no, being overly religious does not make you smarter, college does. But yes, it gives you a conscience without question. I have a conscience which is self-made since the day my bible school teacher told me that Adam and Eve lived before the dinosaurs.
Religion is an ancient crutch and i think its about time we as a people let it go.
spazz wrote:Your crazy i think you develop your concience how you were raised and how you wanna be treated ( less your a sociopath) Religion is an ancient crutch and i think its about time we as a people let it go
spazz wrote:Your proof of why people need to let it go homie . Your what i would call a religous asshole and i do beleive youw ant to impose your will and beleifs on me and everyone else who disagrees
arlos wrote:Well, I disagree with you, Garg. Being religious is not even remotely a guarantee of having a real concience, and being irreligious is by no means a guarantee that you will lack one.
BTW, Kahar, Spazz is right in one thing; I am most assuredly NOT an athiest or an agnostic. As I've said a few times, I'm Pagan, I just don't choose to discuss it very often, especially as the last time I did so, it took literally less than 60 seconds for one of the resident peanut gallery to post their first derogatory and insulting post about it.
I don't believe in Christianity, and I will *NEVER* support anyone injecting their religious beliefs into politics, not even other pagans, but at the same time, I am by no means anti-faith. Anti-dogma, maybe, as I believe everyone should learn to think for themselves, and not to blindly accept pre-digested stuff fed to you by a heirarchy, when it comes to something as personally meaningful as Faith.
arlos wrote:I'm not saying that, Mindia. Notice I didn't accuse you of doing that. But you must admit, there is a HUGE legion of people out there who never examine their faith, they just go to church every sunday because it is expected of them. They swallow whole what their priests/preachers/etc tell them, and accept it as the whole truth without ever bothering to examine it for themselves. I've known innumerable Christians of all denominations who do exactly that.
Again, was in no way attempting to say that that's what YOU were like, but you and I both know that there's millions of people out there that ARE like that. If you've done your own personal examination of the teachings, thought about them critically, and gone pat the surface readigns to try and understand what the teachings MEAN, then more power to you. While I may not in any way believe what you do, you'll never see me insulting that process.
BTW, Mindia, as we've discussed before, trying to get laws passed that follow Christian doctrine, which you've said multiple times you'd like to see happen, *IS* trying to force your beliefs on other people. I am not of your faith, and my right to not follow your faith is guaranteed by the constitution. Therefore, if you got laws passed that followed Christian doctrine, you would be forcing me to follow christian rules, even though I'm not christian.
spazz wrote:I think arlos has a religion hes just not very open bout it karhar. Less im trippin and that idea popped in my head outta nowhere
spazz wrote:Cept for the 10 commandments almost none of them are laws and ITS A COURT HOUSE and id bet alot of people int hat court house might not have those values and thus not wanna see that shit. I think if gods your thing thats great but i shouldt have to look at any of your bullshit on a PUBLIC building.
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