Phlegm wrote:Those nicotine patches don't work?
When Jj tried to use the patches, using the strongest ones, he cut down to about 10 cigs a day from a pack a day, but was not able to quit completely. When he tried to quit completely, he made it 6 days with the worst shakes, sweats, migraines, and cough you have ever seen (well, the worst next to watching my dad trying to quit - he vomits too). The patches did jack shit to curve the cravings, and I personally think that they just made the withdrawal symptoms worse when the fits would hit.
The nicotine gum, according to Jj, tastes like a dirty, minty ashtray. There's no way he could use the stuff to actually quit.
I smoked for 11 years, and quit cold turkey living in a house with 3 other smokers. I never had a single withdrawal symptom either - not a nic fit, shake, or anything. I have no idea why.
I don't want my kids associating the smell of cigarette smoke with "home" the way I have my whole life (both my folks smoke 2 packs a day and smoke indoors). That, and emphysema runs rampant on my dad's side, like bad. I don't want to live my remaining years strapped to an oxygen tank.