If you do rape them with the curling iron, might I suggest opening it after full penetration. It's just a little something extra I try and give all my victims.
I just wanted to bump something to give Jay something to bitch about.
"I think you may be confusing government running amok with government doing stuff you don't like. See, you're in the minority now. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco." - Jon Stewart
"I think you may be confusing government running amok with government doing stuff you don't like. See, you're in the minority now. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco." - Jon Stewart
I'd say it's about the same chances of you staying single, Vips
"I think you may be confusing government running amok with government doing stuff you don't like. See, you're in the minority now. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco." - Jon Stewart
Also, I only engage in relationships with clerics - First I tried an erudite, he however cheated on me. So now I'm staying with a high elf, and he's treating me right !
Well I have to get back to ignoring my friends, later !