by Arlos » Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:44 pm
There is NO spell that gives paladins full mana. If he suddenly got full mana, he drank a really big mana potion. And gosh, superior or greater mana potions are SO unique to the alliance. Yeah. Sure. Right. Also, Paladins have a relatively tiny mana pool (Mine is like 40% that of a Priest 6 levels lower than me, probably < 1/3 that of a priest my level) so even a moderately sized mana potion results in a huge movement of the blue bar.
Paladins have 2 invulnerabilities, which, together, last a grand total of 22 seconds at my level (54). Both have a 6 minute recycle time. (ie, no chance of using them more than once in a fight) One of them is utterly irrelevant against any caster, as it ONLY stops melee. You're a mage/priest/warlock? Cast away, goes right on through. Not to mention, that 2nd invuln also strips off any other self-buff we had up, which means re-casting it when the invuln wears off, in the unlikely event we have any mana. Plus, what are YOU doing while the paladin is invulnerable? If he's invuln, he's probably going to heal himself, which means he's not moving, and if it's the melee-only invuln he CANNOT ATTACK for the duration. Why in hell aren't you backing off away from him and using a bandage, or at worst running away?
Whenever I see someone whining about paladins in PVP, I just have to laugh, as it is so easy for any class with any real ranged capability to kill us, it's just not funny. We have NO ranged capability whatsoever, so if you can snare, root or increase your own movement speed, you should never, ever, ever die to a paladin. Even if you don't kill him, he's certainly not going to kill YOU, as he's never going to CATCH you. Hunters, Priests and Warlocks especially should never die to a paladin. If you do, you did something stupid. Even counting in fear, I think the class that most destroys paladins is Hunters. Run speed haste combined with mana drain and snare, can kite the paladin all over the place, shooting all the while, pet going all the while. Mana drain stops heals, zero chance of ever actually reaching melee, ugh. Absolutely nothing paladin can do to stop it, either.