Ok, I have a Yamaha CLP-611 piano. It has a great quality of sound and the keys have a great feel to them. The only problem is: I suck at playing the piano.
I learned some when I was 6 years old then convinced my parents to let me quit playing (stupid). A few years ago I started messing with it again and conned mom into teaching how to play Fur Elise.
Anyways, I know that you can link up the piano and your PC and do some neat stuff. It has the ports on the back of the piano (though I'm not sure what cord I'd use, I think it goes to a 9 pin serial on my PC?)
The other half of this is that once I do link them up or whatever: What software should/can I get to help me to relearn how to play? I really like playing and I want to expand my horizons.
Any tips, info, or stories about how playing an instrument helped you with the ladies would be much appreciated.