belfior wrote:Well, I don't normally just up and disband. I'll normally say "This just isn't going to work" because the rogue keeps over aggro'ing.
Aggro's a huge spot for a priest, I only group with warriors because of it. If you have a rogue that spits a lot of aggro out then it raises the chance of the priest getting aggro for some reason.
Anyone else noticed that?
Yes, I think this is because in general while rogues can generate some serious dps and agro it's still not enough to stay above the threshhold that hp and mitigation alow to maintain agro. IE we can't generate enough agro either through damage or special attacks to outweight the heal agro generated due to our diminished mitigation and hit points. Also rogues are more of a one target at a time, if you try and switch targets to keep multiples attention on you and off of a healer you are really diminishing your agro capabilities due to your inability to generate combo points (when you switch targets you lose any combo points on the previous target) this means our finishing moves are lessened.
What I have yet to figure out is that if a warrior has agro, we gain it then drop it, and warrior gets it back... if we get a heal at that point if it generates the same agro as it would if we had not dropped it.
Unfortunatly with the limited penalties for death in WoW you don't have the option that my cleric did in EQ.... which was to send people to Lueyen's school of learning agro control via exp loss. Still I think you might find that if people don't get healed they might be less apt to out agro your tank. Don't get me wrong, shit happens, agro reducers fail, you get unlucky ect.... and if you refuse to heal on the occasional oh shit then you will become very unpopular, but if you keep the best interest of the party in mind, and stay the healing touch so that you live instead of a group wipe the only person that will likely have a beef with you is the over agroing asshat... like you need them anyway.
I remember warrior friends of mine chearing me on when I let people get beat up when they thought they were hot shit out agroing them.... I suspect that you and the tank have a better shot at living after everyone else dies then an entire group alive with no healer.
I guess just keep in mind that sometime doing your job means letting people die... sometimes it sucks but the good players will understand this and appreciate it... the bad ones might not but again like you really are gonna be bugged if they don't invite you to a shit group.