Should've seen my online Moral and Political Philosophy class. Just atrocious.
Then in my capstone class, I had a girl copy my posts
verbatim, sprinkling in bad grammar and nonsensical sentences along the way to personalize it. She even left the HTML brackets in the post that didn't translate to plain text, ffs. The worst part? It was an opinion discussion about workplace etiquette.. it wasn't even an assignment you had to put any thought into.
Here's another couple gems from that class:
I agree with making your resume standout as much as possible without been unprofessional, I would use the different color paper and different font but i also would probable use a light scented paper like legally blonde did.
I think that cell phone should not be in the work place or in class because it break people concentration especially nowadays with those crazy ring tones. however if it's on vibrate this way you won't brother your fellow workers and if it's important excuse yourself go to another secure area room, and take of your business on your phone.
Yes I have observed this behavior? It effected me by breaking my grove of learning when a certain professor kept getting these phone calls while teaching the class it was from his wife which he should have told her he was busy earning his keep, can he call her later, like after the class. this made me feel like i needed a discount or my money back from this class.
I believe Mrs. Davis covered everything from computer email to phones but also I don't think she mentioned it but you can set up your computer email to let people know your out of the office and when will you return and who to get a hold of for important matters so they wont ask you why didn't return there emails.
Becoming a good follower I believe you have to crawl before you walk unless your just superb that way, but going into a new situation or job you never want to step on any ones toes you never know when you might need that persons help. so i believe learning every position of your job from the bottom up is a good thing beside making you more knowledgeable, also give you a ideal of what other people are going through, so starting out at the mail room can keep you humble and appreciative that you can take on task from any level/position and follow without been uppity or thinking your to good for such small jobs a great leader arises from being a great follower first.
"I think you may be confusing government running amok with government doing stuff you don't like. See, you're in the
minority now. It's
supposed to taste like a shit taco." - Jon Stewart