Narrock wrote:arlos wrote:That's not really the question we're asking, though, Mindia. We're asking if Christ HIMSELF would have turned away open homosexuals or not. I claim no, because of the well-documented way he treated Lepers, who were viewed as even worse by the populace back then.
What's YOUR opinion on that question?
Homosexuality has been condemned in the bible many different times. Just because Jesus didn't "say it" directly, doesn't mean He approves of it. He did mention, however, that sexually immoral people will fall short of the glory of God, and homosexuality is very much considered "immoral" in the biblical sense. So, if a pastor wants to break away from a church who welcomes and/or embraces homosexuals, he has every right to do that. If gays started coming to my church, I would find another church, and that's how most people feel about it whether you want to admit it or not. Let them create a "Gay Church of America" so they can have their own place to "worship" a God who is accepting of their lifestyle.
If I write you a bill because I say you owe me money and there is a bill to prove that you owe me money because I just wrote it, does that make sense?