I wish for world domination with me as the dictator!
Actually my wish for this Christmas was to be able to spend it with my parents for the first time in 4 years. That wish has already come true. They are coming on the 22nd for two weeks! Looking forward to it.
On a side note... Apparently there are nude photo's of me with a 12 inch cock on a gay porn site. Some guy in the gym told me he has seen them =P Kinda disturbing..... but the pics are obviously photo shopped as no one has taken nude photo's of me (that I know of), and I don't have a 12 inch cock.
Hmm i want to go home for christmas instead of guarding some stupid ass nukes what a waiste. .
Or maybe see my olderbrother who i have not seen for like 3 years
Wow, been a while since you've posted. You're not going home for Christmas? That blows... You'll at least have your girlfriend to spend it with tho...
And yah, it has been a while since we saw each other. Get your ass over to Malaysia. What the hell are we going to do in WYOMING if I come visit you there?
Oh, and since you're online... get on MSN plz thx.
Really cant, sorta at work cant get on msn. And im working on Christmas and the day before and after so wont see my gf for a few days. Oh and i leave for GA less than a month thxs. And yeah will come visit you after i get back from iraq.
By the time you come I'll be working full-time, but I'm sure that I can manage to take some time off for us to go to Thailand for a bit. We MUST go backpacking in the golden triangle as well! Danger, adventure, etc.. good stuff! Let's do it before we have kids.
That will suck, but hey that st8. And about that kid thing wow i got so scared about 2 weeks ago but it ended up not being true. Danger, adventure. . ok thats cool with the danger thing as long as i have a gun or something cuzz not really sure what kind of danger you are talking about
yeah not like i did not have a high enough chance getting shot up living back home or going to iraq now you want to take me to some major drug production place. ..
"I think you may be confusing government running amok with government doing stuff you don't like. See, you're in the minority now. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco." - Jon Stewart