Cartoons, well media violence has been around since the beginning of media. It's nothing new that youth takes up this violent standard and makes it a mainstream fact of life. It's absurd to blame it on culture or media, video games and the internet provoacateur.
The problem is deeper and woefully obvious. As a culture we get what we want by force. We make no bones about this, in fact we embrace it as righteous cause, we teach no other lessons.
Every child you have becomes a ticking timebomb if left to the devices of our society. You wonder why I come on so strong as a protectionist? You wonder why I bash companies like WalMart? You wonder why?
In my time, a child was revered. A child was the hope of the future. A child out learned, out gained and out lived their parents.
We lost that along the way. It's easy to blame media and video games. But that's the way you you guys like it, easy, blame somebody. It isn't easy to raise a generation, if you were looking for easy, you shoulda used a condom. Children are your responsibility, take it. Do the right thing.