by araby » Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:49 am
I have the week of the 4th off for vacation. Initially, I wanted to go see Ryan Adams play in Boston (Somerville) but tickets are not available, unless someone is nice enough to sell me one that was lucky enough to get them before the ticket sites gobbled them up.
In the meantime, I am interested in your suggestions. This is the first time in several years I have the luxury of taking off and going pretty much any place my random heart desires. I will be going solo and doing a lot of writing, reading, dancing and anything else my creative heart wants to express.
Where have you guys been? What have you seen? I was thinking Chicago-never been there. However, I wonder if it's magical enough for me...I thought of the mountains but I've been there, done that. I'm learning to be resourceful on my own, but I know a lot of you have travelled and seen things...what do you suggest??