Here are some old Nameless names we have with us so far, and what they're playing: Guntaag (mnk/cle), Flink (sk/shm), Fween (dru), Rellien/Sailer (wiz/enc), Bocephus (wiz).
We could use more people for some classic action. Let's do Nag and Vox as they were meant to be done!
The classic server we're playing on is pvp (10 level range, winner takes coin), and levels come fast. Pvp means planes loot and such isn't no drop, which makes for fun and profitable farming.
Getting set up is easy. Torrent EverQuest Titanium ( ... um_Edition) if you don't have it, install it, but do not patch it.
Edit eqhost.txt so that the host is
Right click eqgame.exe, send to > desktop. Right click the desktop shortcut, go to properties, and add 'patchme' to the end of the source path. It should read: "C: ... eqgame.exe" patchme
Register an account with EQEmu if you don't have one ( Create a login account, or two, if you would like to box. I recommend boxing because you get the same exp regardless of if you're soloing or in a full group, so there's no reason to not make a buff/heal/dmg bot.
Once you create your account, run the game from your eqgame shortcut and start playing! The server we're on is listed at the top under the preferred servers. It's called Tallon/Vallon Zek (or something like that). Can't miss it.
Post here if you intend on checking it out! Our in game names are as follows:
Me - Snuggles/Cuddlage
Guntaag - Donut/Cupcake
Fween - Tuxxe
Rellien - Rell/Ller
Bocephus - Moustache