My back ground

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My back ground

Postby Mop » Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:31 pm

I am not sure where to start.

Myself I come from a very health nut family. All through my life they have always been a little OCD about their health. I was not, for a very long time. When I was younger I was fairly healthy, looking, and never thought about my health. I played sports year round in high school and was very active. When I got to college I had an accident and was confined to a wheel chair for about 5 months. It was a very tough time in my life.

As I had when I was in high school, I ate like a horse. But my activity level was almost 0. I got very depressed and gained a ton of weight, weighed 160 n the end of high school and 275 by my sophomore year in college, and I thought nothing of it. I continued to party and not give a shit. The last time I weighed myself at that weight I topped off at 282 and was severely depressed. After I ended my junior year in college I ran into a friend working at a bar- and all he could say to me was damn you got fat. Was kind of a reality check.

The next day I was back to working out. Which led me to the point where I wanted to help others reach the same goals.

So anyways, this forum is sort of a way to do that, ask questions, help out in whatever way - and since this forum is open to all- that advice could come from myself or anyone else here with their own perspective.

My background:
-started working on my masters in human physiology, never finished though.
-NSPA certified.
-lvl 1 USA T Coaching certified
about 20 small certifications. I roughly put in anywhere from 100- 200 hours a year into certification time to help improve myself. Constantly check up on new articles when time allows... all that great stuff. I work with about 15 regular clients a week and then split my time with a core-training program at another facility.

Each week I will post a couple new articles in a given area - request for articles for info regarding a certain area will probably show up there. An exercise of the week - ranging from intermediate to advanced, along with a new stretch for the week to go along with the muscle group focused on. An Ongoing recipe and link section so you can have any info you need at your fingertips

A once a month work out plan - for those that want it feel free to take advantage of it- it will be intermediate level and roughly last 1 hour. The workouts can be modified and will try and get those up in advance. I will try and aim most of the works outs to use at home equipment - if you don't have something, don't worry there is always another solution.

The Daily Journal Section is for your use: to help write down and log what you do (the first step to success). Write down whatever you want, how you are feeling, work outs, foods you ate ... it all is circular, everything relates to one another - discussing one thing, may lead to figuring out other 'problems' in life.
Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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Postby araby » Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:25 pm

I do not see a daily journal section.
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Postby Mop » Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:57 am

it'll be up shortly = )
Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
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