Gypsiyee wrote:You don't fully understand christianity if you can't accept that other religions, though they might not be yours, are still religion and believing in a higher power and they are therefore no lower than you on the God totem pole.
The Bible is actually pretty clear on this one:
Thou shalt not have any other gods before me.
The Lord thy God is a jealous god.
I am the way, the truth and the light. No man cometh unto the Father save by me
You don't fully understand christianity if you can't be accepting and open minded to other people's faiths
"I am the way, the truth and the light. No man cometh unto my father save by me". Christianity is
not about tolerating other faiths. Now, the New Testament doesn't mandate a slaughter of the unbelievers, but it's quite clear that other faiths are a path to eternal damnation.
If a christian believes in heaven and hell, and that all non believers in god go to hell, where do buddhists, etc go? They believe in a true superior being that guides them through good and bad, but in a christians world, do they go to hell? Because they obviously don't end up in Hell in their world as they don't believe in it
According to Christianity, Buddhists go to hell. They do not worship God, and have not accepted Christ's salvation.
Once you get past all the detailed mumbo jumbo.. it's just a way of living which is very basic and has more similarities than people realize - there's no right and wrong for what you believe in, it's just a matter of being a good-hearted person with certain values shaped to what you believe in
I'm assuming you're referring to Buddhism, but for a Christian right and wrong are absolutes, and being good-hearted is, in and of itself, worthless. Personal righteousness is as "filthy rags" in the eyes of God, and salvation comes only through repentance and acceptance of grace.